Research Unit on Communication, Organization Learning and Aesthetics
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Organizational Learning and Knowing

The group has for many years explored the implications for research and intervention stemming from the notion that knowledge and learning are mainly social and cultural phenomena thus contributing to the emerging area of practice-based theorizing of knowing and learning in organizations.

We see organisational knowledge and learning as phenomena that cannot be conceived as mental processes residing in members’ heads, but must rather be approached as a form of social expertise; that is, as knowledge in action or practice situated in the historical, social, and material context in which it takes place and embodied in a variety of forms and media.

Research focus includes: the theoretical exploration of the notion of organizational learning and of its uses and misuses; the development of conceptual tools for understanding knowing as a process of knowing-in-practice; the study into the relation between material, symbolic aesthetic, bodily and emotional dimension of knowing; the exploration of the notion of practice, community and workplace socialization.

Publications 2014

Bellè, E.
2014, “«Non ci sarà più il padre-padrone». La crisi leghista come transizione politica, organizzativa e identitaria”, in A. Curcio, L. Perini (eds.) Attraverso la Lega. La costruzione del consenso sul territorio e le trasformazioni della società italiana, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 41-58.

Gherardi, S.
2014, “Are working practices the place where organization studies and workplace learning cross?”, in J. Alegre, R. Chiva, A. Fernández-Mesa and J.L. Ferreras-Méndez (eds.) Shedding New Lights on Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge.

Gherardi, S., Landri, P.
2014, “I sign, therefore I am’. (Un)stable Traces of Professional Practices”, Profession and Professionalism, North America 4, June.

Gherardi, S., Strati, A.
2014, Administração e aprendizagem na prática, Elsevier Editora, Rio de Janeiro.

Publications 2013

Cozza, M.
2013, “Mentoring as Practice, Practices of Mentoring”, in M. F. Shaughnessy (ed.) Mentoring: Practices, Potential Challenges and Benefits, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY, pp. 145-166.

Gherardi, S.
2013, “Is Organizational Learning Possible without Participation?”, in S. Weber, M. Göhlich, A. Schröer, C. Fahrenwald, H. Macha (eds.) Organisation und Partizipation, Springer, Wiesbaden, pp. 29-43.

Gherardi, S., Merilainen, S., Strati, A., and Valtonen, A. (eds.)
2013, Special Issue on Body, Senses and Knowing in Organization, Scandinavian Journal of Management, vol. 29, n. 4.

Gherardi, S., Perrotta, M.
2013, “Doing by inventing the way of doing: Formativeness as the linkage of meaning and matter”, in P. Carlile, D. Nicolini, A. Langley, H. Tsouchas (eds.) How Matter Matters: Objects, Artifacts and Materiality in Organization Studies, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 227-259.

Miele, F.
2013, “«Quando è troppo è troppo» Necessità e sovrabbondanze nell’università italiana in crisi”, Scuola Democratica, n. 2, pp. 535-555.

Strati, A.
2013, “Becoming or Process: What Future for the Aesthetic Discourse in Organizations”, in I.W. King, J. Vickery (eds.) Experiencing Organisations: New aesthetic perspectives, Libri Publishing, Faringdon.

Publications 2012

Bruni, A., Gherardi, S., Parolin, L.L.
2012, “Knowing in a System of Fragmented Knowledge”, in S. Gherardi, A. Strati (eds.) Learning and Knowing in Practice Based Studies, Edward Elgard Publishing (republished version of  Bruni, A., Gherardi, S., Parolin, L.L., 2007, "Knowing in a System of Fragmented Knowledge", Mind, Culture and Activity, vol. 14, n. 1-2, pp. 83-102).

Gherardi, S.
2012, How to conduct a practice-based study: problems and methods, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

Gherardi, S.
2012, “Docta Ignorantia: professional knowing at the core and at the margins of a practice”, Journal of Education and Work, vol. 25, n. 1, pp. 15-38.

