Research Unit on Communication, Organization Learning and Aesthetics
Home > Past Projects > Telework and Female Management
Taking Time to Improve Patterns: Telework and Female Management

The main aims of the project are:

  • developing career paths for women within the municipality organization;
  • developing and implementing new patterns of “feminine management”;
  • supporting the previous aims by means of an organizational structure that allows an object-oriented way of working and work-time flexibility, without affecting the services quality.
  • assuring whole and spread accessibility to the new ways of work organization by focusing on process, not on roles, establishing objective rules and formalised praxis for application to telework.

The target of the project are women, employed within the Municipality of Chieri and experimenting telework, which have been divided in two paths: the A path for the employees at the intermediate level and the B path for the upper level positions.

The Action of the University of Trento is directed to B paths women in upper positions, and it consists in tutoring and empowering actions, aimed to:

  1. enable participants to telework and to manage teleworkers;
  2. use telework introduction as a chance to develop the partecipants’ managerial competences.

The first specific objective will be followed by the analysis on participants work processes, by developing interrelations between their work and the work of their colleagues, by thinking time management and work planning over and by analysing the possibility to use telework to manage their own working activities.
The second specific objected will be pursued by training courses about knowledge management within organizations by making in practice new patterns of management, by reflecting upon the teleworkable activities and their management, and by analysing critical issues emerged from participants’ work experiences narrations, in order to figure out possible strategies.

Researchers: Silvia Gherardi (coordinator), Francesca Gennai, Michela Giampietro, Francesca Menegon
Period: June 2006 – January 2007
Funding: European Social Fund 2000-2006 - Programma Operativo Regionale Piemonte - Obiettivo 3,
Misura E1 "Promozione della partecipazione femminile al mercato del lavoro", Linea di intervento 3 – azione E1 3.1.