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International Studies
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Ph.D. Alumni in International Studies

Name / Nationality

Dissertation Title / Supervisor / Final Exam Date

Jobs after the PhD
Mario Giagniorio

The Actorness of the European Union in Arctic Policymaking

Prof. Anna Casaglia
Prof. Marc Lantaigne

2 October 2024

Research fellowship holder,
Department of Sociology and Social Research, Università di Trento
Silvia Peirolo

Teach Them to Fish. Analyzing Practices of Security Assistance in International Peacekeeping Training Centers

Prof. Alessandra Russo

26 September 2024

Researcher at Armed Conflict Location & Event Data 
David Marcel Sip

Brothers in the Axis of Resistance or Pawns? Iranian proxy warfare, 1979-2019

Prof. Pejman Abdolmohammadi

30 Mat 2024

Valentina Piol

Ethnic Organised Crime Groups: Assessing Countermeasures Adopted by EU Member States


Andrea Di Nicola

23 April 2024

Italian Government employee, Rome

Michele Mazzetti


Poverty Everywhere Endangers Prosperity Everywhere: Trade Agreements and Labour Rights Protection

Prof. Matteo Borzaga

10 July 2023

Research Fellow at the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Florence

Giulia Daga


(Re)presenting Oman: A Discourse-Historical Analysis of Sultan Qaboos bin Said's (non)alignments (1970-2020)

Prof. Pejman Abdolmohammadi

25 July 2023

Research Fellow at the Italian Institute of the International Affairs (IAI)

Ruben David


Evolving norms in the UN Climate Regime: the EU’s and China’s contentious interpretations of the principles regulating mitigation commitments over the course of the climate negotiations (1992 – 2020)

Prof. Louisa Rosemary Parks

27 April 2023

Research Assistant, ISPI, Milan, Italy

Aleksandar Damjanovski


The ‘Institutional effect’ over EU defence cooperation initiative: The case of preferential patterns of behaviour in the Permanent Structured Cooperation

Prof. Stefano Benati

12 April 2023

Unicollege SSML, Florence, Italy

Claudio Christopher Maria Passalacqua


Power Shifts in International Standardization: Explaining a Leading  Standard Setter in Telecommunication

Prof. Arlo Poletti

31 October 2023

Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of International Relations of the University of Bologna

Andrei Tarasov


Secessionism on the Rise: Frames, Media Bias, and Strategies of Political Parties in Catalonia (2010-2014) and Scotland (2012-2016)

Prof. Emanuele Massetti

15 May 2023

Research Fellow at Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals

Vanessa Ugolini


“(Un-)Making” Data To “Make” Security: A Discursive And Visual Inquiry Into The Production, Circulation And Use Of Data Across The Pan-European Information Infrastructure

Prof. Alessandra Russo
Dr. Georgios Glouftsios

1 March 2023

Researcher at Vrijie Universiteit Brussel

Jessica Cuel  


Help that Hinders? The impact of donors on local communities' participation in environmental projects.

Prof. Louisa Parks

13 December 2022

Research Support Office at the University of Trento

Micaela Musacchio Strigone


Far-right party-movement interactions in times of crises (2009-2019): The cases of Lega-CasaPound Italia in Italy and UKIP-EDL in the United Kingdom

Prof. Emanuele Massetti

3 October 2022

Consultant at Cronos Europe for Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy of European Commission

Amandine Le Bellec


The European Union and the politicization of gender and sexuality in the reforms of the Common European Asylum System (1999-2020)

Prof. Carlo RUZZA - UNITN
Prof. Réjane Sénac - SciencesPo (France)

20 September 2022

Sciences Po Paris, France

Mattia Zeba


Language rights for ‘new minorities’: an inclusive perspective on linguistic diversity in Europe

Prof. Jens Woelk
17 Febraury 2022
Researcher at EURAC Research, Italy

Jean Paul Moinet


The legal relevance of the doctrine of non-recognition: The preservation of the international legal order and the settlement of intractable conflicts

Prof. Marco Pertile
12 November 2021

Gian Marco Longoni


How civil conflicts end: Fragmented and competitive armed oppositions and the outcomes of civil conflicts (1989-2017)

Prof. Paolo Rosa
2 September 2021
Senior Research Executive at Verian Group Brussels, Belgium