Gherardi, S. (a cura di)
2012, L’arte del saper fare: donne artigiane e creatività pratica, Ledizioni, Milano.

Gherardi, S.
2012, “Why do practices change and why do they persist? Models of explanations”, in P. Hager, A. Lee, A. Reich (eds.) Practice, Learning and Change: practice-theory perspectives on professional learning, Springer International, New York, pp. 217-231.

Gherardi, S., Strati, A.
2012, Learning and Knowing in Practice-based Studies, Elgar, Cheltenham.

Publications 2011

Fasol, R., Zanutto, A.
2011, “El trabajo social en Italia: el cambio necesario en los servicios sociales italianos”, Educatión Social, vol. 48, pp. 85-100.

Gherardi, S.
2011, "Organizational Learning: The Sociology of Practice" in M. Easterby-smith, M. Lyles (eds.) The Blackwell handbook of organizational learning and knowledge management, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 43-65.

Gherardi, S.
2011, "Ways of Knowing: Gender as a Politics of Knowledge?", in E. Jeanes, D. Knights, P.Y. Martin (eds.) Handbook of Gender, Work and Organizations, Wiley, Chichester, pp. 37-49.

Gherardi, S.
2011, "Conoscenza e suo trasferimento nelle organizzazioni" in A. Bonaccorsi, M. Bucchi (eds.) Trasformare conoscenza, trasferire tecnologia, Marsilio, Venezia, pp. 79-82.

Gherardi, S.
2011, “Condivisione della conoscenza e pratiche riflessive in una comunità virtuale di medici di medicina generale”, in P. Ghislandi (ed.) Comunità di pratica per l’educazione continua in sanità, Erikson, Trento, pp. 245- 253.

Gherardi, S., Bruni, A., Parolin, L.L.,
2011, “La conoscenza come realizzazione pratica entro un network di saperi frammentati e spazialmente distribuiti: il caso della telemedicina”, in G. Ferrari, P. Bouquet, M. Cruciani, F. Giardini (eds.) Pratiche della cognizione, Università di Trento Editore, Trento, pp. 27-31.

Gherardi S., Perrotta M.
2011, "Egg dates sperm: a tale of a practice change and its stabilization", Organization, vol. 18, n. 5, pp. 595-614.

Miele, F. 
2011, “L’istituzionalizzazione di nuove forme organizzative: dalle organizzazioni alle reti d’azione”, Studi Organizzativi, n. 2, pp. 103-117.

Murgia, A., Tomasin, P.
2011, “Quando la ricerca da pubblica si fa privata. Innovazioni organizzative in un caso di studio”, Sociologia del lavoro, n. 122, pp. 167-180.

Piras, E.M., Zanutto
2011, “Al ‘gran ballo’ delle ICT in ambito sanitario: la presentazione del sistema PHR, Sociologia del lavoro, vol. 122, pp. 235-246.

Publications 2010

Corradi, G., Gherardi, S., Verzelloni, L.
2010, "Trough the Practice Lens: Where is the Bandwagon of Practice-based Studies Heading?", Management Learning, vol. 43, n. 1, pp. 265-283.

Corradi, G., Strati, A., Zamparelli, L.
2010, "Una visione estetica del cambiamento", in A. Zanutto (eds.) Trasformazioni. Identità istituzionale e organizzazione della ricerca: la Fondazione Bruno Kessler, FBK Press, Trento, pp. 137-169.

Cozza, M., Gherardi, S.
2010, "Narrare la quotidianità in FBK", in A. Zanutto (eds.) Trasformazioni. Identità istituzionale e organizzazione della ricerca: la Fondazione Bruno Kessler, FBK Press, Trento, pp. 105-135.

Cozza, M., Poggio, B.
2010, "C'era una volta l'ITC", in A. Zanutto (eds.) Trasformazioni. Identità istituzionale e organizzazione della ricerca: la Fondazione Bruno Kessler, FBK Press, Trento, pp. 77-104.

