Abstract submission

Each participant is invited to present no more than two contributions, indicating the preference for Oral or Poster in the Submission Form before 28 February 2013.

After selection of the presented contributions, on the basis of the scientific quality and of the equilibrium between different Sessions of the Conference, each presenting author will be informed about the decision of the Committee.

At most one Oral Presentation will be offered to a single participant.
Participants selected for oral presentation should register and pay the Registration fee before May 1, 2013.

Late Abstract Submission (till 1 June 2013) will be considered only for Poster Contributions.

Abstract must be submitted only in WORD or RTF format, to simplify the process of editing the Book of Abstract.

Please download the template for Abstract Submission and rename the MS-Word or rtf file with your name (example: NCM12rocca_f.rtf  and NCM12rocca_f2.rtf for the second submission).