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Archive of past initiatives

Summer / Winter Schools

XVII Tonale Winter School on Cosmology

Passo del Tonale (TN), 1 - 7 December, 2024. Deadline for applications: September 17 2024

The Tonale Winter School on Cosmology 2024 is addressed to advanced master's students, graduate students enrolled in a PhD program, and junior postdocs. It takes place at the ski resort Passo del Tonale (Italy) 1st - 7th of December 2024 and covers topics relevant to theoretical and observational cosmology, "Theory for Observers & Observations for Theorists".

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: September 17 2024

The 6th edition of the International School on Open Science Cloud (SOSC 2024)

Bologna, 2 - 6 December, 2024. Deadline for applications:  November 20 2024

The 6th edition of the International School on Open Science Cloud (SOSC 2024) will be held in Bologna, from 02 to 06 December 2024. The school is organized by INFN, the Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi" of the University of Bologna, the Departments of Physics and Geology of the University of Perugia and the ICSC Foundation.

The School is multi-disciplinary and targeted at postgraduate researchers with bachelor's degree or equivalent in fields such as physics, statistics, computer science, computer vision, biology, medicine, bioinformatics, and engineering, working at any research institute, with some experience and interest in data analysis, in computing or in related fields. Applications by university students (undergraduate) will be considered depending on availability and must be accompanied by a letter of reference from a university professor. 

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: November 20 2024

African Capacity Building Workshop on Space Weather and Ionospheric Research

ICTP Trieste, 22-31 October, 2024. Deadline for applications: TBC

Modern technological infrastructures, such as GNSS and HF communication facilities, are susceptible to the adverse impacts of space weather, which can induce large errors in single-frequency GNSS positioning and even radio signal blackouts. Developing countries in Africa are predominantly located in equatorial/low latitudes, where space weather effects make the ionosphere more variable and highly unpredictable. However limited efforts have been made to study the impact of space weather in these regions owing to lack of the required infrastructure.
The NORISK project, a collaboration between INGV and the Italian Space Agency, is contributing to fill this gap with the deployment of a new ionospheric observatory in Malindi, Kenya. This workshop aims to enhance capacity building in GNSS and HF technology for Space Weather monitoring over the Eastern African region. It is therefore planned to include lectures on the following topics:

  • Space Weather
  • GNSS fundamentals
  • HF system generalities
  • The low-latitude ionosphere
  • Ionospheric monitoring and modelling

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: TBC

7th Chianti Topics International Focus Workshop on "Planetary Environments”

Complesso di Sant'Apollonia, Florence (Italy), 23 to 25 October, 2024.

The conference aims at bringing together experts from different disciplines (tectonics, geodynamics, geophysics, structural geology, remote sensing, and geological mapping among others) to discuss the general topic of the geology of planetary bodies, both in the Solar System and beyond. The growing body of geophysical data collected in the last decades represents the proper tool to improve our understanding of the main topics of the conference, namely rocky, icy and ocean worlds.

The main goal is to prepare the next generation of planetary geologists and (geo)physicists to embark on this exciting and challenging research field. Multidisciplinary contributions dealing with studies, observations, experiments/modelling on planetary surface environments (including terrestrial analogues), planetary geodynamics and interactions between endogenous and exogenous processes are warmly welcome. PhD students, post-docs and young researchers are encouraged to submit and present their studies, the results of their research as well as ideas or projects. The Scientific Organizing Committee will select talks and posters by young presenting authors preferentially that will be published in the workshop proceedings.

The contribution of invited experts, the discussions during the scientific sessions, and the comparison between different methodologies of investigation will allow to develop or strengthen synergies also between scientists and young researcher of different fields. The interactions will be also favoured in the friendly and welcoming location in the Chianti-Tuscany during breaks, social events and round tables.

Fee: 200 euros (includes conference fee, coffee breaks, lunches and social dinner)

GravityShapePisa 2024: Exploring new sources of Gravitational Waves (GraSP24)

University of Pisa, Physics Department, Pisa (Italy), 23 to 25 October, 2024. Deadline for applications: September 1st

The event is organized to balance “senior” and “young” talk sessions in the fields of observative and theoretical gravitational wave physics. This will give the opportunity to early-stage researchers to spread their work, but also to experienced scientists to be aware of original research inputs coming from younger physicists. The conference will focus on still undetected sources of gravitational waves and their study in current and future detectors. Presentations will cover aspects of astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics.

GraSP 2024 will take place in the Physics Department “E. Fermi” of the University of Pisa.

Fee: No fee is required

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

KIT – Liebenzell School - ISAPP

Internationales Forum Burg Liebenzell, Germany, 16-27 September, 2024. Deadline for applications: TBC

The school addresses early career researchers, typically during their PhD phase, but students in the final stage of the master curriculum in astro(particle) physics as well as postdoctoral researchers are welcome.
School attendance is limited to 50 participants.

The lecture programme includes:

  • Introduction to neutrino physics (Joachim Kopp, JGU Mainz)
  • Neutrinos and cosmology (Miguel Escudero, CERN)
  • Neutrinos in MM astronomy (Anna Franckowiak, RU Bochum)
  • Sterile neutrinos (Thierry Lasserre, CEA & TU Munich)
  • Neutrino oscillations (Michael Wurm, JGU Mainz)
  • Neutrino mass experiments (Christoph Wiesinger, TU Munich)
  • DM evidences and candidates (Marco Cirelli, CNRS & U Sorbonne)
  • Direct DM searches (WIMPs) (Belina von Krosigk, U Heidelberg)
  • Direct DM searches (axions & ALPs) (Bela Majorovits, MPP Munich)
  • DM search with astrophysical observations (Elisa Pueschel, RU Bochum)
  • Accelerator-based DM searches (Jan Heisig, RWTH Aachen)
  • Deep Learning in astroparticle physics (Jonas Glombitza, U Erlangen)
  • Gravitational waves (Kai Schmitz, U Münster)
  • DM search with paleo detectors (Alexey Elykov, KIT)
  • GEANT4 Simulations for Rare Event Searches (Holger Kluck, HEPHY Vienna)

Evening lectures:

  • The GAIA mission and its results (Stefan Jordan, ZA Heidelberg)
  • How to run an underground lab (Carlos Pena Garay, LSC Canfranc)

There will be hands-on sessions and an excursion to the KATRIN neutrino experiment situated at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Fees: 1100 euros (single room)

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: June 28

13th IDPASC school

Palermo (Italy), 17-27 September 2024. Deadline for applications: September 9, 2024

The International Doctorate Network in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology (IDPASC, is an interdisciplinary network whose aim is to train a new generation of high-level experts in the fields of Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology.

The 13th edition of yearly IDPASC schools is organized by the Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Palermo, Italy in collaboration with INFN Catania and National South Laboratory (LNS), with organizational support from the Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics, Portugal (LIP) and IDPASC Committee.

This school aims to train the next generation of physicists who will investigate open questions in the PASC domains in the coming decades. The school offers a multi-disciplinary approach to help each student, who starts to specialize in one domain, keep a broad view of the different PASC domains. This will be a key skill to optimally use the complementarity between different approaches to shed light on the same problems with a different angle such as Dark Matter, physics beyond the Standard Model or multi-messenger physics. On top of the main courses, the school will also propose some hands-on sessions in specific domains such as ML for PASC problems.

The fee is 800€ and includes accommodation, coffee breaks, lunches, school dinner, and excursion and is to be paid via bank transfer. 

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for applications: September 9, 2024

GRAvitational-waves Science&technology Symposium (GRASS 2024)

Trento (Italy), from 30 September to 2 October, 2024. Deadline for applications: September 13, 2024

The GRAvitational - wave Science&technology Symposia (GRASS) are a series of meetings held in Padova and Trento and aimed at exploring the panorama of gravitational-wave-related experimental science beyond the next decade; special emphasis is given to open issues and key enabling technologies at the forefront of the most advanced detection techniques. It represents an informal and unique meeting occasion for experts from different fields involved in experimental aspects of future gravitational-wave science and technology.

The GRASS 2024 edition will include topical sessions on Gravitational Waves and Multi-messenger Observational ScienceCoatings and MaterialsPerspectives for the Reduction of Quantum Noise and Stray Light mitigation for future GW detectors. A general session to discuss any other open issue is foreseen as well.

