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Chiara Lubich: from Trento to the World

To mark the second anniversary of Chiara Lubich’s death, three Departments of the University of Trent (her birthplace) have decided to promote an international conference that is aimed at exploring her life and her theological, economic, and educational vision from a strictly academic point of view. As a global personality of exceptional charisma, Chiara Lubich’s social and cultural roots in the Trentino region deserve to be explored in their historical entirety. The main goal is to shed light on the evolution of Lubich’s thought, especially at the beginning of her activities, and on the deep impact she had internationally, the civic and religious conviventia, as well as on the inter-religious dialogue. A great emphasis will be placed on the pedagogical methods and contents of her work and the significant media coverage of her work and of Lubich herself. Her thought on love, family, ethics, religion(s), and gender will be deepened by a team of international scholars.
At the end of the conference, a roundtable will discuss new approaches to Lubich’s legacy from sociological, philosophical, and theological perspectives. Academic and local representatives will intervene and contribute to such a unique scholarly attempt to appreciate this contemporary global leader from Trent.

Video conference (in Italian)

Foto Chiara Lubich © archivio Centro S. Chiara Audiovisivi
Foto Trento © Agf Bernardinatti

professor Salvatore Abbruzzese
(Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento)
professors Olga Bombardelli, Massimo Giuliani, Michele Nicoletti and Silvano Zucal
(Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Trento)
professor Andrea Leonardi
(Faculty of Economics, University of Trento)

The congress is promoted by the Departments of Philosophy History and Cultural Heritage, Social and Human Sciences, Economics of the University of Trento.

The access to the conference is free.

For organizational reasons online registration is appreciated.


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