University statistics
Below are statistics describing the main aspects of the University in a historical perspectives:
Further data on the major indicators describing the University are updated every six months and can be found in UniTrento in numbers.
Other statistical information on the university system can be found in institutional databases managed by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research and, at the local level, by the Provincial statistical service and by the City of Trento:
- Portale dei dati dell'istruzione superiore (Open data - students and staff)
- Anagrafe Nazionale Studenti (enrollments and student progress)
- Universitaly
- Statistiche ISPAT (chapter 6 - Education)
- Annuario statistico del Comune di Trento (chapter 4, section 7 - University)
Online teaching and learning
The University of Trento is carrying out a series of surveys aimed at finding out the impact of online teaching:
Both surveys collected information on attendance, satisfaction with the type of online teaching (live streamed and recorded classes) compared with face to face teaching, technical issues and psychological and relational issues.
Faculty Survey on Online Teaching and Learning
More than 60% of faculty members affiliated with UniTrento participated in the survey (the percentage drops to 50% if we also include other categories, like contract staff for example). The questionnaire collected information on the provision and use of technological equipment, the skills and previous experience with online teaching, the faculty perception of the effectiveness and problems of online teaching (live streamed and recorded classes) compared with face to face teaching, the advantages of using some of the e-learning tools in face to face teaching.
Analysis of exam results in the 2019 and 2020 summer exam session (in Italian)
The analysis considered exam attendance and students' success rate and average grade. We present data on all exam results in the summer session; data on exam results in the two years grouped together for the same course with the same faculty; data on first semester courses provided in face to face mode for which the assessment mode has changed. Online teaching had no statistically significant impact on students' progress (number of exams passed, average grade). There may have been some systematic effects, but positive and negative effects offset each other; therefore, neither online classes nor online exams seem to have an impact on students' progress and final marks.
Statistics on the use of Moodle and other online resources (in Italian)
The resources and tools available on Moodle (19 tools) have been divided in four categories based on their function: content, interactive communication, assessment and feedback. For each category, the number and uses of available resources were quantified. Across all programmes of study, uploaded content accounts for 90% of available resources and tools; as regards the use of resources, the students of master's degrees and five-year master's degrees make a wider use of interactive communication tools (chats, journals, forums), compared with students of undergraduate programmes.