KA1 Learning Mobility of Individuals - Mobility of learners and staff between Programme Countries
The Programme Countries are currently: European Union member states, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Serbia starting from a.y. 2019/2020.
Mobility of learners and staff between Programme countries a.y. 2020/2021
Duration: 2020-2021 (28 months)
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
Host Institutions: 332 partner institutions in 30 countries
Short description: The project offers mobility opportunities between Institutions located in programme Countries to students, academic and non-academic staff for study, research, teaching and training purposes.
Mobility foreseen: 700 students for study, 150 students or recent graduates for traineeship, 35 teaching staff mobilities, 25 staff training mobilities.
Mobility of learners and staff between Programme countries a.y. 2019/2020
Duration: 2019-2020 (24 months)
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
Host Institutions: 335 partner institutions in 32 countries
Short description: The project offers mobility opportunities between Institutions located in programme Countries to students, academic and non-academic staff for study, research, teaching and training purposes.
Mobility foreseen: 700 students for study, 150 students or recent graduates for traineeship, 35 teaching staff mobilities, 25 staff training mobilities
Mobility of learners and staff between Programme countries a.y. 2018/2019
Duration: 2018-2019
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
Short description: The project offers mobility opportunities in a Programme Country to students, academic and non-academic staff for study, traineeships, research, teaching and training purposes.
Host Institutions: 326 partner institutions in 30 countries
Mobility implemented:
- student mobility for study: 612 outgoing; 282 incoming
- student mobility for traineeship: 79 outgoing; 25 incoming
- teaching staff mobility: 17 outgoing; 26 incoming
- staff training mobility: 11 outgoing; 30 incoming
- preparatory/monitoring visits: 9 outgoing; 6 incoming
Look at Erasmus+ Project Results Platform
Mobility of learners and staff between Programme countries a.y. 2017/2018
Duration: 2017-2018
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
Short description: The project offers mobility opportunities in a Programme Country to students, academic and non-academic staff for study, traineeships, research, teaching and training purposes.
Host Institutions: 310 partner institutions in 30 countries
Mobility implemented:
- student mobility for study: 632 outgoing; 233 incoming
- student mobility for traineeship: 60 outgoing; 15 incoming
- teaching staff mobility: 15 outgoing; 23 incoming
- staff training mobility: 12 outgoing; 37 incoming
- preparatory/monitoring visits: 5 outgoing; 0 incoming
Look at Erasmus+ Project Results platform
Mobility of learners and staff between Programme Countries a.y. 2016/2017
Duration: 2016-2017
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
Short description: The project offers mobility opportunities in a Programme Country to students, academic and non-academic staff for study, traineeships, research, teaching and training purposes.
Host Institutions: 320 partner institutions in 31 countries
Mobility implemented:
- student mobility for study: 544 outgoing; 183 incoming
- student mobility for traineeship: 108 outgoing; 11 incoming
- teaching staff mobility: 17 outgoing; 29 incoming
- staff training mobility: 12 outgoing; 35 incoming
- preparatory/monitoring visits: 10 outgoing; 4 incoming
Look at Erasmus+ Project Results platform
Mobility of learners and staff between Programme Countries a.y. 2015/2016
Duration: 2015-2016
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
Short description: The project offers mobility opportunities in a Programme Country to students, academic and non-academic staff for study, traineeships, research, teaching and training purposes.
Host Institutions: 290 partner institutions in 31 countries (for student mobility for study and teaching staff mobility)
Mobility implemented:
- student mobility for study: 496 outgoing; 142 incoming
- student mobility for traineeship: 64 outgoing; 9 incoming
- teaching staff mobility: 20 outgoing; 27 incoming
- staff training mobility: 8 outgoing; 4 incoming
- preparatory/monitoring visits: 7 outgoing; 6 incoming
Look at Erasmus+ Project Results platform
Mobility of learners and staff between Programme Countries a.y. 2014/2015
Duration: 2014-2015
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
Short description: The project offered mobility opportunities in a Programme Country to students, academic and non-academic staff for study, traineeships, research, teaching and training purposes.
Host Institutions: 254 partner institutions in 30 countries (for student mobility for study and teaching staff mobility)
Mobility implemented:
- student mobility for study: 423 outgoing; 146 incoming
- student mobility for traineeship: 36 outgoing; 9 incoming
- teaching staff mobility: 11 outgoing; 12 incoming
- staff training mobility: 7 outgoing; 5 incoming
- preparatory/monitoring visits: 2 outgoing; 1 incoming
Look at Erasmus+ Project Resulta platform
KA1- Learning mobility of individuals- Consortium
TACE- Tourism, Art and Communication in Europe
Duration: 2017-2018
Coordinator: Università Cà Foscari di Venezia (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Trieste (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Padova (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Verona (Italy)
Short description: The traineeship consortium TACE aims to increase mobility for traineeship in the fields of turism, communication and promotion of the historical-artistic-environmental-architectural heritage. The current project follows the previous project I-REEF in the period 2014-2016.
Host Institutions: 5 institutions identified by the students in 4 countries
Mobility implemented: student mobility for traineeship: 5 outgoing
BYTE- Boost Your Talent in Europe
Duration: 2017-2018
Coordinator: Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia (Italy)
- Accademia delle Belle Arti di Venezia (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Sassari (Italy)
- Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Verona (Italy)
- Libera Università di Bolzano (Italy)
- Università di Bergamo (Italy)
Short description: The Placement Consortium BYTE was founded with the aim of increasing the number of Erasmus+ grants for traineeships abroad offered individually by the universities involved. The current project follows the previous project REACT in the period 2014-2016 and the project PYT - Place Your Talent in which the UniTrento participated from 2010 to 2014 under the LLP-Erasmus Placement Consortia.