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for applications: September 13, 2024

Science Diplomacy in the 21st Century. Foundations, actors and dynamics for future practice

Erice (Trapani) 2-8 October 2024. Deadline for applications: August 4, 2024

The first workshop of the International School Science & Diplomacy opened this year at the Ettore Majorana Foundation, Foundation and Center for Science and Culture, created by Antonino Zichicihi in 1963 for dialogue between scientists behind the Iron Curtain. On the occasion of the anniversary of the foundation of the Center, in November 2023, at the conference of the Directors of all the international schools, this latest school was opened, a novelty at a national and international level because, starting from international history, and involving witnesses of the recent past and actors of the present time, investigates the dynamics of techno-scientific diplomacy with a strong interaction with students engaged in experimenting with a storytelling laboratory on the historical case of Halley’s Comet Armada and a wargame dedicated to the Mediterranean. The University of Padua will publish a call for some scholarships.


  • David Burigana (University of Padua)
  • Virginia Coda Nunziante (Head of International Relations of the CNR)
  • Pascal Griset (Université Paris Sorbonne)
  • Giacinto Ottavia (President of the Center for Advanced Defense Studies)
  • Umberto Vattani (President of the Venice International University

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: August 4, 2024

9th International training school on Convective and Volcanic Clouds detection, monitoring and modelling

Nicolosi (Catania), from 5 to 13 October 2024. Deadline for applications: June 30, 2024

The purpose of the School is to train students with outstanding research interest in the techniques allowing them to detect, monitor, and model convective and volcanic clouds, to gain knowledge of the instruments and satellite missions (present and future) and to be able to support such kinds of studies. The double aim is to create a school managed by young scientists already well established and recognized in their respective fields for young scientists willing to reinforce or develop their knowledge on atmospheric extreme events detection and monitoring for supporting policy makers, early warning systems and aviation safety.

Extreme atmospheric event cloud detection is a highly multidisciplinary and challenging topic since the same techniques and instruments can be used for meteorology, volcanic monitoring, atmospheric physics and climate purposes. Within all these fields there are still many unsolved issues making this school fundamental for creating a new generation of scientists able to use the synergy of several different instruments and techniques. Air transportation became fundamental in the last decades for the World economy and social life, and volcanic or convective events can affect the regular management and operation creating large economic losses. This training school will support the creation of a new generation of scientists specialized in monitoring and detecting atmospheric extreme events supporting the safety of the citizens. Most of the young researchers are usually focused on a single subject (e.g. convection or volcanic eruption) and they are not in touch with final users to get their feedback, this school will be the occasion for broadening their horizons and for creating useful connections. We expect scientists and final users (such as pilots or early warning system technicians) to meet during this course to discuss common goals and to teach each other how to improve their work toward a proficient collaboration.

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: June 30, 2024

XXXV edition of the International School "Francesco Romano" on Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics

Monopoli (Bari) - Italy, 6-13 October, 2024. Deadline for applications: 31 July 2024

The International School “Francesco Romano” on Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics is targeted particularly at young postdocs and PhD students working in experimental High Energy Physics and in phenomenology. According to its tradition, scientific and applicative topics will both be covered. Besides lectures in high-energy theoretical and experimental Physics, training in writing proposals for EU and outreach projects will be offered. One of the main purposes of the school is to stimulate the interactions between the young attendants and the lecturers. Therefore afternoon sessions will be devoted to discussions and a dedicated session for student talks will also be organized.

Full details are available at the event webpage.

Deadline for registration: July 31st, 2024

ESC 2024 - Efficient Scientific Computing School

CEUB, Bertinoro (FC) - Italy, 14-24 October, 2024. Deadline for applications: 31 May 2024

ESC School takes place every year in October, in Bertinoro, Italy.

The ESC School offers the participants the opportunity to improve their computing competencies, learning from qualified and experienced scientists how to best exploit modern hardware and software technologies in their daily scientific work. The programme includes introductory lectures on current trends in the evolution of processor architectures and parallel programming. This will be followed by more in-depth lectures on advanced programming with C++, efficient use of memory, floating-point computation and programming in a heterogeneous environment, exploiting the potential of multi-threaded computing, GPUs and cluster computing with MPI.

The school, primarily aimed at PhD students and young researchers who are actively involved in the development of scientific applications and software tools for research, is organized as a small class of about 25 students, alternating lectures, hands-on sessions and self-managed time slots for the best learning experience, with lecturers available during the whole period for insights and discussions.

Full details are available at the event webpage.

Deadline for registration: May 31st, 2024

International Congress CUICIID 2024

ONLINE - 16-18 October, 2024. Deadline for applications: 28 June 2024

The International University Congress of Communication, Innovation, Research and Teaching ( CUICIID ) will be held on October 16, 17 and 18, 2024. In its virtual and online format, it brings together researchers and professionals from around the world for the fourteenth time.

This Congress can be classified as one of those with the greatest academic impact, under the concept ' Quality of teacher training', for combining innovation and teaching and, thanks to a double-blind peer review of the works presented, its results are comparable to those with the most curricular value.

Full details are available at the event webpage.

Deadline for abstract submission: May 27, 2024

Deadline for registration: June 28, 2024

2024 Glue Technologies for Space Systems Technical Panel Ph.D. Summer School

Remote, 2 to 6 September, 2024. Deadline for applications: August 25, 2024

The AESS Glue Technologies for Space Systems Technical Panel is proud to announce the organization of the fourth edition of the Summer School: “Frontier Technologies for Space 2.0 Communications” from 2-6 September 2024.

This event has been successfully attended by students coming worldwide during the first three editions (2021-2023). The Summer School will offer cutting-edge lectures held by leading experts recognized at the international level concerning the most advanced topics about “New Space” communication technologies.

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for applications: August 25, 2024

XXXII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia e Neuroscienze Cognitive

Cesena, 4-6 September 2024. 

This year's conference theme is "Predictive Brain". In contexts of rapid change and continuous evolution - to give an example, of the increasingly dense human-artificial intelligence interaction - a brain capable of anticipating events to plan appropriate actions offers a fundamental evolutionary advantage for adapting to a dynamic context and transforming it.

The idea of ​​a predictive brain is fascinating because it generates testable hypotheses at every level of brain functioning and links them directly to the complexity of human behaviour. On the other hand, the attempt at a systemic understanding of brain functioning has always been one of the greatest aspirations of cognitive neuroscience and remains an extremely current challenge to be faced from a psychophysiological perspective.

In this perspective, the brain operates as a predictive system, constantly creating internal models of the external world, in order to anticipate future events. This prediction process allows the brain to quickly process sensory information, anticipating it, and to adapt to new situations or even better, adapt contexts to one's needs.

Through a varied range of sessions and insights, we will explore how the brain anticipates and adapts its functions throughout life, involving sensorimotor, cognitive, affective and social aspects. The convergence of scholars from heterogeneous disciplines, such as psychology, biology, physiology, neurology, and sports sciences underlines our interdisciplinary commitment to the panorama of scientific organizations in the sector. In this framework, the Congress aims to promote a fruitful dialogue between experts, offering fertile ground for innovative synergies and shared discoveries.

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

CubeSat Summer School - ESA Academy 

ESEC-Galaxia (Transinne, Belgium), 5 to 30 August, 2024. Deadline for applications: April 15, 2024

ESA’s Education Office is developing a new multi-week training opportunity: the CubeSat Summer School 2024. In the frame of ESA Academy’s Training Programme, this Summer School is designed for university students with either engineering, physics or business administration backgrounds who are highly motivated to participate in a CubeSat project or pursue a career in the space sector, but currently lack knowledge or experience within this area. The Summer School will run for four weeks from 5 to 30 August 2024 at ESEC-Galaxia (Transinne, Belgium).

In the frame of ESA Agenda 2025, and Space for Education 2023 the Summer School aims to transfer a set of multidisciplinary space-related skills and know-how to participating students, complementing their academic studies and helping prepare them to meet the employability demands of the European space sector.

During the four weeks, ESA and external experts will deliver an extensive mix of lectures and hands-on activities. Students will:

  • Learn about the entire project lifecycle of a satellite mission, from design to verification, and onto launch and operations, including typical milestone reviews, new methodologies, and project management best practices.
  • Identify economic, legal, and regulatory conditions relevant to space projects, and how they should be considered when undertaking a CubeSat project.
  • Visualise the paths available to turn a CubeSat project into a viable business opportunity, identifying the skills needed to become a successful space entrepreneur.
  • Become familiar with the engineering and project management standards applied in the European space sector.
  • Develop a good understanding of the resources and multidisciplinary skills required to undertake a space project, and understand the interdependencies of the various disciplines.

