This page contains information for suppliers, service providers, contractors, vendors and other parties issuing electronic invoices.
Ministerial Decree no. 55 of 3 April 2013, in force since 6 June 2013, introduced time limits for the adoption of electronic invoices in all economic relations with Public Administrations as per law 244/2007, article 1, paragraphs 209 to 214.
In compliance with said law, from 31 March 2015 the University of Trento will not be able to accept invoices issued in a format other than the electronic format provided in schedule A “Formato della fattura elettronica” (e-invoice template) of the above mentioned Ministerial Decree no. 55/2013. Also, 3 months after the above date, the University of Trento will not be able to make any payment, in full or in instalments, until an electronic invoice has been submitted.
Correctly submitted electronic invoices that do not comply with the format required will be rejected too.
The University will also reject all invoices that were correctly submitted in the format required but do not include the following data, provided by the University in advance, which make them uniquely identifiable:
- IPA code of the office that will receive the invoice
- CUP and CIG codes, where required by the law
- reference number or contract number (if the University provided such number)
For the processing of invoices, the University identified the following offices and included them in the list of public administrations (Indice delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni, IPA). A file containing the codes of all University departments, centres and offices is available in the download box.
Uff_eFatturaPA (University offices) |
Administration and Accounting - Trento |
6VP8Z3 |
Administration and Accounting - Povo |
Administration and Accounting - Rovereto |
The list of offices responsible for processing electronic invoices is subject to change. To find IPA codes of the offices involved you can also consult the Indice delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni (IPA).
Please read the “Specifiche operative per l’identificazione degli uffici destinatari di fattura elettronica” at the following website and the documents containing information on how to draw up and send electronic invoices to the Sistema di Interscambio at this website, where you can also find detailed information and tools for service providers.
As concerns procurement procedures carried out through the Mercato Elettronico delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni (MEPA, Electronic Markeplace of Public Administration), please note that IT services and instruments to help in the creation and management of electronic invoices are available online and free of charge on the public procurement portal of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, operated by Consip.
Please also note that from 1st January 2015 the “split payment” regime for VAT, established by law 190/2014, applies to invoices issued to the University. All invoices must therefore include the following wording: “scissione dei pagamenti” (split payment) as required by Decree of the Ministry of Economy of 23 January 2015.
Please make sure your invoices are issued to:
Università degli Studi di Trento – Department/Division/Office
via Calepina 14, 38122 Trento
C.F. P.IVA: 00340520220