Our Doctoral School has the following main partners:
- CIRM - The Centro Internazionale di Ricerca per la Matematica in Trento, which organizes several International Workshops and Schools every year.
COSBI: a bioinformatic research center operating in the fields of system nutrition, system pharmacology, and ecology.
INDAM - The Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica "F. Severi" , which supports the Graduate School with scholarships for the PhD positions as well as with foreign visiting professors lecturing for PhD courses. The INDAM has a local unit at the Dept. of Mathematics in Trento.
The Centro di Ricerca Matematica "E. De Giorgi" of the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa (Italy). The agreement allows students of our Doctoral School to participate in workshops, internships and schools held at the Centro "E. De Giorgi".
Doctoral School in Mathematics
Via Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo (TN) Italy
ph. +39 0461 281701-1625