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Please find the relevant application information on the following website.

Deadline for registration: April 15, 2024

Summer school in Les Houches on Large deviations and applications

Topological Matter School 2024 - TMS2024, Topologically Correlated Flat Bands

San Sebastian, 19-23 August, 2024. Deadline for registration: March 31st 2024.

The school will take place at Miramar Palace, in Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, from August 19-23, 2024.

The focus of this year’s edition will be on flat band materials, which offer a platform for enhancing correlation effects and thus present exceptional opportunities for exploring topology in correlated settings and correlation physics enriched by topology. Throughout this school, we will delve into the state-of-the-art experimental and theoretical aspects of flat band systems, including Kagome metals and Moiré superstructures, and the intriguing physical phenomena they manifest, all under the guidance of world-leading experts. TMS24 will allow students to develop their research lines at the forefront of the field, featuring also a computational hands-on session. 

Deadline for registration. March 31st 2024.

To register, please visit the website:

The current list of lecturers for the upcoming school is:

You can find more information at the school website: 

Les Houches - France, 1-26 July, 2024. Deadline for applications: March 1st, 2024

The study of large deviations has emerged as a major theme of research in statistical physics over the last two decades, with multiple applications in several interdisciplinary fields such as climate science, information theory, disordered systems, etc. The proposed school will gather international experts, spanning across disciplines, who will provide a broad overview (with long and short courses) of this rapidly evolving field.

Organizing Committee
Abhishek Dhar (International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore)
Joachim Krug (Institute for Biological Physics, University of Cologne)
Satya N. Majumdar (Lab. de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques, Université Paris-Saclay)
Alberto Rosso (Lab. de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques, Université Paris-Saclay)
Grégory Schehr (Lab. de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies, Sorbonne Université)
Les Houches is a village located in Chamonix Valley, in the French Alps. Established in 1951, the Physics School is situated at 1150 m above sea level in natural surroundings, with breathtaking views of the Mont-Blanc range.

Full details are available at the event webpage.

Deadline for registration: March 1st, 2024

Industrial Problem Solving with Physics - IPSP 2024

Trento - Italy, 15-22 July, 2024. Deadline for registration: 12 April 2024, at 01.00 p.m.

Industrial Problem Solving with Physics (IPSP) is a one-week event organized by the Department of Physics, the PhD Program in Physics and the Division for the Valorization and Impact of Research of the University of Trento, in collaboration with Confindustria Trento, Trentino Sviluppo and Hub Innovazione Trentino.

Founded in 2014 with the aim of bringing together and promoting the connection between the physicist profession and the business world, IPSP celebrates its tenth anniversary with all its present and past leading figures.
Also in 2024, up to 30 young researchers will challenge 3 business challenges by testing their individual and team skills: during the week they will work to develop concrete proposals and create innovative solutions.

IPSP aims at creating a bridge for the transfer of technological knowledge and human resources between the University, in particular the Department of Physics, and companies. Young researchers participating in the event will have the opportunity to tackle new practical challenges, crossing more than one area of their scientific background.

Participating companies can obtain a solution to their problems and experience an alternative approach to how to reach their goals. At the same time, they will have the chance to scout young and talented people for future collaborations.

On the occasion of the tenth-anniversary event celebration, the new call for companies and young researchers will be presented.

Deadline for registration: 12 April 2024, at 01.00 p.m.

17th Marcel Grossmann Meeting

The ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University and ICRANet-Pescara, July 7 – 12, 2024. Deadline for application: June 30th, 2024 (End of early bird registration: May 31st, 2024 )

Since 1975, the Marcel Grossmann Meetings (on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories) have been organized in order to provide opportunities for discussing recent advances in gravitation, general relativity and relativistic field theories, emphasizing mathematical foundations, physical predictions and experimental tests. The objective of these meetings is to elicit exchange among scientists that may deepen our understanding of spacetime structures as well as to review the status of ongoing experiments aimed at testing Einstein's theory of gravitation either from the ground or from space.

The scientific objective of these meetings is to bring together scientists from diverse backgrounds in order to deepen our understanding of spacetime structures and review the status of experiments testing Einstein's theory of gravitation. The range of topics is broad: from more abstract classical gravitational theories, quantum gravity, and string theories all the way to relativistic astrophysics and an outlook towards future observational missions.

Full details are available at the event website.

Deadline for registrationEarly bird (from 10 March to 31 May) registration fees will be: 400 euros (100 for students). Late registration fees (from 1 of June) will be: 600 euro (150 euro)

The registration fee will cover access to all sessions, coffee breaks, and publication of proceedings. The planning of the scientific program is in progress, with the renewal of selected past parallel sessions and the introduction of new ones.

15th International Summer School on Radar/SAR

Gustav-Stresemann-Intitut, Bonn Bad Godesberg - Germany, 13-19 July, 2024. Deadline for applications: March 2024

In the Summer of 2024, Fraunhofer FHR will host the 15th International Summer School on Radar/SAR.

Get deep insights into radar and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) techniques from international experts while connecting with new and renowned members of the radar community!

The event is open to students, postgraduates and young professionals from universities and industry who are involved with radar/SAR and related areas. In engaging courses, international specialists will teach you the fine details of radar/SAR technology – from the basics to modern systems and to cutting-edge signal processing algorithms. The courses are followed by workshops where you will have a chance to directly apply your new skills. The event site will be available exclusively for the Summer School and the group size is limited to 50 participants to guarantee an intensive and focused learning environment as well as a dynamic exchange of knowledge between participants and lecturers.

Full details are available at the event webpage.

Deadline for registration: March 1st, 2024

Earth Observation Remote Sensing Workshop - ESA Academy

ESEC-Galaxia (Transinne, Belgium), 17 to 28 June, 2024. Deadline for applications: April 29, 2024

Earth observation is more than ever a hot topic in the space sector. ESA remains at the heart of this domain, with keystone projects such as the Sentinel missions, but also developing new projects and all the while constantly strengthening its expertise in remote sensing. The applications for remote sensing data are nowadays of utmost importance, being used to prevent flooding, and forest fires, optimize agriculture and monitor the weather, vegetation as well and urban development. They help us to better understand our Earth and its evolution.

ESA's Education Office is proud to offer university students the opportunity to participate in the Earth Observation Remote Sensing Workshop 2024. The participants will have the chance to learn from trainers having cutting-edge expertise in this field, and to apply their knowledge during exercises involving actual large databases and Earth Observation tools they will be introduced to. Students will get familiar with topics such as optical, thermal infrared and radar remote sensing, and technologies such as synthetic aperture radar and data fusion, among others.

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: April 29, 2024

ESA/ELGRA Gravity-Related Research Summer School

ESEC-Galaxia (Transinne, Belgium), 17 to 28 June, 2024. Deadline for applications: April 8, 2024

The ESA/ELGRA Gravity-Related Research Summer School provides a comprehensive overview of cutting-edge research conducted in microgravity and hypergravity conditions in both life and physical sciences. You will be immersed in the fascinating world of altered gravity and investigate the benefits of conducting research and technology demonstrations in these unique settings.

During the Summer School, you will have the possibility to engage with stimulating lectures led by renowned international experts who are members of ESA and/or ELGRA. You will benefit from their experience and expertise in gravity-related research across different disciplines and gain insights into the practical aspects of their day-to-day work.

The team project serves as a first step towards applying for ESA Academy’s Experiments Programme, furthering your involvement in ground-breaking research initiatives within the European space sector. Seize this unparalleled opportunity to expand your knowledge, network with like-minded peers, and embark on an inspiring journey of discovery.

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: April 8, 2024

Navigation Training Course - ESA Academy

ESEC-Galaxia (Transinne, Belgium), 24 to 28 June 2024. Deadline for applications: April 29, 2024

The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is of major importance not only for ESA, which has pioneered its introduction in Europe since the 90s but for all European citizens and industry in many areas since it plays an essential role in our economy and daily lives. Using indoor or outdoor navigation, applications related to GNSS mainly focus on determining the global reference system position at any time around the globe in a fast, simple, and cost-effective way. Developing GNSS is fundamental since it has a sensitive and strategic nature. Its development is subjected to technological changes, political decisions, and market expectations. Satellite navigation has also evolved into the largest downstream market of space applications.

