PhD programmes offered by the University of Trento for the academic year 2023-2024 (39th cycle):


Cognitive and Brain Sciences

N. of positions: 11 + 1 (added after the publication of the call)
N. of scholarships: 11 + 1 additional grant financed by Fondazione Bruno Kessler on the following topic: Neural circuit mechanisms for cognitive processes.
Call CBS 2023 - EN

Published: 27/04/2023
Deadline: 31/05/2023

CIMeC: Call for applications for a reasearch fellowship for the coverage of a PHD position - Project "CherISH", CUP E73C23000280006, decree n. 172/2023.

European Cultures. Environment, Contexts, Histories, Arts, Ideas

N. of positions: 7
N. of scholarships: 7
Call CEU 2023 - EN

Published: 27/04/2023
Deadline: 01/06/2023


1st CALL:
N. of positions: 22 +1
N. of scholarships: 19+1 additional grant financed by University of Trento and CNR -INO-BEC on the following topic: Quantum many-body Physics
Call 1 FI 2023 - EN

Published: 28/04/2023
Deadline: 31/05/2023

2nd CALL:
N. of positions: 4 + 2 additional
N. of scholarships: 4 + 2 additional
•    1 additional grant financed by ASI - Italian Space Agency on the following topic: Development and ground testing of a system of free-falling reference test masses for an orbiting gravitational wave observatory
•    1 additional grant financed by University of Trento and Department of Physics on the following topic: Plasma-assisted hydrogen production from biomethane and biogas
Call 2 FI 2023 - EN

Published: 04/08/2023
Deadline: 04/09/2023

Forms of cultural exchange and textuality

N. of positions: 9
N. of scholarships: 9
Call FSC 2023 - EN

Published: 04/05/2023
Deadline: 15/06/2023

Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering

1st CALL:
N. of positions: 12
N. of scholarships: 12
Call 1 ICAM 2023 - EN

Published: 05/04/2023
Deadline: 10/05/2023

2nd CALL:
N. of positions: 15 + 1
N. of scholarships: 14 + 1 additional grant financed by ArcelorMittal Belval & Differdange on the following topic: Automatized choice of fire design of steel structure with new generation of fire models
Call 2 ICAM 2023 - EN 

Published: 20/07/2023
Deadline: 04/09/2023

Information Engineering and Computer Science

1st CALL:
N. of positions: 36
N. of scholarships: 36
Call 1 ISI 2023 - EN 

Published: 27/04/2023
Deadline: 30/05/2023

2nd CALL:
N. of positions: 40+3
N. of scholarships: 39+3 

•    1 additional grant financed by University of Trento on the following topic: Generative Models with Fluid Dynamics
•    1 additional grant financed by University of Trento (project Q@TN) on the following topic: Quantum Devices Radiation Reliability: Experimental Analysis and Algorithm Improvement
•    1 additional grant financed by Fondazione Bruno Kessler on the following topic: AI-based techniques for personalized and playful education
Call 2 ISI 2023 - EN 

Published: 02/08/2023
Deadline: 05/09/2023

Industrial Innovation

N. of positions: 12+1
N. of scholarships: 2+1 additional grant financed by ValueBiotech on the following topic: Augmented imaging for minimal invasive robotic surgery

Positions without scholarship reserved for employees engaged in highly qualified activities: 9
Call INNIND 2023 - EN 

Published: 03/08/2023
Deadline: 06/09/2023


N. of positions: 15 + 1
N. of scholarships: 15 + 1 additional grant financed by Fondazione Bruno Kessler on the following topic: Bayesian Neural Networks with applications in Health Sciences
Call MAT 2023 - EN 

Published: 18/04/2023
Deadline: 18/05/2023

Materials, Mechatronics and Systems Engineering

N. of positions: 24+3
N. of scholarships: 20+3 
Call MMSE 2023 - EN 

Published: 30/05/2023
Deadline: 18/07/2023

Agrifood and Environmental Sciences

N. of positions: 14
N. of scholarships: 12
Call SAA 2023 - EN

Published: 09/06/2023
Deadline: 10/07/2023

Biomolecular Sciences

N. of positions: 22+5
N. of scholarships: 19+5

2 additional grants financed by Fondazione Bruno Kessler on the following topics:
•    Predictive modelling of neurodegenerative diseases timecourse by predictive modeling & generative AI
•    Characterization and applications of biological manifold engineering

