PhD programmes - Science and Technology
Doctoral programme
Cognitive Science
Home > Internationalization
Home > Internationalization


Internationalization of the Course is as follows:

  • doctoral students enrolled in the 2nd year must spend a study period abroad of at least six months, preferably all in one block of time;
  • enrolment in accordance with the joint thesis;
  • good collaboration with foreign Research Centres;
  • presence of foreign thesis tutors;
  • presence of foreign teachers at the University;
  • lessons, seminars and interviews in a foreign language;
  • presence of foreign doctoral students at the university;
  • an official second language;
  • announcement of selection also in English;
  • foreign referees for the evaluation on the phd thesis;
  • participation of foreign members in the next few years at the committee

Doctoral course in Cognitive Science

corso Bettini, 84 - 36068 Rovereto (TN)
+39 0464 808457