University students will be provided with an introduction and overview of Satellite Navigation with a specific focus on Galileo. Designed by ESA experts who developed the Galileo Space and Ground Segments, this training course will provide students with fundamental knowledge of Galileo’s architecture, tools, services, and functionalities. The training course will include lectures and hands-on practical group exercises together with a tour of key Galileo in-orbit test facilities in ESEC which provide an essential part of the current Galileo Ground Segment. 

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: April 29, 2024

Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Forum 2024

Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Center, Vienna (Austria), 25-29 June, 2024. Deadline for applications: 9 February 2024

The FENS Forum is Europe’s largest international neuroscience congress, covering all domains from basic to translational research. Occurring biennially since 1998, the Forum has become a premier scientific event that attracts thousands of scientists and students from around the world to celebrate and share discoveries about the brain and central nervous system.

The Forum programme continuously evolves, to deliver the utmost scientific excellence and the most up-to-date research discoveries to the neuroscience community. Further details regarding Networking events, Special Interest Events and other events will be available after approval. Companies or industries interested in being featured in the Forum programme are invited to refer to the FENS sponsorship prospectus.

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: 9 February 2024

32nd Bonaudi-Chiavassa International School on Particle detectors

Cogne (Aosta), 17-21 June, 2024. Deadline for application: 13 June

The 32nd edition of the annual Bonaudi-Chiavassa International School on Particle Detectors (former Giornate di Studio sui Rivelatori) will be held in Cogne (Aosta Valley, Italy) on June 17-21, 2024. The school targets Ph. D. students and young post-docs willing to learn about state-of-the-art technologies and applications related to particle detectors and neighbouring fields. Lectures will be held in English.

The village of Cogne (AO), sits at the entrance to the Gran Paradiso National Park and is a popular tourist destination for both winter and summer activities. The school program includes a number of social events, including a taste of the local cuisine.

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: 13 June

1st School on "Remote Sensing for Mountains and Glacier Area"

Courmayeur (Aosta), 17-21 June, 2024. Deadline for application: TBC

The school aims to approach the study of mountains area by using hyper/multi spectral satellite data introducing also ground based instrumentation for monitoring the glaciers.
During the school, through the collection of radiometric, atmospheric and topographic data from direct measures and proximal sensing (field spectroradiometer, optical, and radar sensors and UAVs), the site will be characterised. The geologic and physiographic description of the site will be explained, and the direct collection of the samples for spectral characterisation will be proposed. The school will introduce the students to the principles of radiometric data processing through guided activities into the handling and understanding of the data collected in the field.
The School is organised in 5 days of activities., starting on Monday 17th June 2024 at 2:00 pm and closing on Friday 21st June at 2:00pm. The school is open to early career scientists or employers, such as Ph.D. students, young post-doctoral scientists, technicians with base knowledge in Earth Sciences and Remote Sensing disciplines, wishing to expand and improve their skills in EO.

Deadline for registration: TBC

Summer school on quantum computing and information - 2024

Campus Of Science and Engineering, Main University Campus "Valrose", Nice, 16 to 21 June 2024. Deadline for applications: June 10, 2024

In the context of education activities on Quantum, University Côte d’Azur is organizing with the support of the European network EIT Digital a summer school on Quantum Computation and information for the week of 16-21 of June 2024 in Nice Valrose, in the heart of French Riviera.

EIT Digital is a European network of universities, companies and research institutes working together around digital training, innovation and entrepreneurship projects. The school is addressed to master's or doctoral students as well as to young professionals who are not specialized in Quantum; the scope is to make them aware of the scientific and economic potential of the quantum industry as well as of challenges linked to the deployment of new quantum technologies.

The school will be articulated around two axes: a) theoretical classes, practical works on Python and student group-working, progressively moving from basic quantum information to applied topics such as solving optimisation and machine learning problems using quantum algorithms or quantum communication and networks; b) multiple sessions devoted to European entrepreneurship in quantum, with presentations and Q&A sessions with European industrial actors active on quantum development as well as on applications of quantum to business use cases.

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: June 10, 2024

8th International PhD Summer School - Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) 

Palanga (Lithuania), 3-7 June, 2024. Deadline for applications: April 30, 2024

KTU PhD Summer School focuses on the development of key competencies required for achieving the best results in the successful defence of the doctoral dissertation and identifying further research directions.

Therefore, topics of KTU PhD Summer Schools include management of scientific research data, writing of scientific articles, analysis of the subtleties of project management, research integrity and ethics, intellectual property and patent system, communication skills development, etc.

The PhD Summer School:

  • equips participants with essential skills that are necessary in all fields of science;
  • provides participants with valuable networking opportunities with participants from other countries;
  • creates and shares a friendly social environment;
  • awards participants with a certificate of attendance.

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: April 30, 2024

Spacecraft Testing Workshop - ESA Academy 

ESEC-Galaxia (Transinne, Belgium), 8 to 12 June, 2024. Deadline for applications: April 26, 2024

Immerse yourself in the intricacies of spacecraft testing with the Spacecraft Testing Workshop, a remarkable opportunity tailored for university students with backgrounds in engineering and science. Led by European Space Agency experts, this workshop offers an unparalleled insight into the meticulous processes ensuring satellite functionality in space.

Throughout the workshop, selected students will engage in lectures delivered by ESA experts covering diverse topics, including product assurance, systems engineering, and essential environmental testing methods applied to spacecraft.

The highlights of the workshop are the hands-on activities. Participants will have the extraordinary chance to apply their newfound theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. At the CubeSat Support Facility, students will conduct a genuine hardware environmental test utilizing a specially designed educational test unit facilitated by the ESA Education Office.

In the group project phase, students will collaborate in teams to orchestrate a comprehensive environmental test campaign, encompassing vibration or thermal vacuum testing. From defining test requirements to assembling and testing dummy hardware, participants will undergo a transformative hands-on experience, familiarizing themselves with industry-standard approaches for spacecraft validation and verification.

As the workshop culminates, each group will present their findings to a panel of ESA experts, thus bringing them closer to their future endeavours in the space industry. Don't miss this unparalleled opportunity to deepen your understanding of spacecraft testing and forge connections with leading figures in the field.

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: April 2, 2024

Space Standards Training Course - ESA Academy 

ESEC-Galaxia (Transinne, Belgium), 10 to 14 June, 2024. Deadline for applications: April 2, 2024

Following the success of previous editions, ESA's Education Office, in collaboration with ESA’s Requirements and Standards Section, is once again organising the five-day Space Standards Training Course. The sixth edition of this course will take place in person from the 10th to the 14th of June 2024 at ESA Academy’s Training and Learning Facility in ESA’s European Space Security and Education Centre (ESEC), Belgium.

Over five days, participants will receive a comprehensive introduction to the European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS). Renowned experts from the European Space Agency (ESA) will enlighten participants on the pivotal role of standards in shaping and influencing the execution of space activities. The curriculum will delve into the significance of adhering to standards across various disciplines within ESA while developing space technologies.

Throughout this week-long educational programme, students will be mentored by experts in the field of space standards. Standardization is often overlooked in traditional university education, yet it proves to be an indispensable asset for future careers in the space domain. Participants will gain insights and knowledge that are paramount for navigating the complexities of the space industry and ensuring success in their future endeavour

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: April 2, 2024

Operational Space Weather Fundamentals

L'Aquila (Italy), 13-17 May, 2024. Deadline for application: 23 March 2024

The school will serve as a comprehensive introduction to the multi-faceted field of Space Weather, covering solar-heliospheric, magnetospheric, and ionospheric weather, with a specialized focus on operations and forecasting. By establishing the links from research to operations (R2O) and from operations to research (O2R) and by highlighting the effects of space weather on technological systems and society, this curriculum aims at stimulating the involvement of the next-generation researchers in this rapidly growing discipline.
Lectures on phenomenology will be complemented by laboratory activities and applications with the direct and active involvement of the attendees. Another practical aspect will be covered by the “career section” aimed at illustrating which skills are desirable for a job in the frame of space weather research and surveillance centres, and how good strategies should be used for educational and communication purposes.
This school is addressed to PhD students and young scientists in space physics, planetary sciences, aerospace engineering, or related fields. Early-career stage professionals from monitoring agencies and industries related to space weather are invited to apply as well.
The School is organized in cooperation with the University of L'Aquila and the Consorzio AstroGeofisica

All useful information on the programme are available on its website.

