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Stays abroad

Compulsory six months stays abroad period at another Higher Education Institution or Research Organisation

Each PhD student must carry out educational activity abroad for a total period of at least six months.
Off-site educational activity (in Italy or abroad) for a continuous period of more than six months may be carried out by the PhD student upon authorization of the Programme Board and upon discussion with the supervisor.
A continuous period abroad of no less than one month is to be considered as a stay abroad, unless otherwise specified by the Coordinator.

Prior approval procedure

  • For the proper tracking of research activities carried out abroad, each PhD student must submit a brief summary of the activity he/she intends to carry out at the host location at least one week before departure by filling in the attached form. The form must be signed both by the PhD supervisor and the supervisor at the host Higher Education  Institution or Research Centre and will and will be submitted to the PhD Board for ratification at its first meeting.
  • Research periods abroad and/or internships in companies for PhD students who are recipients of scholarships financed with PNRR funds, has to further follow an ad hoc activation procedure whose process must be mandatorily completed prior to the start of the activity and which should preferably be started as early as two months prior to the start  date of the activity. Info and forms will be provided by the PhD Secretariat.

Increase of the Scholarship

In the case of a stay abroad, the PhD student may request an increase in the scholarship, to the maximum extent of fifty percent and for a total period not exceeding twelve months, in accordance with Article 22 of the University Regulations on PhD Programmes.

application/mswordStays Abroad Form - ENG(DOC | 168 KB)