Gherardi, S.
2010, "Practising Inclusion: Diversity Matters!", in S. Katila, J.S. Meriläinen & Tienari (eds.) Making Inclusion Work: Experiences from Academia around the World, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 190-199.

Gherardi, S., Perrotta, M.
"Where is Induction? Profession, Peer Group and Organization in Contention", Society and Business Review, n. 5, pp. 84-98.

Murgia, A., Salvaterra, L., Tomasin, P.
2010, "Dinamiche di una trasformazione", in A. Zanutto (eds.) Trasformazioni. Identità istituzionale e organizzazione della ricerca: la Fondazione Bruno Kessler, FBK Press, Trento, pp. 25-76.

Perrotta, M.
2010, "Situated practices as the locus of technological change", in S. Jordan, H. Mitterhofer (eds.) Beyond Knowledge Management – Sociomaterial and Sociocultural Perspectives within Management Research, Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck, pp. 147-169.

Perrotta, M.
2010, Review of: A. Beamish, "Learning from Work – Designing Organizations for Learning and Communication", British Journal of Industrial Relations, n. 48, pp. 453-455.

Zanutto, A. (ed.)
2010, Trasformazioni. Identità istituzionale e organizzazione della ricerca: la Fondazione Bruno Kessler, FBK Press, Trento.

Publications 2009

Gherardi, S.
2009, "Introduction: The Critical Power of the Practice Lens", Management Learning, vol. 40, n. 2, pp. 115-128.

Gherardi, S.
2009, "Knowing and Learning in Practice-based Studies: an Introduction", The Learning Organization, vol. 16, n. 5, pp. 352-359.

Gherardi, S.
2009, "Community of Pratice or Practices of a Community?" in S. Armstrong, C. Fukami (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Management Learning, Education, and Development, Sage, London, pp. 514-530.

Gherardi, S.
2009, "Le pratiche del lavoro", Sviluppo & Organizzazione, vol. 233, pp. 42-52.

Perrotta, M.
2009, "Developing competences-in-practice: learning stories of female entrepreneurs in small bussiness", in K. Illeris (eds.) International Perspectives on Competence Development, Routledge, London, pp. 147-163.

Publications 2008

Bruni, A.
2008, "Apprendere dal vivo: le traiettorie di apprendimento nel mondo dell'artigianato", in S. Gherardi (eds.) Storie di imprenditrici e di imprese artigiane, Angeli, Milano, pp. 91-127.

Bruni, A.
2008, "Differenze, disuguaglianze e pratiche organizzative nell'accesso ai servizi sanitari", in M. Tognetti Bordogna (eds.) Disuguaglianze di salute e immigrazione, Angeli, Milano.

Corradi, G., Gherardi, S., Verzelloni, L.
2008, "Ten Good Reasons for Assuming a “Practice Lens” in Organization Studies", Contribution to OLKC, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities, - Copenhagen 27-30 April 2008.

Gherardi S.
2008, “Situated Knowledge and Situated Action", in D. Barry, H. Hansen, (eds) The SAGE Handbook of New Approaches in Management and Organization, Sage, London.

Gherardi S.
2008, "Dalla comunità di pratica alle pratiche della comunità: breve storia di un concetto in viaggio", Studi organizzativi, n. 1, pp. 49-72.

Gherardi S.
2008, “«Aujourd'hui les plaques sont molles!» Savoir situé et ambiguïté dans une communauté de pratiques", Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, vol. 2, n. 1, pp. 3-35.

Milano, M., Gherardi, S., Bruni, A., Collecchia, G., Gambarelli, L., Longoni, P., Nicolucci, A., Tombesi, M.
2008, E tu, come ti sei organizzato? La condivisione dell'esperienza in una comunità virtuale di Medici di Medicina Generale, Il Sole 24ore, Milano.