Deadline for registration: 23 March 2024

4th edition of the AIDAA (Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Aerospace PhD Days 2024

Scopello (Italy), 6-9 May, 2024. Deadline for applications: 1st April 2024

The Aerospace PhD-Days, International Congress of PhD students in Aerospace Science and Engineering is organised by AIDAA, the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics. AIDAA was founded in 1920 after the First World War by scientists and high officers of the Italian Army and Air Force to promote research, meetings, and exchange of information, with the final goal of promoting civil air transport in peacetime. The PhD students will have the possibility to share their activities with colleagues all over the world and, thus, to create a net of the International young researchers; moreover, it will be possible to have a complete overview of the whole research activities in Aerospace.

The Aerospace PhD-Days are open to any PhD student in Aerospace Science and Engineering or with a PhD topic in the aerospace field. PhD graduates in 2024 are welcome too.

To participate, an extended abstract (4 pages) on the PhD topic or part of it must be submitted.

(Abstracts between 2 and 3 pages are accepted but will not be published as indexed proceedings)

The main topics will be related to aeronautics, space, and aviation.

All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.

Deadline for registration: 1st April 2024

Winter School - Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation

Galileo Galilei Institute - Arcetri, Florence, 11-22 March, 2024. Deadline for registration: 20 January 2024.

The School aims to provide robust and detailed introductions to the basic theoretical concepts and main tools to work in the field of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation. Gravitational waves of astrophysical and cosmological origin, neutrino physics and astronomy, early universe physics, dark matter and dark energy, galactic and extra-galactic cosmic rays and gamma-rays, will be some of the main topics and will be alternated over the years. The courses are organised as lectures and are integrated with hands-on and discussion sessions with an instructor.

Francesca Calore (LAPTH/ Annecy): Probing fundamental physics with multiwavelength observations
Alessandro Mirizzi (University of Bari & INFN Bari): Axions and ALPs: Theory and phenomenology
Angelo Ricciardone (University of Pisa & INFN Pisa): Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background
Daan Meerburg (University of Groningen): Cosmological tests of fundamental Physics

The school details are available on the event website.

For further information and clarification, please contact [at]

Deadline for registration: 20 January 2024

Symposium "Dining in space: food production, storage and preparation"

Italian Space Agency - Rome, 20-21 March, 2024. Deadline for registration: 10 March 2024.

The success of future human space exploration missions will depend on the development of innovative crew sustenance systems. These new technologies will have to provide safe, nutritious and enjoyable food, maximising the recycling of waste and, in the long term, the utilisation of in situ resources.

The symposium aims to explore existing heritage and new ideas in the field of food science and technology for space applications. The initiative will be an opportunity to promote dialogue between the world of research and industry, encouraging the participation of actors not yet engaged in the space sector.

The ultimate goal will be the creation of an interdisciplinary network for strengthening the sector and enhancing the national contribution to future scientific missions, in the context of global exploration goals.

The symposium poster, with detailed information about the event and how to submit an abstract and register, is available on the event website.

For further information and clarification, please contact spacefood2024 [at]

Participation is free of charge, subject to registration

Deadline for registration: 10 March 2024. Deadline for those interested in contributing a paper:15 January 2024.

Complex systems, statistical mechanics and machine learning crossover - A five-day meeting on non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, complex systems and machine learning

École de Physique, Les Houches (France), 25-29 March, 2024. Deadline for applications: 22 January 2024

The number of participants is limited to 70 persons. If the number of participants exceeds the capacity, the organizing committee will select the participants to have a proper thematic, geographic, and gender balance.

Participants are expected to attend the full week (5 days); partial attendance is not recommended.

The school fee of 540€ ( VAT included) covers all meals and accommodation. No extra fee for attendance is asked. Details on the payment will be given after the list of participants is definite.

All useful information on the School's programme can be found on its website.

Deadline for registration: 22 January 2024

ASI School on IXPE Data Analysis For General Observers

Rome, 19-23 February, 2024. Deadline for registration: 10 January 2024

This Seasonal School is initiated by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) to enhance the use of data from the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) mission and contribute to expanding knowledge in aerospace sciences. It also seeks to support the integration of young talents into the productive and research sectors.

IXPE is a space mission resulting from a collaboration between the Italian Space Agency and the American Space Agency (NASA). The observatory consists of three telescopes designed for X-ray polarimetry measurements. The main mission objectives include active galactic nuclei, microquasars, pulsars and pulsar wind nebulae, magnetars, X-ray binaries, supernova remnants, and the galactic centre. In addition to the scientific instrumentation, ASI provides the Luigi Broglio Space Center for data reception.

The sessions will have a maximum of 20 participants and will be held in person at the ASI headquarters in Rome, at Via del Politecnico snc, for a total of 40 hours. The official language of the Seasonal School is English.

Upon completion of the course, participants will gain familiarity with X-ray polarimetry by working directly with experts in instrumentation, analysis, theory, and modelling. The course aims to provide tools for the analysis and interpretation of IXPE data, including practical sessions analyzing data from sources observed by IXPE during its first two years of operational life.

Full info is available at the event webpage.

Deadline for registration: 10 January 2024

EUSCOTHA: EUregio School on COntrol THeory and Applications 

Trento, Italy, 12-16 February, 2024. Deadline for registration: 26 January 2024.

EUSCOTHA is a PhD students school organized by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Trento (Italy), the Faculty of Engineering of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) and the Department of Engineering Mathematics of the University of Innsbruck (Austria), within the Euregio Mobility Fund project.

The aim of EUSCOTHA is to bring together PhD and motivated master students in Mathematics, Engineering and any other discipline with strong interest in control theory and its applications. Post-doctoral fellows are also welcome.

EUSCOTHA will consist of four courses of about six academic hours each and some seminars delivered by recognized expert researchers of the field. Time for free discussion will be planned. The four courses, their lecturers and titles are

  • Prof. Mauro Garavello (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy, webpage): Control Problems for Conservation Laws with Applications to Traffic Flow.
  • Prof. Frédéric Jean (ENSTA Paris, France, webpage): Mathematical Methods for Motion Planning.
  • Proff. Angelika Peer and Karl Dietrich von Ellenrieder (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, webpage): Robust Control with Applications to Planning and Robotics.
  • Prof. Lucia Pallottino (University of Pisa, Italy, webpage): Optimal Control and Optimization: From Single to Multi-Robot Systems.

SCIENTIFIC and ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Fabio Bagagiolo (Trento), Marco Frego (Bozen-Bolzano), Heiko Gimperlein (Innsbruck), Angelika Peer (Bozen-Bolzano), Andrea Pinamonti (Trento).

Contacts:  dept.math [at] ( )(secretariat), fabio.bagagiolo [at] ( )

The school details are available on the event website.

Deadline for registration: 26 January 2024.

Comparative Visions in Space Law

Rome, 9-10 February, 2024.

The "Comparative Visions in Space Law" conference, held at Roma Tre University's Law Department on February 9-10, 2024, is a two-day event exploring diverse facets of space law. The first day features panels on legal models, public and private space governance, transdisciplinary legal issues, and the intersection of law and geopolitics in space. Notable speakers include experts from international institutions and academia. Day two delves into peaceful exploration, space resource exploitation, the law of space technology, and information.  This conference serves as a dynamic platform for experts to exchange insights on crucial legal aspects of space exploration and governance.

Full info is available at the event webpage.

19th National Congress of Planetary Sciences - CNSP Bormio 2024

Bormio (Sondrio, Italy), 5-9 February, 2024. Registration requested. 

The Congress, organised by the 'Italian Society of Planetary Sciences - Angioletta Coradini' will be held in the Congress Hall of the Bormio Terme complex, via Stelvio 14.

The themes of the Congress are, as usual, as broad as possible to accommodate and represent the richness of our community's activities and objectives.  

In this year's edition, to make the programme even more interesting, 11 mini-sessions proposed and coordinated by members (Focus) have been included. The Focuses are aimed either at delving into specific themes, at innovatively tackling transversal issues, or at highlighting scientific topics linked to new projects.

More details on the individual Focus and the full Programme is available on the event webpage.

