Group of Environmental Hydraulics and Morphodynamics
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Areas of interest

River morphodynamics

Morphodynamics is the discipline dealing with processes shaping the Earth’ surface: our main focus at GIAMT is river morphodynamics, with the inclusion of estuaries that represent the interface with the coastal environment. Rivers in nature display a variety of forms, from meandering to braiding, as a result of feedback processes among water flow, sediment transport, and vegetation. Many of these phenomena are relatively poorly understood, requiring the integration of mathematical, experimental and field techniques. The interaction of human activities with the environment can severely modify these processes often resulting in undesired and unexpected consequences at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. This leads to safety problems, environmental hazards, as well as to environmental degradation, with huge resources and economic losses for the whole society.The study of river morphodynamics is therefore crucial to understand how these feedback processes operate in order to support decision-making at multiple levels that can promote economically effective and environmentally friendly river basin and land management. In these years we have devoted our efforts to four key research areas:

  1. Width variations and morphodynamic influence in meandering rivers
  2. Channel bifurcations, particularly in braided rivers
  3. Reach-scale braided rivers morphodynamics
  4. Development of numerical tools for practical engineering applications

Starting from our originally theoretical, fluid mechanics-based background, since 2002 we have chosen to broaden our expertise in experimental and field study, recognizing the need to continuously integrate our theoretical studies with real-world data and direct perception. We have chosen two ideal field sites for monitoring a variety of morphodynamical processes, which we have also equipped with permanent monitoring infrastructures:

  • The Tagliamento River is located in the NE of Italy (Friuli Region) at approximately 4 hours driving from the University of Trento. It is a unique European example of a large Alpine-Mediterranean braided river still evolving under minimal human pressures, making it ideal for investigating processes evolving under nearly natural conditions
  • The Ridanna Creek is located in South Tyrol close to the Italian – Austrian border and offers a small-scale natural laboratory where bifurcations and channel dynamics can be observed.

In more recent times we have chosen to broad our approach towards biomorphodynamics, which explicitly incorporates the dynamic role of vegetation in shaping the morphology of river corridors through its interaction with the flow of water and sediments.

Hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of tidal channels (Eco-hydraulics)

L'attività di ricerca nel settore eco-idraulico è relativamente recente, ma sta diventanto sempre più parte del nucleo centrale degli studi del GIAMT.

Tidal systems

Lo studio dei sistemi a marea nell'ambito del GIAMT trae originariamente spunto dal caso problematico della laguna di Venezia, ma già dai primi anni del 2000 si orienta anche sugli aspetti morfologici legati al trasporto solido e all'evoluzione di canali ed estuari.

Hydro-thermodynamics of lakes

La ricerca sui laghi, in particolare i piccoli e medi laghi presenti nell'arco alpino, nasce dalla necessità di interagire con il territorio per singoli casi di studio e confluisce presto nell'attività svolta dal Gruppo laghi del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale.

Transport and dispersion of pollutants and air quality

Lo studio del trasporto e della dispersione di inquinanti e traccianti nei fluidi è strettamente collegato al corso di Idraulica ambientale.

Nell'ambito della ricerca, lo studio si è rivolto in particolare al settore della qualità dell'aria e prosegue attualmente grazie alla collaborazione con il CISMA.