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Home > Transdisciplinary programmes > TP Quantum Science and Technologies

Transdisciplinary program in Quantum Science and Technologies


The Ph.D. candidate enrolled in this program will receive a state-of-the-art education in the basic ideas of quantum science, in the main material platforms used in experiments, and in the mathematical concepts used for their description, as well as in the information and computation science concepts that aim at exploiting QST for applications. She/he will be expected to carry out cutting-edge research on subjects of interest of the Q@TN consortium, possibly in collaboration with our international project partners.
The Program is open to students of the Doctoral (Ph.D.) Schools/Programmes of Trento University in:
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Materials, Mechatronics and Systems Engineering (MMSE)
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
- Industrial Innovation
Ph.D. candidates entering the Program are required to gain at least a total of 18 ECTS credits attending the
following courses and sustaining the corresponding exams: 
- 9 credits are obtained attending the fundamental courses listed in the “Manifesto degli studi” concerning basic QST concepts
- 3 credits are obtained following the courses listed in the Manifesto degli studi (emendable yearly by the panel), concerning topics of direct interest for the Program.
- The remaining credits can be obtained from any other admissible course according to the general rules of the Ph.D. School/Programme where the student is enrolled, which may also include Summer/Winter schools.
At the end of each year, the Ph.D. candidate presents her/his work in front of the Panel.


MANDATORY COURSES a.y. 2023-24: 9 credits among the following
  • Quantum Sensing - prof. Quaranta (3 credits) - Course organised by the PhD Physics
  • Many-body Physics with ultracold atoms and light - proff. Carusotto e Recati (3 credits) - Course organised by the PhD Physics
  • Quantum Computing - prof. Hauke (6 credits - offered by the Master in Physics) - timetable at this page
  • Quantum Machine learning - prof. Blanzieri (6 crediti) -   timetable at this page
The seminars organised by the Q@TN Laboratory are mandatory
A list of suggested courses is available in the download box.
Information about other courses offered by the PhD Physics is available at this page.
Calendar of the Courses organised by PhD Physics


- Bernardi Alessandra (UniTN-Math) – Secretary 
- Blanzieri Enrico (UniTN-DISI)
- Carusotto Iacopo (INO-CNR and UniTN-Physics) – President
- Martini Luca Matteo (UniTN-Physics) - Referent for the Doctoral Programme in Industrial Innovation
- Pederiva Francesco (UniTN-Physics) 
- Rocca Paolo (UniTN-DICAM)
- Quaranta Alberto (UniTN-DII)

PhD students enrolled in the Transdisciplinary programme

cycle 36

PhD student



Amitrano Valentina prof. Francesco Pederiva Prof.ssa Alessandra Bernardi
Berti Anna dott. Iacopo Carusotto prof. Gabriele Ferrari
Piccoli Alessandro prof. Antonio Miotello prof. Alberto Quaranta e dott. Simone Taioli
Piccoli Gioele dott. Mher Ghulinyan prof. Lorenzo Pavesi
Sanna Matteo prof. Lorenzo Pavesi dott. Mher Ghulinyan
Volponi Marco prof. Roberto S. Brusa prof. Lucio Pancheri
Ding Jingwen (DISI) prof. Roberto Sebastiani prof. Davide Brunelli
Zardini Enrico (DISI) prof. Enrico Blanzieri prof. Valter Moretti

cycle 37




Panizza Veronica prof. Philipp Hauke dott. Davide Pastorello
Santra Gopal Chandra prof. Philipp Hauke dott. Iacopo Carusotto
Sindik Marija dott. Alessio Recati prof. Gabriele Ferrari
Vespucci Luca dott. Alessandro Roggero dott. Daniele Binosi

cycle 38



Cotutor QST

Ali Salamat prof. Lorenzo Pavesi dott. Iacopo Carusotto
Ballini Edoardo prof. Philipp Hauke dott. Alberto Biella
Bottarelli Alberto prof. Philipp Hauke prof. Enrico Blanzieri
Chaker Iyadh dott. Alessandro Roggero dott. Daniele Binosi
Nagies Sebastian prof. Philipp Hauke prof. Enrico Blanzieri
Vallero Marzio (IECS) prof. Flavio Vella prof. Paolo Rech
Michelini Chiara (Inn.Ind) prof. Lorenzo Pavesi dott. Massimiliano Dispenza

cycle 39



Cotutor QST

Di Donna Andrea prof. Francesco Pederiva prof. Enrico Blanzieri
Oreglia Pietro dott. Gianluca Rastelli dott. Alessio Recati
Pascual Solis David prof. Philipp H.J. Hauke dott. Iacopo Carusotto
Spagnoli Luca dott. Alessandro Roggero dott. Giovanni Garberoglio
Casagranda Gioele (IECS) prof. Paolo Rech prof. Flavio Vella
Tolotti Emiliano (IECS) prof. Enrico Blanzieri prof. Davide Pastorello
Limongi Leonardo (MMSE) dott. Martino Bernard prof. Mirko Lobino
application/pdfelenco dottori QST(PDF | 85 KB)
application/pdfRegolamento TP in Quantum science and technologies(PDF | 243 KB)
application/pdfSuggested courses_a.y. 2023/24(PDF | 87 KB)