Extended abstracts must be completed in English using the given template and sent by 1 December 2023 to the email address Planetologia2024 [at]

The registration fee is euro 250,00 + VAT (305euro)

The fee includes

  • Participation in the proceedings
  • Conference kit
  • Welcome aperitif on Monday 5 February 2024
  • Social dinner (at the Baita dei Pini) Wednesday 7 February 2024

To register, please complete the form on at

Support for young researchers, mainly undergraduates and PhD students, continues this year. Thanks to the sponsorships of organisations and companies, grants will be made available to young researchers that provide exemption from registration fees. Young people who would like to take advantage of this opportunity can apply for it by sending their CVs by 15 December 2023 to the congress email address: planetologia2024 [at]

International Winter School on Origins of Life - WISOL 24 “The future of chemistry and biology towards the origins of life”

Pavia, from 16 to 19 January 2024. Deadline for registration: 4 December 2023

How did Life begin on Earth? This intriguing question is of capital importance for modern science. From the most recent exploratory missions to ancient philosophy, this fascinating question has puzzled humankind from the beginning.

The University of Pavia, as a growing research institute, offers a unique platform to get in touch with top scientists in the field and learn the most advanced models with experimental techniques used in prebiotic investigations. With multidisciplinarity as a trademark, WISOL 24 is aimed at chemists, physicists, biologists, geologists, planetary scientists, astronomists and scholars for fruitfully building a knowledge exchange network and a cradle for future collaborations.

WISOL 24 is an intensive international school and it is the first school on origins of life studies. The school comprises laboratory activities on data treatment and computer simulations with the most advanced open-source software.

Attendees will have the opportunity to present their work in flash communications that will be held as part of the main events.

full info will be made available at the event webpage.

Deadline for registration: 4 December 2023.

ESC23 - Efficient Scientific Computing (14th International INFN School on "Architectures, tools and methodologies for the development of large-scale scientific computing applications")

Bertinoro (Forlì Cesena - Italy), from 4 to 12 October, 2023. Deadline for applications: August 4, 2023

The Programme offers introductory lectures on current trends in the evolution of processor architectures and parallel programming.  This is followed by more in-depth lectures on advanced programming with C++, efficient use of memory, floating-point computation and programming in a heterogeneous environment, exploiting the potential of multi-threading computing, GPUs and cluster computing with MPI.

The School is mainly aimed at PhD students and young researchers who are actively involved in the development of scientific applications and software tools for research.

All useful information on the School's programme can be found on its website, where the registration form is also available:

Deadline for registration: 4 August 2023
Deadline with increased participation fee: 3 September 2023

Eighth training school on Convective and Volcanic Clouds (CVC) detecting, monitoring and modeling

Nicolosi, Sicily (Italy) from 2 to 8 October 2023. Deadline for applications: August 31, 2023

The training school is supported and organized by researchers of the Università di Padova, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), and the National Research Council (CNR), with the patronage of INGV, IAVCEI and AIV.
Attending the school you will get an overview of the state of the art techniques and methods for detecting and monitoring the volcanic and convective clouds, you will know the different instruments and platforms allowing us to get the best performance in detecting such kind of clouds, you will be projected to the future learning about new missions planned for solving the main issues on these fields, you will be involved in real applications as early warning systems and modeling, you will directly analyze the data.
The school topics will range from satellite instruments such as IR sensors or GNSS to aircraft measurements like lidar and radar, from study of ash and SO2 clouds to tropical cyclones, mediterranean hurricanes, land and maritime convection.
The purpose of the School is to train students with outstanding research interest in the techniques allowing to detect, monitor, and model convective and volcanic clouds, to gain knowledge of the instruments and satellite missions (present and future) and to be able to support such kind of studies. The double aim is to create a school managed by young scientists already well established and recognized in their respective fields for young scientists willing to reinforce or develop their knowledge on atmospheric extreme events detection and monitoring for supporting policy makers, early warning systems and aviation safety.
The extreme atmospheric event cloud detection is a high multidisciplinary and challenging topic since the same techniques and instruments can be used for meteorology, volcanic monitoring, atmospheric physics and climate purposes. Within all these fields there are still many unsolved issues making this school fundamental for creating a new generation of scientists able to use the synergy of several different instruments and techniques. The air transportation became fundamental in the last decades for the World economy and social life, and volcanic or convective events can affect the regular management and operation creating large economic losses. This training school will support creating a new generation of scientists specialized on monitoring and detection of atmospheric extreme events supporting the safety of the citizens. Most of the young researchers are usually focused in a single subject (e.g. convection or volcanic eruption) and they are not in touch with final users to get their feedback, this school will be the occasion for broadening their horizons and for creating useful connections. We expect scientists and final users (such as pilots or early warning system technicians) meet during this course for discussing common goals and for learning from each other how to improve their work toward a proficient collaboration.
The CVC school 2023 will take place in Nicolosi (Italy) on the slopes of Etna volcano. During the CVC 2023 all the topics will be deepened, and the participants will get an added value from:

  • a field measurement campaign they will be part of;
  • an excursion to the Etna craters;
  • laboratoires using professional softwares applied to real data;
  • presenting their research to the other participants and to the lecturers.

All the info:
Applications: The School is open to everybody with priority for graduate students, PhD students and early career researchers. More info available at the website  
Registration deadline: August 31, 2023
Stefano Corradini, stefano.corradini [at] 
Riccardo Biondi, riccardo [at]
Logistic info: info [at]

Gran Sasso Hands-on 2023 - PhD autumn school on experimental astroparticle physics

L'Aquila (ITALY) from 25 September to 6 October, 2023. Deadline for applications: April 15, 2023

Gran Sasso Hands-on 2023 is an autumn school offering Ph.D. students the unique opportunity of being directly involved in the research project activities at the Laboratori Nazionali Gran Sasso of INFN (LNGS), the world-leading laboratory for underground physics, astroparticle physics, and nuclear astrophysics.

The hands-on program will focus on: 

  • General Relativity
  • Cosmic-ray physics
  • Dark matter searches
  • Neutrino physics
  • Nuclear astrophysics
  • Space-based detectors

Students will be involved in a 10 day experimental project, in groups of 1-3 students per activity, under the supervision of the LNGS, GSSI and UnivAq scientists, with the goal of designing and performing a scientific experiment. A series of introductory lectures held by renowned field experts will provide the needed background for the proposed activities. 

The selected students will benefit from an outstanding scientific context and will work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. This represents an enriching personal experience and a good opportunity to establish contacts with other students and worldwide scientists.

Deadline for applications: April 15, 2023. full info available at the dedicated webpage.

ISRO - Space Science and Technology Awareness Training (START) programme

Online, July - August 2023. Deadline for applications: 15th July 2023

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) encourages greater participation from academia, for generating human resources in space science and technology, expanding the user base of the space exploration mission data, and fostering an ecosystem to facilitate active participation of the students in space science and technology research.
In view of this, ISRO has envisaged the Space science and Technology Awareness Training (START) programme. START is an introductory level awareness programme in space science and technology. The programme is envisaged to be organised in online mode in order to reach out to as many of the space enthusiasts as possible. Although primarily aimed at the under-graduate and post-graduate students of science and technology, the programme is designed to be suitable for any individual with a basic, systematic training in science, at least up to the high school level.

Date and Duration of online training: Online training is tentatively scheduled to be conducted during July-Aug 2023. The training programme is about 2-3 hrs / day for a duration of 2 – 3 weeks. The START programme will be conducted through ISRO E-CLASS platform

Scope: The lecture modules are thematically arranged to address different facets of space science and technology like Earth and Near-Earth Space, Solar System Exploration, Space Mission Design and Observations, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology, as well as technological aspects like accessing the space, space instrumentation, etc. In addition to these, there will be lectures on Indian space exploration programme and research opportunities in the fields of space science and technology.
Eligibility START is aimed to reach out to the maximum beneficiaries not only to students belonging to Indian Institutions but also to any interested individuals. The students of approved nodal centres as well as individuals can register and join the online training programme by choosing the appropriate category for registration as detailed below. 

Category-1: Students from approved START host institutes/nodal centres: Post-graduate students and final year under graduate students of physical sciences (Physics and Chemistry) and technology (e.g. Electronics, Computer Science,
Mechanical, Applied Physics, Radiophysics, Optics & Opto-electronics, Instrumentation and other associated subjects) studying in START host institutes / nodal centres, are eligible to be considered for the training under this category.
Participation certificate / merit certificate will be provided to the eligible students.
Link for registering student participants of approved nodal center:

Category-2: Individuals of any background: Interested individual participants (including students who are not eligible / could not join through the category-1) of any background can directly register and attend the live sessions through Youtube Channel of IIRS- Participation certificate will be provided to the eligible participants.
Link for registering individual participant:
Individuals while registering directly in ISRO website will automatically get the login credentials.

