PhD programmes - Science and Technology
Home > LIGHTEN Third Training School  "Technological aspects of the engineering of lightweight structures"

LIGHTEN Third Training School  "Technological aspects of the engineering of lightweight structures"

Lecturers: Francesco Dal Corso (DICAM), Adam Bown (Tensys), Adrián Cabello (Tensys), Catherine Siepiora (Serge Ferrari), James Marr (Tensys), Christoph Paech (Schlaich Bergermann Partner), Carol Monticelli (POLIMI), Christopher Rowell (Architen Landrell)

Programme: see the attached programme

Timetable: 25-26 September 2023 (in London and via Zoom)

Duration: 13 hours (1,5 credit)

Registrations requests should be sent to: francesco.dalcorso [at]

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