Publications 2007

Bruni, A., Gherardi, S.
2007, Studiare le pratiche lavorative, Il Mulino, Bologna.

Bruni, A., Fasol, R., Gherardi, S.
2007, L’accesso ai servizi sanitari. Differenze e disuguaglianze, Carocci, Roma.

Gherardi S.
2007, Recensione a “Entre connaissance et organisation: l'activité collective”, di Regine Teulier, Philippe Lorino, Sociologie du travail, vol. 49, n. 3, pp. 434-436.

Gherardi, S.
2007, "Practice-based Theorising on Knowing and Learning", Plenary speech: Practice-based approaches in organizational studies, Contribution to 23rd EGOS Colloquium, Beyond Waltz - Dances of Individuals and Organizations, 5-7 July, Vienna.

Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D., Strati, A.
2007, "The Passion for Knowing", Organization, Special Issue - The Passion for Knowing and Learning, vol. 14, n. 3, pp. 315-329.

Strati, A.
2007, "Organizational Structure", in S. Cleggs, J. Bailey (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, Sage, London.

Publications 2006

Gherardi, S.
2006, "A Journey beyond Institutional Knowledge: Dante's reading of the Odyssey", in P. Gagliardi, B. Czarniawska (eds.) Management Education and Humanities, Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 174-194.

Publications 2005

Gherardi, S.
2005, Organizational Knowledge: The Texture of Workplace Learning, Blackwell, Oxford.

Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D.
2005, "Actor-networks:ecology and entrepreneurs", in B. Czarniawska, H. Tor (eds.) Actor-network Theory and Organizing, Liber, Malmö, pp. 285-306.

Strati, A.
2005, "The problems of representation in relation to practice based studies", Contributo a Practice based studies: between tradition and innovation, Roskilde, Copenhagen, 23-24 maggio 2005.

Strati, A.
2005, "Comprendre l'innovation: le chaînon manquant. Debat entre R. Lester, P. Duguid et A. Strati", in H. Dumez (eds.) Gérer et comprendre, n. 81, pp. 66-73.

Strati, A.
2005, "Comprendre l’innovation : Le chaînon manquant", Contributo a Séminaire CONDOR, Paris, Centre de Recherche en Gestion / Ecole Polytechnique, 10 gennaio 2005

Publications 2004

Gherardi, S.
2004, "Knowing as desire. Dante’s Ulysses at the end of the known world", in Y. Gabriel Y. (eds.) Myths, stories and organizations. Premodern narratives of our times, Oxford university press, Oxford.

Gherardi, S. Nicolini, D.
2004, Apprendimento e conoscenza nelle organizzazioni, Carocci, Le Bussole, Roma, p. 127.

Publications 2003

Gherardi, S.
2003, "Il sogno e il disincanto del knowledge management", Studi organizzativi, n. 1, pp. 5-20.

Gherardi, S.
2003, "Knowing as desiring. Mythic knowledge and the knowledge journey in communities of practitioners", Journal of workplace learning, v. 15, n. 7/8, pp. 352-358.

Gherardi, S.
2003, "L'onda lunga della razionalità limitata nella sociologia dell'organizzazione", Sistemi intelligenti: rivista quadrimestrale di scienza cognitiva e intelligenza artificiale, v. 25, n. 1, pp. 73-80.

Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D., Yanow, D. (eds.)
2003, Knowing in Organizations: A Practice-Based Approach, ME Sharpe, Armonk, NY.

Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D., Yanow, D.
2003, "Introduction", in S. Gherardi, D. Nicolini, D. Yanow (eds.), Knowing in Organizations: A Practice-Based Approach, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY.

Holti, R., Nicolini, D.
2003, "Practice-Based Theorising and the Understanding of Participative Change in Organizations", Cadernos de Ciencias Sociais, n. 1.

Strati, A.
2003, "Knowing in Practice: Aesthetic Understanding and Tacit Knowledge", in S. Gherardi, D. Nicolini, D. Yanow (eds.) Knowing in Organizations: A Practice-Based Approach, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY.