Host Institutions: 10 institutions identified by the students in 7 countries
Mobility implemented: student mobility for traineeship: 10 outgoing
REACT - Realise your Abilities and Competences through Training
Duration: 2016-2017
Coordinator: Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy)
- Università Cà Foscari Venezia (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Sassari (Italy)
- Accademia delle Belle Arti di Venezia (Italy)
- Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Verona (Italy)
- Libera Università di Bolzano (Italy)
Short description: The traineeship consortium REACT was founded with the aim of increasing the number of Erasmus+ grants for traineeships abroad offered individually by the universities involved. The current project follows its previous editions since 2014-2015 and the project PYT - Place Your Talent in which the UniTrento participated from 2010 to 2014 under the LLP-Erasmus Placement Consortia.
Host Institutions: 7 institutions identified by the students in 5 countries
Mobility implemented: student mobility for traineeship: 8 outgoing
I-REEF - Inter-REgional EFfort for start up development
Duration: 2016-2017
Coordinator: Università Cà Foscari Venezia (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Padova (Italy)
- Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy)
Short description: The traineeship consortium I-REEF aims to allow students and graduates to develop their capacity for entrepreneurship and to apply good practice, which can guarantee a higher level of employability at the end of their study programme. The current project comes after its previous editions since 2014-2015.
Host Institutions: 8 institutions identified by the students in 7 countries
Mobility implemented: student mobility for traineeship: 8 outgoing
REACT - Realise your Abilities and Competences through Training
Duration: 2015-2016
Coordinator: Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy)
- Università Cà Foscari Venezia (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Sassari (Italy)
- Accademia delle Belle Arti di Venezia (Italy)
- Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Verona (Italy)
- Libera Università di Bolzano (Italy)
Short description: The traineeship consortium REACT was founded with the aim of increasing the number of Erasmus+ grants for traineeships abroad offered individually by the universities involved. The current project follows its previous editions since 2014-2015 and the project PYT - Place Your Talent in which the UniTrento participated from 2010 to 2014 under the LLP-Erasmus Placement Consortia.
Host Institutions: 17 institutions identified by the students in 9 countries
Mobility implemented: student mobility for traineeship: 18 outgoing
I-REEF - Inter-REgional EFfort for start up development
Duration: 2015-2016
Coordinator: Università Cà Foscari Venezia (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Padova (Italy)
- Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy)
Short description: The traineeship consortium I-REEF aims to allow students and graduates to develop their capacity for entrepreneurship and to apply good practice, which can guarantee a higher level of employability at the end of their study programme. The current project comes after its previous editions since 2014-2015.
Host Institutions: 10 institutions identified by the students in 7 countries
Mobility implemented: student mobility for traineeship: 10 outgoing.
REACT - Realise your Abilities and Competences through Training
Duration: 2014-2015
Coordinator: Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy)
- Università Cà Foscari Venezia (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Sassari (Italy)
- Accademia delle Belle Arti di Venezia (Italy)
- Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Verona (Italy)
- Libera Università di Bolzano (Italy)
Short description: The traineeship consortium REACT was founded with the aim of increasing the number of Erasmus+ grants for traineeships abroad offered individually by the universities involved. REACT followed the previous project PYT - Place Your Talent in which the UniTrento participated from 2010 to 2014 under the LLP-Erasmus Placement Consortia.
Host Institutions: 7 institutions identified by the students in 3 countries
Mobility implemented: student mobility for traineeship: 7 outgoing
I-REEF - Inter-REgional EFfort for start up development
Duration: 2014-2015
Coordinator: Università Cà Foscari Venezia (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Università degli studi di Padova (Italy)
- Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy)
Short description: The traineeship consortium I-REEF aimed to allow students and graduates to develop their capacity for entrepreneurship and to apply good practice, which could guarantee a higher level of employability at the end of their study programme.
Host Institutions: 11 institutions identified by the students in 8 countries
Mobility implemented: student mobility for traineeship: 11 outgoing
KA1 Learning Mobility of Individuals - Mobility of learners and staff between Programme and Partner Countries (International Credit Mobility)
The Programme Countries are currently: European Union member states, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey. The Partner Countries are the rest of the world.
Mobility of learners and staff between Programme and Partner countries a.y. 2020
Includes 10 Countries: Albania, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Kossovo, Tunisia, Federazione Russa, Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Sud Africa, Japan.
Project website
Duration: 2020-2023
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
Host Institutions:
- Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania)
- University of Sarajevo (Bosnia-Erzegovina)
- University of Pristina (Kossovo)
- University of Carthage (Tunisia)
- Tunis El Manar (Tunisia)
- Polzunov Altai State Technical University (Russian Federation)
- HSE St. Petersbrug (Russian Federation)
- Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Russian Federation)
- North Caucasus Federal University (Russian Federation)
- Asian University for Women (Bangladesh)
- Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Viet Nam)
- Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Viet Nam)
- University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (Viet Nam)
- Academy of Science and Technology (Viet Nam)
- Hanoi University (Viet Nam)
- Amrita University, Coimbatore (India)
- Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
- Nagasaki University (Japan)
- Tokyo University (Japan)
- Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Japan)
Short description: The project offers mobility opportunities between Institutions located in extra EU programme Countries to students, academic and non-academic staff for study, research, teaching and training purposes.
Mobility foreseen: incoming: 92 students, 39 staff mobilty for teaching, 18 administrative staff and 2 staff for training. Outgoing: 29 staff for teaching and 7 administrative staff mobility.
