ESF REACT-EU Resources

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To implement the provisions of Ministerial Decree no. 1062/2021, which foresees the distribution of new resources ESF REACT-EU to fund research contracts on innovation and green related topics, UniTrento has awarded, for the three-year period 2022-2024, no.18 fixed-term type A research contracts, art. 24, par. 3, law n. 240/2010, cofounded by the NOP on “Research and Innovation” 2014-2020new Axis IV "Education and research for recovery - REACT-EU", Actions IV.4 and IV.6 - Research contracts on innovation and green topics.

UniTrento has activated:

•    Action IV.4) no. 4 contracts on innovation, enabling technologies and the broader theme of digital;
•    Action IV.6) no. 14 contracts on green transition, ecosystem conservation, biodiversity and reduction of the impacts of climate change. 

Each position involves companies in defining the research path and carrying out periods in the company for six months.