Strati, A.
2003, "Centralità della 'pratica' nello studio dell'organizzazione e conoscenza sensibile", Sociologia del lavoro, n. 92, pp. 119-133.

Strati, A.
2003, "Knowing in practice viewed through art and aesthetics", Practice Based Studies Workshop, Trento, 6-7 november.

Publications 2002

Gherardi, S.
2002, "Organizational Learning", in A. Sorge, Organization, Thomson Learning, London, pp. 431.

Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D.
2002, "Learning the Trade. A Culture of Safety in Practice", Organization, vol. 9, n. 2, pp. 191-223.

Gherardi S., Nicolini, D.
2002, "Learning in a costellation of interconnected practices: canon or dissonance?", Journal of Management Studies, vol. 39, n. 4, pp. 419-436.

Publications 2001

Gherardi, S.
2001, "From organizational learning to practice-based knowing", Human relations, vol. 54, n. 1, pp. 131-139.

Gherardi, S.
2001, "Organizational Learning", International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, Amsterdam, vol. 5, n. 1, art. 31.

Gherardi, S.
2001, "On Becoming an "Energy Efficient Company": The Adoption of an Advanced Energy System in an Italian Plastic Manufacturer", in K. Green, P. Groenewegen and P. Hofman (eds.) Ahead of the curve, Kluwer, Amsterdam, pp. 225-240.

Gherardi, S.
2001, "From organizational learning to practice-based knowing", New challenges to research on learning, International symposium organized by the Center for Activity, Theory and Developmental Work Research, University of Helsinki, 21-23 March.

Gherardi, S.
2001, "Learning and enacting safety in communities of practioners", Safety cultures and memory of accidents, University of Lisboa, 2-3 May.

Gherardi, S.
2001, "Knowing as desire", The Odyssey of Organizing, 17th EGOS Colloquium, Lyon, 5-7 July.

Gherardi, S.
2001, "Power, conflict and learning", Organizational Learning and Knowledge, Berlin, 16-17 November.

Gherardi, S., Lippi, A.
2001, "La traslazione come metodo e come metafora", in F. Battistelli (eds.) La cultura delle amministrazioni pubbliche tra retorica ed innovazione, Angeli, Milano.

Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D.
2001, "Pensiero Pratico: Un'etnografia dell'Apprendimento", Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, vol. 2, pp. 231-256.

Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D.
2001, "The Sociological Foundation of Organizational Learning", in J. Child, M. Dierkes, I. Nonaka (eds.), Handbook of Organizational Learning, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Nicolini, D.
2001, "Il Tessuto interorganizzativo della sicurezza: una visione prossimale", Studi Organizzativi, n. 2/3, pp. 93-116.

Publications 2000
Bruni, A.
2000, "Dalla 'partecipazione periferica' al 'gioco situato'. Il caso della Alpha e di Omega", Studi Organizzativi, n. 1.

Crossan, M., Easterby-Smith, Nicolini, D.
2000, "Organizational Learning: Debates Past, Present and Future", Journal of Management Studies, Special issue on Organizational Learning, vol. 37, n. 6, pp. 783-796.

Gherardi, S.
2000, "Organizational Learning", in M. Zeleny (eds.) Information Technology in Business, International Thomson business, London, pp. 230-239.

Gherardi, S.
2000, "Practice-based theorizing on learning and knowing in organizations: An introduction", Organization: the interdisciplinary journal of organization, theory and society, vol. 7, n. 2, pp. 211-223.

Gherardi, S.
2000, "La pratica quale concetto fondante di un rinnovamento nello studio dell'apprendimento organizzativo", Studi organizzativi, n. 1, pp. 55-71.

Gherardi, S.
2000, "Where learning is: Metaphors and situate learning in a planning group", Human relations, vol. 53, n. 8, pp. 1057-1080.