Mobility of learners and staff between Programme and Partner countries (ICM 2019)
Includes 13 Countries: Albania,Ukraine, Algeria, Tunisia, Israel, Russian Federation, Bangladesh, Thailand, Cambodia, Viet Nam, India, Argentina and Japan.
Project website
Duration: 2019-2022
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
Host Institutions:
- Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania)
- National Aerospace University (Ukraine)
- Université Abou Bekr Belkaïd de Tlemcen (Algeria)
- Université Batna 2 (Algeria)
- University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene (Algeria)
- Université Annaba (Algeria)
- University of Carthage (Tunisia)
- Université de Sousse (Tunisia)
- Tunis El Manar (Tunisia)
- Haifa University (Israel)
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
- Ural State University of Economics (Russian Federation)
- Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russian Federation)
- Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Russian Federation)
- North Caucasus Federal University (Russian Federation)
- Asian University for Women (Bangladesh)
- Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)
- Burapha University (Thailand)
- Royal University of Phnom Penh (Cambodia)
- Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Viet Nam)
- Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Viet Nam)
- University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (Viet Nam)
- Academy of Science and Technology (Viet Nam)
- Hanoi University (Viet Nam)
- Amrita University, Coimbatore (India)
- Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)
- Nagasaki University (Japan)
- Tokyo University (Japan)
- Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Japan)
Short description: The project offers mobility opportunities between Institutions located in extra EU programme Countries to students, academic and non-academic staff for study, research, teaching and training purposes.
Mobility foreseen: incoming:156 students, 34 staff mobilty for teaching, 21 administrative staff and 14 staff for training. Outgoing: 25 staff for teaching and 7 administrative staff mobility
Mobility of learners and staff between Programme and Partner countries (ICM 2018)
Project website
Duration: 2018-2021
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
Host Institutions:
- National Aerospace University Kharkiv Aviation Institute Named By N Zukovskiy (Ukraine)
- University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
- Université Batna 2 (Algeria)
- Université de Tlemcen (Algeria)
- Université d'Annaba (Algeria)
Short description: The project offers mobility opportunities at partner institution located in Partner Countries to students, academic and non-academic staff for study, research, teaching and training purposes.
Mobility foreseen: 30 in total: 18 incoming students, 6 incoming academic staff, 3 incoming administrative staff, 2 outgoing academic staff, 1 outgoing administrative staff
Mobility of learners and staff between Programme and Partner countries (ICM 2017)
Website: international.unitn.it/incoming/unitrento-er-icm-2017-project-results
Duration: The ER+ ICM 2017 project ended in July 2019.
Of the 87 total mobility planned (64 incoming and 23 outgoing), 88 mobility have been implemented (64 incoming and 24 outgoing) during the 26 months of overall project duration.
Student mobility, either for research purposes or for course attendance, was financed for incoming only. Both, incoming and outgoing administrative and academic staff members, were financed for their mobility at the partner universities, sharing their experience and working together in the framework of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility programme.
The final report has been successfully approved with a score of 96/100.
- Asian University for Women (Bangladesh)
- National University Corporation, Nagasaki University (Japan)
- University of Tokyo (Japan)
- Chonbuk National University (Korea)
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Korea)
- University of the Philippines System (Philippines)
- Univerzitet U Novom Sadu Fakultet Tehnickih Nauka (Serbia)
- Burapha University (Thailand)
- Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)
- Carthage University (Tunisia)
- Universite de Tunis El Manar (Tunisia)
- University of Sousse (Tunisia)
- National Aerospace University Kharkiv Aviation Institute (Ukraine)
- Truong Dai Hoc Bach Khoa Hanoi - Hanoi University of Science and Technology HUST (Viet Nam)
- Truong Dai Hoc Cong Nghe tp Hcm, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (Viet Nam)
- University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (Viet Nam)
Mobility foreseen: 44 students mobility, of which 24 undergraduate students, 12 master students and 8 phd. 44 staff mobility, of which 36 for teaching purposes and 8 for administrative. Of these 88 mobility, 24 were outgoing mobility and 64 were incoming mobility.
Find out more about their experience at the testimonials' web page.
Mobility of learners and staff between Programme and Partner countries (ICM 2016)
Website: international.unitn.it/incoming/unitrento-er-icm-2016-project-results
Duration: The ER+ ICM 2016 project ended in July 2018.
Of the 29 total mobility planned (18 incoming and 11 outgoing), 28 mobility have been implemented (19 incoming and 9 outgoing) during the 26 months of overall project duration.
Student mobility, either for research purposes or for course attendance, was financed for incoming only. Both, incoming and outgoing administrative and academic staff members, were financed for their mobility at the partner universities, sharing their experience and working together in the framework of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility programme.
The final report has been successfully approved with a score of 85/100.
- National Polytechnic University of Armenia
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
- Haifa University (Israel)
- Kwazulu-Natal University di Durban (South Africa)
- Ho Chi Minh University (Viet Nam)
Of these 28 mobility, 9 were outgoing mobility and 19 were incoming mobility.
Find out more about their experience at the testimonials' web page
Mobility of learners and staff between Programme and Partner countries (ICM 2015)
Website: international.unitn.it/incoming/unitrento-ericm-2015-project-results
Duration: The ER+ ICM 2015 project ended in July 2017.
Of the total 201 mobility planned (120 incoming and 81 outgoing), 185 mobility have been implemented (120 incoming and 65 outgoing) during the 26 months of overall project duration.
Student mobility, either for research purposes or for course attendance, was financed for incoming only. Both, incoming and outgoing administrative and academic staff members, were financed for their mobility at the partner universities, sharing their experience and working together in the framework of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility programme.
The final report has been successfully approved with a score of 89/100.
