The Start up Regulation of the University of Trento (issued with D.R. no. 899 of 2nd December 2020) identifies three types of business entities:
- Start up: any business entity in which the University may be a shareholder and aiming at developing, producing and trading innovative goods and services that are the results of the University's research activities and to which the applicants gave their contribution;
- Research Start up: any business entity in which the University may be a shareholder and aiming at developing pre-competitive innovative products and services that are the results of the University's research activities and to which the applicants gave their contribution;
- Student Start up: any business entity that arises during the training course at the University on the initiative of university students or doctoral students and whose business strategy is based on innovative goods and services designed and developed by enhancing the knowledge and skills acquired in the university environment.
For the documentation relating to the proposal, please refer to the Service Desk dedicated page.
- Decreto Spin off (PDF | 25 KB)
- Linee Guida gestione proprietà intellettuale (PDF | 248 KB)
- Regolamento proprietà intellettuale (PDF | 205 KB)
- Regolamento Start up (PDF | 331 KB)
The Research Start up and Student Start up accreditation procedure can be divided into implementation phases:
1. Technology disclosure
In this initial stage researchers interested in creating a start up contact the Division for the Valorization and Impact of Research (VIR Division) in order to describe the business idea and the related technologies, specially in reference to the links with the University, to verify what are the research results carried out in the University that it is intended to bring into the entrepreneurial project and to identify the most suitable business opportunities. The phase ends with the completion and signature of the "Technology disclosure per proposta Start up" form by the proponents.
At the end of the phase, the VIR Division is available for the negotiation of any "Patent(s) and/or know-how license agreement" and, if necessary, direct the Proponents to request the Trentino Innovation Hub (HIT) support for the "Business Plan" drafting.
Involved actors:
- VIR Division
- Proponents:
- Start up: the proposal may come from the University, or from one or more professors/researchers or from one or more administrative staff member/s; (see art. 4, co. 1, lett. f, Reg. Start up);;
- Research Start up: the proposal may come from the University, or from one or more professors/researchers, administrative staff member/s, post-doc researcher/s, graduate/s (holding "laurea specialistica" or "laurea magistrale" from less than one year), PhD students, PhD holders from less than one year, other collaborators who, in the last three years, on the basis of contractual relationships with the University, have carried out research for at least two years, focussing on topics related to the subject of the start up. The proposal by these subjects, with the exception of professors/researchers and administrative staff members, must also be accompanied by a statement of support from at least one professor of the University (see art. 4, co.1, lett. g, Reg. Start up).
- Student Start up: the proposal may come from the University, or from one or more undergraduate or PhD students of the University (see art. 4, co. 1, lett. h, Reg. Start up).
Required documents:
- Technology Disclosure per proposta Start up
2. Board of the Department or of the Interdepartmental Centre
In this stage, the leading actor is the Board of the Department or of the Interdepartmental Centre to which the Proponents belong/participate.
The Board of each Structure deliberates on:
- recognition of the absence of competition/conflict of interest between business activities and activities of the structure and identification of any synergies with the planned entrepreneurial activities;
- compatibility of the annual hourly commitment foreseen by the Proponents within the "Start up" or the "Research Start up" with the regular performance of research and teaching activities;
- if required, preliminary availability of the structure to provide services and resources.
Involved actors:
- Proponents
- Board of the Department or of the Interdepartmental Centre
Required documents:
- Personal information of applicants (address, position, cv...);
- Information about the company;
- Business Plan draft;
- Draft agreement on the use of space and/or equipment of the University (if necessary).
The Proponents present the entrepreneurial project during the Board of the Department or the Interdepartmental Centre. The phase ends with the Opinion of the Board of the Department or the Interdepartmental Centre.
3. Start up Committee
At this stage the Start Up Committee is the main actor; this is the body dedicated to the evaluation of Start up, Research Start up, or Student Start up accreditation proposals.
In particular it expresses an opinion on the applications; it checks for each proposal the lacking of any possible conflict of interest between University institutional mission and entrepreneurial activities, taking into account the opinion expressed by the Board of the Department or of the Interdepartmental Centre; it expresses opinions on the proposals to revoke the status of Start up, Research Start up or Student Start up; it implements, with the support of the VIR Division, initiatives for monitoring the progress of accredited Startups.
Involved actors:
- Start up Commettee
- VIR Division
- Proponents
The Proponents present the business project during the meeting of the Start up Committee.
This stage concludes with the Opinion of the Start up Committee.
Required documents:
- Technology Disclosure for Start up proposal;
- Application ("Presentation letter") - the proposal for the Accreditation of a Start up/Research Start up/Student Start up signed by Proponents – and its annexes:
- Personal information of applicants (address, position, cv…);
- Company information;
- Business Plan;
- Draft agreement (“Convenzione”) on the use of space and/or equipment of the University (if necessary);
- Extract of the minutes with the opinion of the Board of the Department or of the Interdepartmental Centre;
- Draft of company statute and “parasocial” agreement (only for Start up, Research Start up or Student Start up participated by the University);
- Draft license agreement for the use of the University logo (if necessary);
- Summary sheet (by VIR Division).
The Proponents present, also with the support of slides and documents, the business project during the meeting of the Start up Committee in which the examination of the
accreditation proposal is on the agenda.
This stage concludes with the Opinion of the Start up Committee.
4. Accademic Senate
The Academic Senate is the body that governs scientific production and teaching at University. It cooperates with the Rector in the targeting, planning and coordination of teaching and research activities. Moreover, taking into consideration the proposals of the individual areas of the University, it collaborates with the Rector in determining the scientific and teaching plans and their fulfilment, the allocation of resources and the recruitment of professors and researchers. (art. 11, Unitrento Statute). It expresses an opinion on the Start up Accreditation proposal on which the Start up Committee has ruled in favour.
Involved actors:
- Academic Senate
- VIR Division
This stage concludes with the Opinion of the Academic Senate.
5. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the managing body of the University, in charge of its governance and general planning. At this stage, the VIR Division notifies to the Board of Directors the summary sheet, which summarizes all the steps already done and the opinions acquired. It has the task of deliberating on the accreditation proposal of the Start up at the conclusion of the procedure described above. The Accreditation of the Start up takes effect from the day of the Board's resolution if the company is already established, from the day of its establishment if this occurs after the resolution.
Involved actors:
- Board fo Directors
- VIR Division
This stage concludes with the Board of Directors Resolution.
6. Company foundation (only if the University is a shareholder)
The VIR Division, in the case of setting up a participated Start up / Research Start up / Student Start up, supports the business formation process of the company which takes the form of payment by the University of share capital and the appointment of the board member on the recommendation of the Rector.
7. Registration in the online list of UniTrento accredited startups
The new company is included in the list published on the University website at the page Start up at UniTrento.
Involved actors:
- VIR Division
8. Monitoring
By request of the Start up Committe, the VIR Division periodically monitors, on an annual basis, the activities of the accredited Startups by requesting to fill in a form for statistical purposes and to update the indicators relating to the transfer of knowledge and industrial collaborations of the University.
Involved actors:
- VIR Division
- Accredited Startups