Adriana Cuppuleri


Russia in the contested neighbourhood: a neoclassical realist approach to regional primacy

Prof. Paolo Rosa 
6 July 2021
ISPI, Milan, Italy

Bleta Brovina


International multi-ethnic state-building through power-sharing arrangements: a comparative study of Kosovo and Macedonia

Prof. Jens Woelk
26 April 2021
Lawyer. Phristina, Kosovo

Maria Cecilia del Barrio Arleo 

Accommodating diversity in the EU Banking Union: The Single Supervisory Mechanism and the quest for supervisory consistency

Prof. Luisa Antoniolli
29 April 2020

ECB Graduate Programme Participant (DG Secretariat Official)
Isabella Oldani

Exchanging and Protecting Personal Data across Borders: GDPR Restrictions on International Data Transfer

Prof. Antonio Alì
20 July 2020

Data protection lawyer, 42 LawFirm, LT42 - The Legal Tech Company
Vincenzo Tudisco

Postwar Pacifism in a Changing Context: Constitutional Bans on War in Japan, Italy, and Germany

Prof. Jens Woelk
19 August 2020

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Trento
Giulia Sciorati

"Rooting out Resistance in Uyghur Society”: The Making of China’s Counterterrorism Policy in Xinjiang (1996-2017)

Prof. Paolo Rosa
3 September 2020

Researcher, Asia Centre, ISPI, Milan, Italy

Iotam Andrea Lerer

Providing Arms and Weapons to Parties Involved in Civil Wars: The Legal Framework for EU Member States

Prof. Marco Pertile
4 September 2020

Head of Cooperation at EU Delegation to Timor Este
Chiara Tea


Promoting the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights: The (Potential) Role of National Human Rights Institutions

Prof. Giuseppe Nesi
14 June 2019

Postdoctoral Researcher at Sant'Anna School
of Advanced Studies
(Pisa, Italy)

Baratto Gabriele

The role of social media in the illegal online trade of medicines

Prof. Andrea Di Nicola
18 October 2019

Research fellow at the Department "Faculty of Law", University of Trento. Member of the eCrime research group, and of the Institute of Safety and Security Sciences of the University of Trento    
Bredikova Hana

Are third-party interventions in civil wars
desirable? Multi-method approach to ending intrastate conflicts.

Prof. Filippo Andreatta
23 October 2019

Data analyst for a leading polling agency, manager at GSG
Dacrema Eugenio

Modelling Contentious Politics: The case of civil strife and radicalization in the Middle East and North Africa.

Prof. Stefano Benati
30 September 2019

Economic risk analyst in the Analysis and Early Warning Unit of the World Food Programme
Frosecchi Giulia
Prof. Matteo Borzaga
10 June 2019
Researcher at the University of Florence
Decentralised International Cooperation: Enhancing Conservation and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Natural Resources

Prof. Louisa Rosemary Parks
7 June 2019

EUSALP Policy Officer at the Autonomous Province of Trento and Independent Researcher in environmental law and policy
Parisi Piergiuseppe

Socialisation by Inquiry. A Study of the Effectiveness and Impact of Human Rights Council-Mandated Commissions of Inquiry in Israel and Palestine.

Prof. Emanuela Fronza (University of Bologna), Prof. Marco Pertile (UniTn)
24 October 2019

Research Associate
at the Centre for Applied Human Rights,
University of York, UK
Associate Lecturer
at the York Law School, University of York, UK
Pejovic Milica
Contesting the European Union in times of crisis: an analysis of Facebook interactions

Prof. Carlo Ruzza
28 May 2019

Project coordinator of the School of Innovation at the University of Trento
Sciandra Elena

The Social Organisation of the Illicit Trafficking in Antiquities: The Cases of Bulgaria and Italy

Prof. Andrea Di Nicola
18 October 2019

Analyst for Europol
Baldarelli Margherita
Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Legal Pluralism in Africa: The Case of Zambia and Ghana

Prof. Luisa Antoniolli
7 March 2018

Legal Assistant at the European Commission, Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development
Denti Davide

The European Union and Member State Building in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Simona Piattoni
20 April 2018

Policy Officer at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR)
Fiorentini Enrico

Avoiding non-proliferation atrophy: 
The effectiveness of multilateral cooperation, regime dynamics and the case of nuclear non-proliferation

