14-15 October 2020
The event wil be held on the Online platform ZOOM.
A progress and kick off meeting that will gather all partners of ICM 2018, 2019 and 2020 projects. Altogether the projects involve 34 partners from 17 Partner countries with complementary expertises, indispensable to manage successfull projects.
Representatives of UniTrento will emphasise the importance of the Erasmus+ programme and its projects for the development of the European education area, whose impact may be increased as a result of an effective cooperation.
After the presentation of administrative aspects of the ICM projects implementation by UniTrento, the partners will have working sessions on the technical side of the project such as expected outcomes and impacts and dissemination activities. The participants will also benefit from valuable exchange of practices.
Day 1: October 14, 2020 11:00 AM Rome
11.00: Welcome
Grazia Callovini, UniTrento International Relations Division, Head
11.15: Presentation of UniTrento and its Academic offer for international and exchange students
Viviana Caldara, UniTrento International Relations Division
Improving soft skills with workshop on Innovation & Entrepreneurship held by School of Innovation - SoI UniTrento - Cancelled
Roberto Napoli, UniTrento International Relations Division
11.30: Presentation of UniTrento ICM projects, UniTrento ICM staff and participants
Daniela Tosi, UniTrento International Relations Division
12.00: ICM implementation: best practices and challenges of management, welcome services and mobility activities
Viviana Caldara and Daniela Tosi, UniTrento International Relations Division
Cristina Masciangelo, International Mobility Office - Science and technology area
12.30: Mobility in Covid time – Virtual International Students
Chiara Lombardo, UniTrento International Relations Division
12.45: Q&A
Day 2, Oct 15, 2020 11:00 AM Rome
Event held within the #ERASMUSDAYS
11.00: ICM dissemination activities: UniTrento experience
Daniela Tosi, UniTrento International Relations Division
11.30: ICM dissemination activities: Partners’ experience
11.45: ICM mobility impact: on individuals, Institutions and territory: UniTrento experience
Viviana Caldara, UniTrento International Relations Division
12.00: ICM mobility impact: on individuals, Institutions and territory: Partners’ experience
Target group
UniTrento ICM projects' partners administrative staff and all Er+ ICM coordinators and international relations personnel interested in the ICM project management