PhD programmes - Science and Technology
Doctoral programme
Biomolecular Sciences
Home > Enrolments > Doctoral abandonment, suspension or exclusion
Home > Enrolments > Doctoral abandonment, suspension or exclusion

Doctoral abandonment, suspension or exclusion


Doctoral students can abandon their studies at any time, by filling in the form and sending it both to the Head of the Doctoral school and to the Central office of Doctoral Studies.
After quitting their studies, Doctoral students no longer have the right to receive their scholarship.


Doctoral students have the right to suspend their studies in case of:

  • maternity;
  • serious and certified illness.

Absence due to reasons other than the ones listed above must be explicitly authorized by the Doctoral School Committee.


The Doctoral Programme Committee may decide to exclude students from the Doctoral Programme in the following cases:

  • negative opinion given by the Doctoral Programme Committee regarding admittance to the following year;
  • if students accept to carry out professional services without the Doctoral Programme Committee's authorization;
  • unjustified and long absences;
  • any reason specifically expressed in the Doctoral Programmes's rules and regulations policy.

Doctoral Programme in Biomolecular Sciences

Via Sommarive, 9 I - 38123 Povo - Trento Italy
+39 0461 28 3995
application/mswordRinuncia_dottorato_dopo iscrizione(DOC | 127 KB)
application/mswordModulo_richiesta sospensione(DOC | 61 KB)
application/mswordComunicazione rientro_sospensione(DOC | 62 KB)
application/mswordDeclaration_resignation_ENG(DOC | 125 KB)
application/mswordModel_request of suspension_ENG(DOC | 66 KB)
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.documentComunicazione rientro_ENG(DOCX | 33 KB)