Gherardi, S.
2000, "Practice-based theorizing on learning and knowing in organizations: An introduction", Organization, vol. 7, n. 2, pp. 211-223.

Gherardi, S.
2000, "Where learning is: Metaphors and situated learning in a planning group", Human Relations, vol. 53, n. 8, pp. 1057-1080.

Gherardi, S.
2000, "La pratica quale concetto fondante di un rinnovamento nello studio dell'apprendimento organizzativo", Studi organizzativi, n. 1, pp. 55-71.

Gherardi, S., Jacobsonss, B.
2000, "Managerialese as the Latin of our Times: Reforming Italian Public Sector Organizations", Scandinavian journal of management, n. 4.

Gherardi, S., Lippi, A. (a cura di)
2000, Tradurre le riforme in pratica, Cortina, Milano.

Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D.
2000, "To Transfer is to Transform: the Circulation of Safety Knowledge", Organization, vol. 7, n. 2, pp. 329-348.

Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D.
2000, "The Organizational Learning Of Safety In Community Of Practices", Journal of Management Inquiry, n. 1.

Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D.
2000, "To Transfer is to Transform: the Circulation of Safety Knowledge", Organization, vol. 7, n. 2, pp. 329-348.

Strati, A.
2000, "Estetica, conoscenza tacita e apprendimento organizzativo", Studi organizzativi, vol. 3, n. 2.

Publications 1999-1995
Gherardi, S.
1999, "Learning As Problem-Driven Or Learning In The Face Of Mystery", Organization studies, vol. 1, p. 101-124.

Gherardi, S.
1999, "Learning to Change in a Public Administration: an Anti-Heroic Story", Master of business administration, vol. 3, p. 24-29.

Nicolini, D., Strati, A.
1999, "O cognitivismo nos estudos organizacionais", in M. Cunha, E. Pina (eds.) Teoria Organizacional, Dom Quixote, Lisboa, p. 69-107.

Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D., Odella, F.
1999, "How People Learn in Organizations", in R. Rosenfeld, R. Wilson (eds.) Managing Organizations:Texts, Readings, and Cases.

Gherardi, S.
1998, "Competence - the Symbolic Passe-partout to Change - in a Learning Organization", Scandinavian journal of management studies, vol. 14, n. 4, p. 373-393.

Gherardi, S., Easterby-smith, M., Snell, R.
1998, "Organizational learning and learning organization : Diverging communities of practice?", Management learning, n. 3, p. 259-272.

Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D., Odella, F.
1998, "Toward a social understanding of how people learn in organizations: The notion of situated curriculum", Management learning, vol. 29, n. 3, p. 273-298.

Gherardi, S.
1998, "Apprendimento come partecipazione ad una comunità di pratiche", Scuola democratica, vol. 1, n. 2, p. 247-264.

Strati, A.
1998, "(Mis)understanding Communication in organization studies", Scandinavian journal of management, vol. 14, n. 4, p. 309-329.

Gherardi, S., Odella, F., Nicolini, D.
1997, "Learning in Communities of Practice and Learning in Traditional Formative Contexts; Apprendere nelle comunita di pratica e apprendere nei contesti di formazione tradizionali", Sociologia del lavoro, p. 79-98.

Nicolini, D., Strati, A.
1997, "Cognitivism in Organization Studies", in G. Ortmann, J. Sydow, K. Turk (a cura di), Theorien der Organisation, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, p. 388-416.

Publications 1994-1990
Gherardi, S., Strati, A.
1994, Processi cognitivi dell'agire organizzativo: strumenti di analisi, Università di Trento. Dipartimento di sociologia e ricerca sociale, vol. 21.

Strati, A.
1994, "Cognitivismo e frammentazione paradigmatica negli studi organizzativi", in S. Gherardi, A. Strati (a cura di) Processi cognitivi dell'agire organizzativo: strumenti di analisi, Università di Trento. Dipartimento di sociologia e ricerca sociale, p. 10-40.