- University of Adelaide (Australia)
- University of Melbourne (Australia)
- Macquarie University (Australia)
- Pontificia Universidade de Rio de Janeiro (PUC Rio Brazil)
- Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)
- Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brazil)
- Carleton University (Canada)
- McMaster University (Canada)
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC Chile)
- Jilin University (China)
- Shanghai International Studies University (SISU China)
- Shanghai University (China)
- Sun Yat Sen University (China)
- Tongji University (China)
- Zhejiang University (Hangzhou China)
- Amrita University, Coimbatore (India)
- Ben Gurion University (Israel)
- Haifa University (Israel)
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
- Nagasaki University (Japan)
- Universidad Veracruzana de Xalapa (Mexico)
- National University of Mongolia
- Auckland University of Technology (New Zeland)
- National University of Asunciòn (UNA Paraguay)
- University of the Philippines
- Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Russian Federation)
- Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russian Federation)
- Ural State University of Economics(Russian Federation)
- National University of Singapore (NUS)
- Tshwane University of Technology (South Africa)
- Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
- Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)
- Barnard College (United States)
- University of Colorado Boulder(United States)
- University of Kansas(United States)
- University of Texas at Arlington(United States)
- West Virginia University (United States)
- Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Viet Nam)
Find out more about their experience at the testimonials' web page
KA2 Erasmus Mundus Design Measures
ABRAx- Artificial Biology, Robotics and Art
Duration: 2022-2023
Coordinator: University of Trento
- Aalborg University (Denmark)
- Maholy-Nagy University for Art and Design (Hungary, MOME)
- Gothenburg University (Sweden, GU)
- Cultivamos Cultura (Portugal)
- Institute of Advanced design Studies (Hungary)
Short description: The aim of this Design Measures proposal is to develop an Erasmus Mundus joint masters degree in Complex and Adaptive Systems Across Robotics, Biology, Art and Design (ABRAx). The program will prepare students for working creatively and collaboratively across industry, society and technology with the necessary skills and preparedness to respond to major challenges concerning the environment, inclusion, health, and sustainability.
Envisioning and developing innovative and sustainable solutions requires familiarity with methods and knowledge across disciplines and the ability to collaborate across sectors and disciplines, with knowledge that spans natural sciences, engineering, arts and humanities. The programme thus proposes the development of two tracks (MA and MSc) that combine knowledge expertise and cultivates interdisciplinary skills to address common goals through the development of highly-specialized, diversified profiles.
The project is led by University of Trento (IT, UNITN), and involves Aalborg University (DK, AAU), Maholy-Nagy University for Art and Design (HU, MOME) and Gothenburg University (SE, GU).
Website: https://abrax.cibio.unitn.it/
UniTrento Departments/Centres: CIBIO
DIMSE Designing an International Master in Social Enterprise and Social Economy
Duration: 2022-2023
Coordinator: Universite Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
Partner: University of Trento
Short description: The “Designing an International Master in Social Enterprise and Social Economy” (DIMSE) partnership will explore the feasibility of offering a unique joint Master programme on the social economy and social enterprise. Social enterprises refers to the variety of initiatives in many different sectors of activity—work integration, social finance, short supply chains, recycling, personal services, collaborative economy, culture, and many others—whereby citizens, private sector actors, and public officials are carrying out new opportunities to promote societal goals. These initiatives open up new activities that create jobs; inspire trust among citizens and public authorities through a value-based economy and contribute to the institutional plurality of our economic systems, opening the door to citizen involvement, participation, and empowerment. The social economy refers to the wider sphere where these social enterprises and other traditional legal forms (cooperatives, associations, mutual, foundations) emerge and thrive. DIMSE will explore the feasibility of offering a unique programme through a partnership that will address three highly relevant objectives as described in the Erasmus Mundus Programme Guide: the inclusion of countries and institutions with a low representation in the 2014-2020 period as well the incorporation of under-represented thematic area in the Erasmus Mundus programme offer. DIMSE will draw from the experience accumulated in the framework of the EMES International Research Network, providing a solid basis to explore the feasibility of a Joint Master nurtured by high-quality and recent research that innovates the training offering of the participating universities and increases the international attractiveness of such a programme.
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Economics and Management
EESIC Engineering for Environmental Sustainability and International Cooperation
Duration: 01.02.2022-30.04.2022
Coordinator: University of Trento
- Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) Lisbon (Portugal)
- Universitat Politècnica València (UPV) (Spain)
Short description: Environmental sustainability is the key to guarantee a safe future to mankind on Earth and requires balancing the exploitation of natural resources and the social and economic development. The European Union is setting new ambitious standards thanks to actions, such as the European Green Deal, that reverberate on all continents. This proposal is aimed at designing a future Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in “Engineering for Environmental Sustainability and International Cooperation” (EESIC). EESIC aims at training environmental engineers able to tackle problems characterized by both technical and non-technical complexity, looking for innovative and sustainable solutions. The 2-year, 120 ECTS programme is organized in four semesters, with the first three at the main partners and the fourth that can be spent also at one of the several Associate Partners that will be selected in different continents. The MSc thesis will focus on applied research in the context of international collaboration engineering projects. Excellence in teaching, pursued also by means of a project-oriented, hands-on approach, and fostering of soft skills, intercultural understanding and open mindset in an international class of students, will characterize a study plan that revisits the traditional subjects of environmental engineering introducing the most advanced knowledge, cutting-edge research, nature-based solutions, and non-technical abilities. The educational approach will focus on fostering soft skills through the paradigm of development engineering, based on project-based learning within the contexts of international cooperation. Thanks to their poliedric competences, graduates will be employed in any type of environmental engineering problem characterized by complexity and interdisciplinarity. The programme is expected to have an impact on the promotion of environmentally sustainable solutions worldwide.
