Logo Funded by the EU NextGenerationEULogo Ministero dell'Università e della RicercaLogo Italiadomani, piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan, NRRP, is the Italian response to the Covid-19 global crisis and to the obstacles that, in the past decades, have hampered Italy's economic, social, and environmental growth. The NRRP is part of Next Generation EU, the programme that aims to support the economic recovery of Member States.

The Italian NRRP amounts to € 191.5 billion being allocated by the EU and additional resources, € 30.6 billion, allocated by Italy. The total amount of available funds is € 222.1 billion.

All the actions outlined in the NRRPs follow the Do No Significant Harm - DNSH principle to protect the environment. 

The Plan has six missions:

  • Mission 1 “Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism”
  • Mission 2 “Green revolution and ecological transition”
  • Mission 3 “Infrastructure for sustainable mobility”
  • Mission 4 “Education and research”
  • Mission 5 “Inclusion and cohesion”
  • Mission 6 “Health”

Mission 4 is entirely focused on Education and Research and aims to identify critical issues and strengthen the education system, digital and technical skills, research and technology transfer. The mission has 2 components:

The University of Trento is mainly involved in Mission 4, with interventions in the following investments:

Consorzio iNEST – Ecosistema dell’innovazione - Calls