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Teaching Board Functions

The Teaching Board is composed by full professors, associate professors and researchers with scientific expertise in the PhD Course’s related research areas.

The Board includes representatives of universities, research centers and companies associated with the doctorate activities. In addition, two students' representatives elected among the PhD students enrolled in the Course participate in the Board's meetings whenever the general progress of the programme and the teaching activities are concerned.

The Teaching Board:

  • organizes the courses and other training activities of the Doctoral Course and defines its curricula, if any;
  • may establish the Executive Committee;
  • approves membership applications by new members according to the modalities defined in the Internal Regulations of the Doctoral Course without prejudice to the fact that annually the Board of the Department approves the composition of the Teaching Board for the accreditation process;
  • defines the contents of the call for admission to the Doctoral Course;
  • defines the annual Manifesto of Studies and the calendar of courses and their syllabi;
  • monitors the research progress of each PhD student in order to ensure that he/she acquires the methodology of scientific research;
  • approves the individual study plans of the students at the beginning of each academic year;
  • identifies one Supervisor and at least one Co-supervisor for each PhD student;
  • authorizes the PhD students to spend research periods abroad if the period is longer than six months;
  • authorizes the PhD students to carry out internships at public or private entities in Italy or abroad if the period is longer than six months;
  • approves outgoing and incoming co-tutelle de thèse;
  • authorizes the PhD students to carry out any teaching, subsidiary and supplementary activities and extracurricular research activities;
  • approves the admission of PhD students to the following years and to the final exam;
  • approves the annual report by the Coordinator;
  • promotes collaborations with other Italian and foreign universities and with public and private entities aimed at improving the quality of research;
  • approves the requests by the PhD students who want to be awarded the additional label of Doctor Europaeus;
  • proposes to the Rector the names of the members of the committees for admission to the doctoral program;
  • identifies, after consulting the Supervisors/Co-supervisors of the PhD students, at least two referees for the evaluation of the PhD thesis;
  • proposes to the Rector the names of the members of the committees for the final examination.

Doctoral School in Materials, Mechatronics and Systems Engineering

via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
ph. +39 0461 282401