KA2 European Universities
ECIU University
Duration: 2019-2022
Coordinator: University of Twente
- University of Trento (Italy)
- Aalborg University (Denmark)
- Dublin City University (Ireland)
- Hamburg University of Technology (Germany)
- Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
- Linköping University (Sweden)
- Tampere University (Finland)
- University of Aveiro (Purtugal)
- University of Stavanger (Norway)
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)
KA2 Knowledge Alliances
IoT Rapid-Proto Labs
Duration: 2018-2020 - extended till 2021
Coordinator: Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Department of Industrial Engineering
Short description: IoT Rapid-Proto Labs is a European transnational project bringing Higher Education Institutions and businesses together to accelerate Internet of Things (IoT) product development. The project will create and implement a multidisciplinary (ICT, Design and Electrical Engineering) course curriculum which is focused on real problem-based activities (innovative IoT product development for SME’s/Start-ups).
KA2 Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education
IREEDER - Introducing Recent Electrical Engineering Developments into Engineering undergraduate curriculum
Duration: 2019-2022
Coordinator: Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Jordan)
- Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan
- Universita degli Studi di Trento, Italy
- Mutah University, Jordan
- Isra University, Jordan
- Tafila Technical University, Jordan
- Philadelphia University, Jordan
- Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
- University of Central Lancashire Cyprus, Cyprus
- Universidade De Vigo, Spain
- University of Patras, Greece
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Short description: The main objective of the project is to improve the capacities of high quality education, using state of art technology and training staff on improving the quality of the courses taught by making best use of these technologies. The developed courses will be oriented to the recent technologies in electrical engineering including internet of things, cyber security and renewable energy and energy efficiency in addition to their different applications. All these courses will be in accordance with Bologna requirements.
NURSLING - National Qualification Frameworks: Guidelines for development and recognition of qualifications
Duration: 2015-2018- extended untill 14/04/2019
Coordinator: Universidade do Algarve (Portugal)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Bath Spa University (United Kingdom)
- University of Patras (Greece)
- World University Service (Austria)
- Burgichi Biznes (Uzbekistan)
- Tashkent State Technical University (Uzbekistan)
- National University of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)
- Tashkent University of Information Technologies (Uzbekistan)
- Samarkand State University (Uzbekistan)
- Center for Development of Higher and Secondary Specialized Professional Education (Uzbekistan)
- Ministry for Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Short description: The NURSLING project is a breakthrough initiative to identify common denominators in the academic sectors in Uzbekistan. The wider objective is to approach the Uzbek higher education to real needs of economic and social development of the country. The aim of the project is to implement QF ideas in Uzbekistan. The specific objectives are the following: establishing of the National Committee on the Qualification Frameworks (QF) in Uzbekistan, together with the national Ministry of Education;
improving national General Regulations concerning education standards in particular fields, on the basis of QF ideas, Bologna principles and the EU universities' experience;
introduction of new national standards on informatics in Uzbekistan and development of a corresponding sectorial QF.
KA2 Strategic Partnerships
BRANDY- Experiential education. Interactive/Intensive course of european brand management
Duration: 2020-2023
Coordinator: University of Economics in Katowice
- Universite Savoie Mont Blanc (France),
- Budapesti Gazdasagi Egyetem (Hungary),
- Universitatea Din Bucuresti (Romania),
- Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Russian Federation),
- Fundacion Universitaria San Pablo-Ceu - Universidad Ceu Cardenal Herrera (Spain),
- Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen Howest (Belgium),
- Universidad De Leon (Spain),
- Universita Degli Studi Di Trento (Italy),
- Haute Ecole Specialisee De Suisse Occidentale (Switzerland),
- Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar (Germany)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: DEM
Short description: The consortium will design, test and implement a new concept of experiential intensive course in the field of global brand management. Our main specifications define the educational system to be gamified, competitive and interactive. The course can be sized for a group of approximatively 50-60 international students and 8-10 educators. The targeted students are in the end of their bachelor studies or at the beginning of Masters’ studies.
ABRA- Artificial Biology, Robotics and Art
Duration: 2020-2023
Coordinator: Aalborg Universitet
- Institute of Advanced Design Studies Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (Hungary),
- Aalto Korkeakoulusaatio Sr (Finland),
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: CIBIO
Short description: ABRA is a project with a strong emphasis on developing competencies for the future of work-life. Our project aim is two-fold:
Firstly, to address innovation and renewal of the educational initiatives by developing transdisciplinary higher education methods in the arts and sciences, specialising in the fields of artificial biology, robotics, art and design. Secondly, to introduce sustainable procedures and actions within our focus fields through transdisciplinary education development.
The developed higher education methods in this project will be compiled in a handbook “Best Practices in transdisciplinary higher education”.
INNOCORE - Core Technologies for Education and Innovation in Life Sciences
Duration: 2019-2022
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
- University of Coimbra (Portugal),
- Masaryik University (CZ),
- Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC, Czech Republic),
- Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology/ Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Life Sciences (CNC.IBILI, Portugal),
- Hub Innovazione Trentino (HIT, Italy), Parque Tecnológico de la Salud de Granada, PTS (Spain),
- Sanipedia (Italy),
- Crioestaminal, (Portugal)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: CIBIO
Short description: We aim to propose a Strategic Partnership that group together academy, companies and industrial facilitators (i.e. incubators and/or accelerators) to raise the technical and entrepreneurial skills of students and research & innovation staff within knowledge-intensive course programs in the field of life science. The project wants to address this challenge valorising Core Facilities as a mean for academy-industry collaboration and through blended education and project based collaborations. Our overarching aim could be delivered by: 1) The development of joint courses and modules targeting students, young researchers and CF staff; 2) The integration of a project based transnational collaboration involving both academy and companies; 3) The intra- and inter regional cooperation to deliver innovative qualification to students, academic research and innovation staff, and companies staff as well.
