Research Unit on Communication, Organization Learning and Aesthetics
Home > Past Projects > Working Conditions of Temporary Workers
Reinforcing Actions for the Quality of Life and Working Conditions of Temporary Workers

The general aim of the project is to provide a service for the creation of "reinforcing actions for the quality of life and working conditions of temporary workers" to support the European Social Fund Office of the Autonomous Province of Trento. More specifically, the project is divided into several phases that are designed to achieve two main objectives:

Objective A) - European good practices and geographical areas of study 
  1. Research and study visits focused on three European good practices carried out in Denmark, Germany and Holland.
  2. Research design and methods for identifying the target groups through:
    • quantitative analysis of the atypical labour market in the province of Trento;
    • analysis of available services to support people working with non-standard contracts, realized through semi-structured key informant interviews in the province of Trento;
    • the collection of biographies of atypical workers and a preliminary evaluation of the ongoing experimentation.
  3. Identification of policies and services for the target population.
  4. From best practices to a feasibility study for the experimentation in the province of Trento.
Objective B) - The orientation and training consultancy service with specific reference to target groups identified - The experimentation for the territorial development of a service model
  1. An executive project to test a model of information service / consulting / guidance / training.
  2. The implementation of the project results:
    • the teaching of best practices for the service model;
    • the experimentation of the service in the province of Trento: from implementation to evaluation;
    • the final model of the information, consulting, guidance and training service.
  3. The informative website of the project.

Researchers: Barbara Poggio, Rino Fasol, Alberto Zanutto, Annalisa Murgia (Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento); IRS (Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale), FO.RES. (Formazione e Sviluppo)
Period: 2010
Funding: European Social Fund

Website Project