Category-3: Public for knowledge gain: Public can watch the live sessions of START for knowledge gain without registering in the website.
The link for watching START is -
Course Fee: START programme is offered by ISRO free of cost. There is no registration fee / admission fee.

Timeline for Participant Registration
Commencement of registration: 20th June 2023
Last date for registration: 15th July 2023
Contact- //websupport [at]">websupport [at]

Frontier Technologies for “Space 2.0” Communications - PhD Summer School - 3rd edition

Online, from 29 August to 1 September 2023. Deadline for applications: 21 August 2023, 12:00

The recent change of perspective known also as “Space 2.0” will revolutionize the paradigms of satellite and, more in general, aerospace communications. The old role of “sky repeaters” attributed to Space network nodes no longer copes with the emerging requirements of flexibility, global and ubiquitous connectivity already emerged in the 5G vision. In such a perspective, the role of satellites will be reconsidered in the framework of "softwarized", reconfigurable and sustainable network infrastructures.

The Ph.D. Summer School Frontier Technologies for “Space 2.0” Communications (third edition) organized by the University of Trento (Italy) in collaboration with the Università di Genova and the Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" under the patronage of IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS), aims at offering an overview of the most advanced technologies concerning a renewed vision of Space connectivity for the next decades.

The School is mainly addressed to PhD students in the areas of Information and Communication Technologies, Physical Science, Earth and Space Exploration.
The event will be held in English.

Full details at the dedicate webpage.

ISAPP – International School on AstroParticle Physics on: “Quantum Fluids in the Universe"

Pisa (Italy) from 5 to 15 June 2023. Deadline for applications: March 15, 2023

The ISAPP – International School on AstroParticle Physics on: “Quantum Fluids in the Universe" (Pisa (Italy) from 5 to 15 June 2023) aims to provide a cross-disciplinary overview and the main tools to work on some of the main aspects of astroparticle physics where quantum collective properties of matter play a crucial role.

The initiative of this school springs also from the experience gained in the organization of the QFC (quantum fluids, fundamental interactions and cosmology conference series).

Deadline for applications: March 15, 2023.

Full info available at the dedicated webpage.

“Be In-Time on Mars” Summer School

Alghero (Sardinia) from 5 to 9 June, 2023. 

The Department of Architecture Design and Urbanism (DADU) of the University of Sassari (UNISS) is organising the "Be In-Time on Mars" Summer School.
The event is related to the In-Time (Instrument for Mars and Earth Dating Applications) project, which envisages the development of a miniaturised instrument capable of dating geological deposits on Mars using the luminescence technique.
Talks at the Summer School will cover topics such as space missions, planetary exploration, planetary geology, possible future landing sites, Martian analogues on Earth, computing, luminescence dating and developments on the realisation of the miniaturised prototype.
The Summer School is free of charge and will take place in the Santa Chiara Complex in Alghero, but can also be followed on-line at the link
For further information: beintimeonmars [at]

First Training School of the Plasmasphere Ionosphere Thermosphere Integrated Research Environment and Access services

Rome, INGV headquarters, from May 29 to June 1st 2023. Deadline for Applications: 15 March 2023

The First Training School of the Plasmasphere Ionosphere Thermosphere Integrated Research Environment and Access services: a Network of Research Facilities (PITHIA-NRF) project will be held in Rome, INGV headquarters, between 29 May and 1 Jun 2023. The school offers:

  • theoretical lectures on the physical mechanisms acting in the Earth’s Ionosphere, the Thermosphere and the Plasmasphere as parts of the coupled Sun-Earth system;
  • courses on the main scientific models registered in PITHIA-NRF e-science centre;
  • hands-on session on the use of the PITHIA-NRF e-science centre to learn how to use the system and its integration tools.

The school is addressed to research scientists of all levels and engineers, but the participation of PhD students and early career scientists is encouraged. 

Funds will be available to support the travel of participants with an excellent CV accompanied by a motivation letter and a recommendation letter.

Deadline for application (including Funding request): 15 March 2023

All information, including how to register, can be found here.

Program Committee: Anna Belehaki (chair), Ivan Galkin, Tamas Kiss, Lucilla Alfonsi, Mamoru Ishii, Hanna Rothkael
Evaluation Committee: Ingemar Haggstrom (chair), David Altadill, Claudio Cesaroni, Jurgen Watermann
Local Organizing Committee: Luca Spogli (chair), Claudio Cesaroni, Sara Mainella, Emanuele Pica, Vincenzo Romano, Loredana Proto (secretary)

Spring School on Experts and Politicians on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics Diplomacy

Padua, from 22 to 23 May 2023, Florence, 24 May 2023, Rome, from 25 to 26 May 2023. Deadline for Applications: 21 April 2023

This Spring School is a research laboratory with the aim of create an experimental Master's degree. The unprecedented aspect of the Master's degree is to combine science and diplomacy.
In fact, it aims to provide participants with important tools to deepen issues related to science, diplomacy and decision-making processes, in a world of increasing technological density that requires precisely a techno-scientific diplomatic action. science. In a context in which the international community is increasingly called upon to respond the need to take rapid and conscious decisions and conscious decisions, this Spring School pursues the intention of giving full relevance to the role of science and technology in the international dimension.
In particular, Italy has developed in the European and global context techno-scientific competences that animate experiences of cooperation and competition in a dynamic diplomatic framework. The Spring School intends to offer its participants the opportunity to learn from past experiences in order to link up with future prospects and create a community of reference thanks to the involvement of scholars, diplomats and scientists interested in the international context. international context.
The training of course participants will follow an interdisciplinary approach with the following objectives in in relation to techno-scientific diplomacy: 

a. to provide knowledge on the evolution of the international relations framework and its history from the Cold War to the current scenarios;
b. to provide an in-depth overview of diplomacy in bilateral negotiations and in multilateral arenas at European and international level;
c. to develop oral (public speaking) and writing skills (reporting techniques and (public speaking and copywriting techniques) aimed at deepening of negotiation techniques;
d. broaden techniques related to hard skills (level of of study and knowledge of the topics covered) and soft skills (crisis management, team building, problem solving skills, research skills, role playing);
e. enrich the curricular background of the participants through the development of knowledge and professional skills supported by deepening issues related to techno-scientific techno-scientific diplomacy in order to facilitate their insertion in the working environment related to international relations and diplomacy.

Info: olga.dubrovina [at]
Deadline for Applications: 21 April 2023.

Galileo Festival della Scienza e dell'Innovazione (@GalileoFest)

11^ EDITION | PROGETTO ACADEMY, Padua, May 18-21, 2023. Deadline for Applications: 30th of April 2023

Applications are now open for scholarships to take part in the Academy Project of the Galileo Festival of Science and Innovation, a unique opportunity for meeting, exchange and training - to be held in Padua from Thursday 18 to Sunday 21 May 2023 - open to students on bachelor, specialist, master, PhD and ITS degree courses from all Italian universities.

Interested students can choose to apply for two different options

option 1 | guided tours + participation in the Galileo Festival: the Academy will take place from Thursday 18 to Sunday 21 May, for a total of 4 days / 3 nights
option 2 | participation in the Galileo Festival: the Academy will take place from Friday 19 to Sunday 21 May, for a total of 3 days / 2 nights
The first application deadline is Sunday 30 April 2023.

Information available on the dedicated page.

Instrumentation School (H2020 project Opticon Radionet Pilot - ORP)

Milan, from 17 to 26 May 2023. Deadline for Applications: February 24, 2023

The Instrumentation school focuses on Integral Field Spectroscopy and, during it, the students will carry out a 'Phase A' study of an instrument under supervision of an experienced tutor.

This school is meant for both astronomers and engineers at almost any level (from MSc students to young postdocs). The first half of the school comprises morning lectures and afternoon group sessions with hands-on instrument planning. The lectures include, among other topics, science cases, systems engineering, optical design, optomechanics, and detectors.

Second half of the school is dedicated to group work, and in the end of the school the students present their instrument ides.

The local costs (accommodation and lunches) are covered by ORP, and some travel support is also available (see application form).

More information on the school:

Application deadline is on Friday 24 February 2023, and the applicants will be notified on the selection in early March,

Summer School and Conference on the “Mathematics for Signal processing and Applications in Geophysics and other fields”

Rome, Italy, and online from 15 to 20 May 2023. Deadline for Applications: March 31, 2023

A Summer School and Conference on the “Mathematics for Signal processing and Applications in Geophysics and other fields”, will take place in Rome, Italy, and online on May 15-20, 2023.

