Research Unit on Communication, Organization Learning and Aesthetics
Home > Past Projects > Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence
Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence

Kaleidoscope is a network of excellence comprising European teams engaged in research on technology-enhanced learning. Its goal is to integrate 76 European research units constituting a large-scale resource comprising expertise which ranges from technology to education, from academic to private research. The aim is to combine efforts in the development of new concepts and methods for "learning with digital technologies".
the RUCOLA Research Unit has contributed to the Kaleidoscope analysis of gender and equality by assisting with the drafting of the “Gendered Analysis of the Kaleidoscope Participants” posted on the project’s website.

Researchers: Silvia Gherardi (referent), Laura Parolin, Gianni Jacucci (coordinator)
Period: 2004-2006
Funding: European Union
Project website: