By “Public Engagement”, ANVUR means all the non-profit educational, cultural and social development activities promoted by the University.
Public engagement activities are extremely diversified in terms of involvement and include individual initiatives, activities in the framework of research projects, institutional events.
The university is committed to share the benefits of higher education and research in different ways, through:
- national and international publications authored by affiliated researchers;
- participation of researchers in national and international radio and tv broadcasts;
- participation in public events organized by third parties (e.g, “Caffè scientifici”, festivals, scientific events);
- public events (e.g. “Notte dei Ricercatori”, the open day);
- digital and paper publications for the general public (e.g. University’s magazine);
- communication training for the University’s administrative and research staff;
- websites, blogs;
- open access to museums, hospitals, sport facilities, libraries, theatres, university historic buildings;
- organization of concerts, expositions and other cultural events targeted to general public;
- participation in policy-making;
- participation in committees for the elaboration of technical standards and regulations;
- health safety related inititives (info and prevention days);
- collaboration with other institutions in urban development or local heritage projects;
- orientation service and initiaitves for secondary schools and students;
- scientific dissemination events for children and young people;
- projects aimed at improving democratic participation (consensus conferences, citizens panels, etc.).