The event will be hybrid, providing the opportunity for everyone to join either in-person or virtually.

During the Summer School young researchers and Ph.D. students will have a chance to learn and deepen their knowledge of Mathematics of Signal Processing, in particular on new data analysis tools/techniques for non-stationary time series and their theoretical foundation, as well as open problems in applications.

The summer school will take place during the first 3 days and it will consist of three courses of 8 hours each.

The event will conclude with a two days Conference during which several invited Speakers will present new tools for signal processing, their mathematical analysis, and applications to geophysics and other applied fields of research.

Some slots for contributed talks and posters are still available. Contributed talks will be 15 minutes long (12+3 for questions). The submission deadline is March 31, 2023.

Applications for prospective students of the Summer School, Capacity Building Day, as well as Speakers of the conference and poster session are now open. Financial support is available for a limited number of participants.

For more information and to apply please visit the dedicated webpage or email the organizers at masag2023 [at]

Space Environment Monitoring Workshop (SPACEMON) 2023

ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands, from 15 to 17 May 2023. Deadline for Applications 23rd of March 2023 1700CET

The purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss the current research and developments of space environment monitors covering the following areas :

  • space radiation
  • plasma (particles and fields, TEC)
  • micro-particles
  • planetary dust
  • magnetometers
  • atomic oxygen sensors,
  • including environment monitors for Cubesats applications . This includes also exploitation of in-flight data, including calibration to feed-back lessons learned into ongoing and future monitor developments.

Nominally, presentations will be limited to European submissions or European-led activities, the call for abstracts is now open and abstracts can be submitted via the website:

The deadline for submission is: 23rd of March 2023 1700CET

In order to register and submit an abstract colleagues will need to first be registered on ESA’s Indico system.

This workshop is free and will be held in ESA ESTEC (location to be communicated later). While onsite participation is strongly encouraged, online participation might also be possible (see website updates). In that case the organising committee may limit the number of accepted registrants in order to keep a good balance between onsite and online

In order to keep updated with SPACEMON2023 and to be on the preliminary distribution list for the next SPACEMON event you must register on the website. If you are registered (and your registration is accepted) then you will gain access to material even if you cannot attend. If you do not register you will not be kept informed about SPACEMON!
For more information on Privacy and Data Protection Policy and how it affects SPACEMON see the link on the website.

Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies - Interoception and Brain Disorders
Advanced Neuroscience Courses - Venice, from 6 to 13  May, 2023

The study of interoception is a recent and rapidly expanding field of research with profound implications for the understanding and treatment of brain disorders. Our brains and bodies are intrinsically coupled; organs including the heart, stomach, and lungs, interact with central neural processes to influence cognitive and affective processing. Interoception is an ‘internal sense’ detailing the afferent signalling, central processing, and perception of internal bodily signals at conscious and unconscious levels. Brain disorders, encompassing both neurological and clinical conditions, have historically been studied by examining changes in behaviour and their underlying neural mechanisms. The role of the body, and body-brain integration, has been largely neglected, despite the prevalence of body-based symptoms and the high comorbidity been physical and mental conditions.  

This Advanced Course will (1) detail contemporary models characterising interoception across neural, behavioural, and higher-order levels, incorporating both conscious and unconscious processing, (2) discuss the role of interoception in aspects of fundamental cognition, including consciousness, reward, and emotion, and (3) examine interoceptive mechanisms in relation to brain disorders, with a particular focus on an array of neurological and clinical conditions, including, but not limited to, functional neurological disorder, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.  Understanding the role of interoception in the aetiology of neurological and clinical brain disorders isolates novel mechanisms, with exciting possibilities for new treatment targets.

The Programme is offered in the framework of the Advanced Neuroscience Courses initiative of the Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies. The Advanced Courses are carefully designed and orchestrated to maximize the potential for interactio between the Faculty and participants in a very friendly and unintimidating manner. This will allow the participants to develop insights that will create fresh perspectives in your own field of research or clinical activity.

Info available at the specific webpage of the initiative.

Spring School on Machine Learning for High Energy Physics 2023. 

Erice, Italy, from 11 to 18 April 2023. Deadline for Applications: February 28, 2023

The Schools targets PhD students and early-stage career postdocs primarily. Advanced Master's students are also encouraged to apply. The school is organised by INFN and Practicum

The primary goal of the MLHEP school is a focused introduction to applied modern machine learning techniques that could improve physics performance for various HEP-related problems. The school pays attention to the student experience, so along with "hands-on" seminars, a dedicated data science competition will be organised. 

Additionally, the school will include a series of talks that show real examples of improvements for particular physics cases due to machine learning techniques. It is ideally suited for advanced graduate students and young postdocs willing to learn how to:

  • formulate HEP-related problems in machine learning-friendly terms;
  • select quality criteria for a given problem;
  • understand and apply principles of widely-used classification models (e.g., boosting, bagging, BDT, neural networks, etc.) to practical cases;
  • optimise features and parameters of the given model in an efficient way under given restrictions;
  • select the best classifier implementation amongst a variety of ML libraries (scikit-learn, catboost, deep learning libraries, etc.);
  • understand and apply principles of generative model design;
  • define and conduct reproducible data-driven experiments.

For further information, including the registration procedure, please refer to the School website.

Registration is open until the 28th of Feb 2023.

For further questions feel free to contact mlhep2023 [at]

Galileo Gailiei Institute PhD School on: "Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation".

Arcetri, Florence (Italy) from 20 to 31 March 2023. Deadline for Applications: February 5, 2023

The School aims at providing robust and detailed introductions on the basic theoretical concepts and main tools to work in the field of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation. Gravitational waves of astrophysical and cosmological origin, neutrino physics and astronomy, dark matter and dark energy, galactic and extra-galactic cosmic rays and gamma-rays will be some among the main topics, and will be alternated along the years.

The courses are organised as lectures and are integrated with hands-on and discussion sessions with an instructor.

Details can be found at the dedicated page.

Applications can be submitted through the GGI web page within the deadline February 5, 2023.

Simposium “Biomedicina Spaziale per le Future Missioni di Esplorazione Umana dello Spazio: a Call to Action”

Rome, from 15 to 17 March 2023. Deadline for Applications: March 12, 2023

The Italian Space Agency is pleased to announce the Symposium "Space Biomedicine for Future Human Space Exploration Missions: a Call to Action" that will be held from 15 to 17 March 2023 at the ASI headquarters in Rome (Via del Politecnico snc).

The aim of the initiative is to explore ideas and proposals for technologies and lines of research in the field of space biomedicine with the aim of sharing existing heritage and identifying both strengths and possible criticalities for a strengthening of the research sector.

The symposium will be an opportunity to promote dialogue between research groups from different disciplines and industries already actively involved in the space sector, but also to encourage the participation of new players from the national scientific community and companies. The ultimate goal will be the creation of an interdisciplinary network and the promotion of related activities to contribute synergistically to future scientific missions with national participation, also in an international context.

Participation in the symposium is free of charge, subject to registration by 12 March 2023. Those interested in contributing a paper are invited to submit an abstract by 22 January 2023.  

The Symposium poster, with directions for submitting the abstract and for registration, is available at this link.

PHOTONS-@3 Photonic Technologies for Sensing Applications

Pisa, from 23 to 27 January 2023. Deadline for Applications: December 19, 2022

Photonic technologies have played a key role in the last decades to address the high demand for data traffic by telecommunication networks and data centres.

The industrial development of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) optical communications systems and networks in the nineties and the more recent interest in photonic integration for data centres to overcome their well-known electronic bottleneck, have driven the technology to a high level of maturity, opening the way to many other industrial fields and applications.

In particular, photonic technologies are becoming extremely attractive for sensing applications in a wide range of industrial fields, including energy, oil & gas, transportation, automotive, aerospace, bio-chemical and medical applications, as well as for structural health and environmental monitoring.

Optical fiber sensors and photonic sensors, in general, offer many advantages compared to conventional electronic-based sensors; immunity to electromagnetic interference, small size and weight, high multiplexing capabilities, robustness to harsh environments, as well as the fact of being completely passive at the sensing points.

Deadline for Registration: December 19th, 2022

More info available at the dedicated website.