PhD programmes - Science and Technology
Doctoral programme
Biomolecular Sciences
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PhD Program

The educational program is organized into three curricula:

  • Biomolecular Sciences: offering courses on many subjects related to the research expertise of the Department.
  • Bio-Industry: focusing on the process of R&D within biopharmaceutical industries and providing information on patent law, entrepreneurship skills, innovation, and start-up creation. 
  • Quantitative Biology: offering courses on various aspects of computational and integrative biology.

All lectures are given in English, with instructors also coming from the Departments of Physics, Mathematics, Informatics & Communication Technology, and Economics.
Additionally, courses are provided by research centers affiliated with the program and external experts from Academia and Biotech.

The research topics fall into the main areas of activity of the CIBIO Department, namely:
Cancer Biology & Genomics 
Cell & Molecular Biology 
Microbiology & Synthetic Biology 
Neurobiology & Development

The resources of the PhD program are further supplemented by strong links with local research institutes, including the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK), the Institute of Biophysics of CNR (IBF-CNR), and the Microsoft Research and University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (COSBI).

Each student is supported by a tutor and an advisor. The tutor and advisor are responsible for introducing the Doctoral students to the research activity of the Program and can mentor the students throughout their individual study plans. 


Doctoral Programme in Biomolecular Sciences

Via Sommarive, 9 I - 38123 Povo - Trento Italy
+39 0461 28 3995