CoLLab- Teaching Collab: Collaborative Platform for Teaching Excellence Innovation
Duration: 2019-2021
Coordinator: Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal)
- Technische Universität Hamburg (Germany)
- Universitetet i Stavanger (Norway)
- Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy)
- Kauno Technologijos Universitetas (Lithuania)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Facoltà di Giurisprudenza
Short description: ColLab is an ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership project coordinated by the Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) with the partnership of members of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities(ECIU), a leading international consortium of research intensive universities, with collective emphasis on innovation, creativity and societal impact, driving the development of a knowledge-based economy.The objective the the ColLab project is to provide teachers/professors in Higher Education with an educational resource centre and a space where they can exchange knowledge and experiences and instructional technologies with their peers in various European countries, in order to become better prepared to face the evolving teaching and learning environment in that sector.
INCLUDED- INclusive ChiLdhood edUcation supporteD by multimEdia and Digital storytelling
Duration: 2019-2022
Coordinator: Istituto comprensivo 3 Modena (Italy)
- Computer Learning (IT)
- Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy)
- Fundacion AUCAVI (ES)
- Fundacion A LA PAR (ES)
- Universidad Europea de Madrid (ES)
- Kummun koulu school (FI)
- University of Eastern Finland (FI)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive
Short description: INCLUDED aims to identify the best ways to find inclusive paths using the "digital Storytelling". The main objective of this project is to work on the innovative paths that take advantage of the potential of new media to develope an organic plan for integration at European level.
TAVIE - Tools for enhancing and assessing the value of international experience for engineers
Website: blogs.upm.es/tavie/whats-ta-vie/
Duration: 2018-2021
Coordinator: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- École Centrale Nantes (France)
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)
- T.I.M.E. Association
- French Embassy in Madrid (France)
- Confindustria Trento (Italy)
- Accenture (USA)
- Aena (Spain)
- Siemens (Germany)
- Other companies tbc
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Short description: Develop internationalization strategies and tools for enhancing and assessing global competence for engineering students and alumni, promoting embedded mobility schemes and enforce their quality, and strengthen employability through cooperation across national and organizational borders.
Identify the global competence (knowledge, skills and attitudes) needed by engineers to work and communicate effectively in organisations and companies characterized by cultural and social diversity.
Develop a toolkit that helps HEIs, companies and organisations as well as engineers to assess the impact of training and international experience on global competence, which will enhance quality assurance of education and international mobility.
Develop innovative and effective teaching and training strategies for students in higher education, drawing on theory and current best practices, and making better use of the many existing opportunities for embedded mobility and cooperation.
Develop strategies and ways for promoting employability that valorizes the competence of engineering graduates with international experience.
SOS DIGITAL-Providing Support to Students
Duration: 2018-2021
Coordinator: Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
- Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science
Short description: SOS-Digital focuses on student wellbeing and on the importance of implementing proper tools to support students in distress or at-risk. Therefore, the main objectives are, first, to define at-risk behaviour, identify resources available to students who are exhibiting, or are affected by at-risk behaviour, and set out the reporting procedures for those who observe at-risk behaviour, and, secondly, to create an online library that will show HEI staff how to effectively deal with these students, by providing simulation videos of real cases.
C-Extended-Challenging and EXTending Erasmus conNnecting and blenDing sEctors and Disciplines
Duration: 2017-2020
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
- KTH Royal Institute Of Technology (Sweden)
- Imperial College of London (UK)
- Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)
- Junior Achievement International
- Université de Rennes (France)
- Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Department Information Engineering and Computer Science
Short description: Leveraging on a detailed needs analysis, the C-Extended project aims at addressing the following challenges:
- Provide student mobility in the much-needed bridging across disciplines and sectors
- Rethink pedagogy and teaching methodologies through the application of blended learning
- Field test and gauge the added value provided by interdisciplinary paths
- Focus on delivering reusable IOs to be provided to partners and other HEIs as exemplars to address broad educational challenges
- Change the European added value given by European mobility from purely physical/travel-centred to skill-centred
- Attempt a focused, small-scale concrete action to address the notorious Education to Research/Business integration challenge
- Leverage on the ICT student cohorts to address the bridging between the partners’ diverse set of disciplinary specializations
- Explore the possibilities of reusing such novel methodologies in the context of broader Erasmus programmes (E+/Mundus)
DEE- diversity, equality and inclusion in pre-primary education and care: a gender perspective
Website: deeplus.wixsite.com/deep
Duration: 2017-2020
Coordinator: Provincia autonoma di Trento (Italy)
- Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy)
- Verein für Männer- und Geschlechterthemen Steiermark (Austria)
- Rettet-das-Kind-Steiermark (Austria)
- Alliance for regional and civil initiatives (Bulgaria)
Short description: The general objective of DEE project is to promote equal opportunities and overcoming gender stereotypes starting from pre-school education through a specific training of educators and teachers. The project indeed foresees the development of a gender sensitive teaching model in order to provide high quality services and responses to diversity education and gender mainstreaming. The project has other two objectives: to promote awareness of gender stereotypes between families and to improve the decision makers engagement in gender education.
REALISE Realising the potential of the International mobility of staff in higher education
Duration: 2016-2019
Coordinator: Université Paul Valéry – Montpellier 3 (France)
- University of Trento (Italy)
- Linköping University (Sweden)
- University of Warsaw (Poland)
- Middlesex University (UK)
- Universidad de Barcelona (Spain)
- Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
- Ghent University (Belgium)
- University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)
- Universita degli Studi di Catania (Italy)
Short description: Realising the potential of the international mobility of staff in higher education” is a three-year European Strategic Partnership project that aims to improve the implementation and recognition of staff mobility in order to maximise its impact on both individuals and institutions.
