Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori - University

The core activity of Cisl University is to protect and empower human beings in their working environment.

The Union promotes the professional growth of technical and administrative staff encouraging them to deploy their personal resources and skills (training).

It is its purpose to protect its members and the workforce as a whole. The Union is constantly working to provide timely and precise information on decentralized bargaining.

The Union praises the University’s new job profiles that create innovation, competencies and abilities, and those working in highly skilled positions.

It aims to confirm and improve the salary of all employees, paying special attention to workers on fixed term contracts.

CISL has traditionally a catholic membership but is inspired by secular values and does not have any ideological or religious bias.

CILS representatives at the University of Trento are:

Di Corrado Adolfo
(tel. 0461 881219; e-mail: adolfo.dicorrado [at]

Brandolise Ivan
Union Representative
(tel 0461 882560 - 2563 - 2577; e-mail: ivan.brandolise [at]