3 additional grants financed by Department of Cellular Computational and Integrative Biology Integrata on the following topics:
•    Identification of novel RNA guided nucleases from the microbiome for the development of genome editing tools 
•    Investigation of the whole genome diversity of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) clinically relevant bacterial species and identification/validation of AMR-associated genes
•    Reprogramming translation by advanced genomeediting for the therapy of mendelian copy number diseases

Call SB 2023 - EN 

Published: 31/05/2023
Deadline: 05/07/2023

Cognitive Science

N. of positions: 8
N. of scholarships: 8
Call SC 2023 - EN

Published: 19/05/2023
Deadline: 18/07/2023

School of Social Sciences

Economics and Finance:
1st CALL
N. of positions: 4 + 2 (added after the publication of the call)
N. of scholarships: 4 +2 additional grant financed by:
•    Camera di commercio di Bolzano on the following topic: How can the small business-based economy of regions like South Tyrol and Trentino achieve structural change towards sustainable and carbon-neutral development while maintaining their competitiveness?
•    Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) on the following topic: ESG Modelling: Challenges and Opportunities
Call SS 2023 - EN

Published: 17/05/2023
Deadline: 20/06/2023

2nd CALL
N. of positions: 4
N. of scholarships: 4
Call SS 2023 - EN

Published: 02/08/2023
Deadline: 06/09/2023

Sociology and Social Research:
N. of positions: 6
N. of scholarships: 5
Positions reserved to applicants working for academic institutions or research centers in Italy or abroad ex. art. 17 par. 2, letter e) of the University Regulations for Doctoral Programmes: n. 1 
Call SS 2023 - EN

Notice of selection for the awarding of n. 1 research grant for the filling of a position in the HE MSCA-DN - RE-WORLDING

Published: 17/05/2023
Deadline: 20/06/2023

Sustainability: Economics, Environment, Management and Society (SUSTEEMS)
N. of positions: 6 
N. of scholarships: 6 
Call SS 2023 - EN

Published: 17/05/2023
Deadline: 20/06/2023

Space Science and Technology – SST

N. of positions: 55+1
N. of scholarships: 53+1 additional grant financed by Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – INFN on the following topic: Radiation hard photonic integrated circuits for space applications
Call SST 2023 - EN 

Published: 07/06/2023
Deadline: 06/07/2023

Comparative and European legal studies

N. of positions: 7
N. of scholarships: 5
Call SGCE 2023 - EN

Published: 11/05/2023
Deadline: 13/06/2023

International Studies 

N. of positions: 6
N. of scholarships: 6
Call SI 2023 – EN

Published: 04/04/2023
Deadline: 09/05/2023

Availability within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)

Ministerial Decree no. 117 of March 2, 2023
Mission 4, component 2 “From Research to Business”; Investment 3.3 “Introduction of innovative doctorates that respond to the innovation needs of businesses and promote the recruitment of researchers by the companies”.
•    31 doctoral scholarships are co-funded by companies for the implementation of the projects aiming at the enhancement of high-profile skills, especially in the areas of Key Enabling Technologies

Call PNRR 2023 - EN

Published: 19/06/2023
Deadline: 25/07/2023

Ministerial Decree no. 118 of March 2, 2023
Mission 4, component 1 “Enhancement of the offer of educational services: from nurseries to universities”; Investment 3.4 “Advanced teaching and university skills” and Investment 4.1 “Extension of the number of research doctorates and innovative doctorates for public administration and cultural heritage”.
•    32 doctoral scholarships for the implementation of projects on the following topics:
­    NRRP research
­    Public Administration
­    Cultural heritage

Call PNRR 2023 - EN

Published: 09/06/2023
Deadline: 12/07/2023