UniTrento Departments/Centres: International Relations office
CONSUMAWARE - Enhancing quality in innovative higher education about consumer awareness
Website: consume-aware.eu/project/
Duration: 2016-2019
Coordinator: University of Economics in Katowice (Poland)
- Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy)
- Howest University College West Flanders (Belgium)
- Işık University (Turkey)
- Université Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
- Seinajoki University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
- University of Bucharest (Romania)
- Budapest Business School (Hungary)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Department of Economics and Management
Short description: Based on in-depth analysis of relevant documents and statistical data it was observed that European Union(EU) faces a major challenge in higher education and lack of innovative, interactive, stimulating and open education which develops both teachers and learners’ skills. On the other hand it can be observed, that EU priority is to increase the awareness of consumers with regards to their markets’ rights protection and there is lack of specialists on this topic.Objectives: The main objective of the project is to enhance the quality of innovative higher education on consumer awareness. It will be done through detailed objectives which include: creation and implementation of the innovation and interactive open educational module (MOOC), development of a model for academic innovative teaching and finally creation an open space of integration and exchange of good practice between Universities from EU.
ATEST- Assesment of Traineeships within the European Credit Transfer System+
Website: www.educaops.eu/index.php/en/atest-project
Duration: 2014-2016
Coordinator: EDUCA INTERNATIONAL NGO (Czech Republic)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Metropolitan University Prague (Czech Republic)
- Institut des hautes études économiques et commerciales (France)
- Technische Hochschule Deggendorf (Germany)
- Pavol Josef Safarik University in Kosice (Slovak Republic)
- Nottingham Trent University (United Kingdom)
- Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands)
- Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice (Czech Republic)
- University of the Basque Country (Spain)
- Technological Educational Institute of Athens (Greece)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: School of International Studies
Short description: The ATEST project is proposed as a two year project s and should address the problem and find solution, respectively to find a recommendation for approval of credits also for internships. The traineeships is a part of the study - students gain practical experience in their field of study in another way – through practical activities which is very important and essential for their further professional development. The current practice used for recognition of traineeships results shows us huge differences between universities and also within the same university. We can see large differences in the manner of allocated credits for internship performed within the Erasmus programme (from 0 ECTS to 30 ECTS). If we accept the Erasmus programme traineeships as an integral part of study, it must be objectively evaluated in accordance with recognized rules, i.e. ECTS. For traineeships there is no model how to evaluate and recognize participation in Erasmus traineeships under the ECTS. The project partners will analyze own system at 10 universities in 9 EU countries for recognition of traineeships used by each project partner and altogether the project team will prepare common analysis, how could be solved the problem of recognition of traineeships based on ECTS according to the period, results and other aspects of traineeships.
MARCIEE - Marketing Communication Innovativeness of European Entrepreneurs
Website: www.uni-kassel.de/fb07/institute/ibwl/personen-fachgebiete/wagner-prof-dr/marciee.html
Duration: 2014-2017
Coordinator: Universität Kassel (Germany)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- University of Iceland (Iceland)
- Université Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
- Vilnius University (Lituania)
- University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (The Netherlands)
- University of Vaasa (Finland)
- Budapest Business School (Hungary)
- Università degli studi di Pavia (Italy)
- Hochschule der Wirtschaft für Management (Germany)
- Universidad de Leon (Spain)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Department of Economics and Management
Short description: The importance of entrepreneurs is significant for the economic development of European economies. Entrepreneurs have the chance to differentiate themselves from established competitors in the market with the help of dialogue communication. The new digital communication services in the field of social media provide the entrepreneurs with excellent possibilities to address their clients regardless of limited resources and cultural boundaries. Entrepreneurs' adaption of modern communication technologies and innovative customer relationship maintaining technologies opens a broad range of research opportunities. Entrepreneurs are often innovators in their domain, but insufficiently trained in establishing and maintaining customer dialogues. Moreover, their levels of customer relationship management differ and they are often not familiar with the use of modern technologies in support of these processes. One practical aim of MARCIEE is to strengthen the innovativeness of European entrepreneurs and to professionalize their intercultural communication and marketing activities in order to establish competitive advantages over non-European entrepreneurs. The international cooperation of doctoral students, post-docs and other interested researchers makes it not only possible for them to have access to data from different European nations, but also to learn how to cope with intercultural challenges. These concern the contents of research activities (e.g. equivalence of scales in intercultural comparisons) and the differing research traditions, processes and theoretical explanations across cultures.
SPACE - Students Promoting Active Citizenship in Europe
Duration: 2015-2017
Coordinator: Callington Community College Cornwall (United Kingdom)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Alec Reed Academy (United Kingdom)
- Alytus City Municipality (Lithuania)
- Centro de Profesorado de Alcalá de Guadaíra (Spain)
- Alytaus Putinu gimnazija (Lithuania)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Department of Humanities
Short description: The SPACE Award has been developed as a response to the concern that young people are becoming increasingly disenfranchised in Europe today and that the turnout at elections is especially low in 18 - 24 year olds across Europe. In many European countries there is a sense that young people are disengaging with the political process which has the potential to destabilise countries. In the current political climate, therefore, there is a clear imperative to tackle this problem to ensure young people see the importance of participation in the political process and are able to use their voice positively and become active citizens. The SPACE Award is a student citizenship package that aims to develop young people's understanding of democratic processes. It offers an accessible framework for student councils and committees from which young people can learn how to create and build an effective student council.
PREDIS - Prevention of early dropout of vet through inclusive strategies for migrants and Roma
Website: www.predis.eu/project_information_predis.html
Duration: 2015-2018
Coordinator: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Buzau County School Inspectorate (Romania)
- Slovenian Migration Institute (Slovenia)
- Steirische Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft (Austria)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Department of Humanities
Short description: In the EU, 6 million young people between 18 and 24 do not have a finished VET or another secondary school. Consequently, these youngsters face deprivation and unemployment, which in turn influences the social and economical development of a country. Especially migrants and Roma face these difficulties. Furthermore, these groups face discrimination at the transition from general school to VET, as well. The ET 2020 strategy now aims at reducing the dropout rate to below 10% by 2020. The EU project PREDIS - Prevention of dropout of VET through inclusive strategies for migrants and Roma helps in reaching this goal.
ENVYJOBS - Environmental learning innovation for more knowledge and better jobs
Website: envyjobs.pub.ro/
Duration: 2015-2018
Coordinator: University Politehnica of Bucharest (Romania)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Saxion University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands)
- Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia (Greece)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Short description: At the global level it is already known our dependence on a healthy environment and the fact that environmental problems go over national and regional borders. To achieve this aim we need adequate training and access to higher and actual skills through better education and training systems. Mutual learning in field of environmental engineering between important and experimented actors in European higher education system using the exchange of good practice and implementing innovative tools and instruments is the rationale of the EnvYJobs project. EnvYJobs project will contribute to the fulfilment of long-term EU objective concerning the environment as to achieve levels of water, air and soil quality "that do not result in unacceptable impacts on, and risks to, human health and the environment".
KA3 Support for policy reform
OpenU - Online Pedagogical Resources for European Universities
Duration: 2019-2022
Coordinator: Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
- KU Leuven (The Netherlands)
- Università di Bologna (Italy)
- Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
- Université Rennes 1 (France)
- Aalto (Finland)
- UP Madrid (Spain)
- European Universities Foundation
- European Association of Distance Teaching Universities
FAIR - Focus on automatic institutional recognition
Website: www.nuffic.nl/en/subjects/fair-focus-on-automatic-institutional-recognition/
Duration: 2015-2017
Coordinator: Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (The Netherlands)
- University of Rijeka (Croatia)
- Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)
- Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
- Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain)
- Universita degli Studi di Trento (Italy)
- Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium)
- Ghent University (Belgium)
- Minesterium für Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt (Germany)
- Universitaet Bremen (Germany)
- Hochschule Harz (Germany)
- Fondazione Crui per le Universita Italiane (Italy)
- Associazione Cimea (Italy)
- Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita di Bologna (Italy)
- Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza (Italy)
- University of Antwerp (Belgium)
- Stiftung zur Forderung der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (Germany)
- Association Europeenne de L'universite (Belgium)
- European Consortium for accreditation in higher education (The Netherlands)
- University of Zagreb (Croatia)
- University Of Split (Croatia)
- Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte (Spain)
- Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
- Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
- Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science (Denmark)
- Agency for Science and Higher Education (Croatia)
- Flemish Community (Belgium)
- Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (Germany)
- Breda University of applied Science (The Netherlands)
- Universita degli Studi di Palermo (Italy)
- Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands)
- Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia (Croatia)
- Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Croatia)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: International Cooperation and Agreements Department
Short description: The objective of the Focus on Automatic Institutional Recognition (FAIR) project is to improve European recognition as practiced by higher education institutions by implementing elements of automatic recognition.Experimentation measureThe measure to be tested is the introduction of automatic recognition in institutional recognition procedures. Automatic recognition is a fairly new concept that is explored by the 'pathfinder group on automatic recognition' in preparation of the Bologna Ministerial Conference in Yerevan 2015. FAIR aims to test how the recommendations can best be implemented in institutional recognition practices.
Jean Monnet
EU-FLAG - EU-Food Law And Globalization (Chair)
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023
Coordinator: Università degli Studi di Trento
PWOC Politics Without a Centre: The EU as Problem or Solution? (Module)
Duration: 1.09.2020 - 31.08.2023
Coordinator: Università degli Studi di Trento
MoSE - Enhancing European Citizenship. Towards a More Social Europe (Project)
Duration: 17.09.2020 - 18.02.2023 (extended)
Coordinator: Università degli Studi di Trento
ISS EU - Internationalization and Soft Skills for Change Management in Europe (Module)
Durata: 01.09.2019 31.08.2022
Coordinatore: Università degli Studi di Trento
FIN4AWP - Financial Innovation for Active Welfare Policies (Project)
Durata: 01.09.2019 31.08.2022
Coordinatore: Università degli Studi di Trento
NAMEPES - North Africa Middle East Politics and EU Security
Durata: 01.09.2019 31.08.2022
Coordinatore: Università degli Studi di Trento
EUWeBER - The European Union and the Western Balkans: Enlargement and Resilience (Chair)
Durata: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2022
Coordinatore: Università degli Studi di Trento
TRAiL - Trento Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (Project)
Durata: 01.09.2019 28.02.2022
Coordinatore:Università degli Studi di Trento
DICE Democracy in the Construction of Europe (Project)
Durata: 01.09.2018 - 31.03.2021
Coordinatore:Università degli Studi di Trento
GEEW - Globalizing Europe/Europeanizing the World. The History of the EEC/EU from a global Perspective (Chair)
Durata: 01.09.2018 - 28.02.2022
Coordinatore:Università degli Studi di Trento
BioTELL - Biolaw: Teaching European Law and Life Sciences (Module)
Durata: 01.09.2017 - 28.02.2020
Coordinatore:Università degli Studi di Trento