Prof. Paolo Foradori
19 September 2018

Consultant at the Office for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Galvis Martínez Manuel Andrés 

Allegiance in International Armed Conflicts. The Role of the Duty of Fidelity in International Humanitarian Law

Prof. Marco Pertile
12 July 2018

Legal Assistant for the Defence - United Nations International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals
Giannetto Leila

More than consultation
Civil society organisations mainstreaming fundamental rights in EU border management policies: the case of Frontex and its Consultative Forum

Prof. Carlo Ruzza
7 June 2018

Researcher at FIERI
and Euricse
Guzzo Falci Paula
Illiberal Secularism: A Critical Approach to the Study of Social and Religious Governance in Liberal Democracies

Prof. Michele Nicoletti
27 November 2018

Post-doctoral Researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München
Roberti di Sarsina Jacopo

Is International Law a Building or Stumbling Block to States' Response to a Legacy of Massive Atrocities? Reassessing the Obligations to Investigate and Prosecute

Prof. Giuseppe Nesi
21 May 2018
Legal Officer, DG Connect, European Commission
Member of the Legal Service (Relex and International Law Team), European Commission
Associate Legal Officer, Visiting Professional (Chambers), International Criminal Court
Romaniuk Scott N.

Under Siege: Counter-Terrorism Policy and Civil Society in Hungary

Prof. Paolo Foradori
15 June 2018

Research fellow at the Corvinus Centre for Contemporary Asia Studies, Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies, Corvinus University of Budapest
Cittadino Federica

Indigenous Rights and the Protection of Biodiversity: A Study of Conflict and Reconciliation in International Law 

Prof. Marco Pertile
19 January 2017

Senior Researcher, Institute for Studies on Federalism and Regionalism, EURAC (Bolzano)
Nicoli Francesco
Integration in times of crisis. Testing Neofunctional hypotheses: a political economy investigation of crisis-led integration.

Prof. Luigi Bonatti
17 February 2017

Postdoctoral Fellow at the Access Research Centre,

University of Amsterdam
Akchurina Viktoria

The state as social practice: sources, resources, and forces in Central Asia

Prof. Vincent Della Sala
28 January 2016

Postdoctoral Researcher at the GLOBAL CONTEST project/CERAL, University of Paris-13, Paris
Bobić Marinko
Minor Powers Confronting Major Powers: A Comparative Examination of the Conditions Facilitating Decisions to go to War

Prof. Filippo Andreatta
28 April 2016

Lecturer for Leiden University,

The Netherlands
Reassessing North-South Relations: An Examination of North-South Preferential Trade Agreements for Developing and Emerging Economies

Prof. Vincent Della Sala
26 February 2016

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Economics at Pace University and the New York Institute of Technology
Selenica Ervjola
Albanian and Italian
New states challenged: education, peacebuilding and state-building  in post-conflict Kosovo and East Timor

Prof. Roberto Belloni
4 July 2016

Visiting research fellow,

Centre for International Education, University of Sussex
Costantini Irene

Statebuilding versus state formation: the political economy of transition in Iraq and Libya

Prof. Roberto Belloni
27 April 2015

Post Doctoral Researcher at the University of Naples 'L'Orientale' 
Erforth Benedikt 

A Reflectivist Approach to France's Security Policy-Making in Sub-Saharian Africa

Prof. Vincent Della Sala
22 May 2015

Lecturer in International Relations, Political Science, and Comparative Constitutional Law, SciencesPo, Paris
Katzarova Elitza

The World Is Broken: The Social Construction of a Global Corruption Problem

Prof. Vincent Della Sala
30 April 2015

Lecturer and researcher at the Chair of International Relations at the University of Brunswick - Institute of Technology, Germany

The Conflict-Cooperation Nexus: Politicization, Security and Domestic Institutions in EU-Russia Energy Relations

Prof. Paolo Rosa
16 April 2015


Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Brussels

Essays on financial factors and firm export behaviour

Prof. Stefano Schiavo
31 January 2014
Bank of England,


Illegal Waste Traffic and Legitimate Market Players: Legislative opportunities in Italy

1 April 2014
Prof. Andrea Di Nicola
Lawyer, International Law Firm,

Milan, Italy

Principles Matter: Humanitarian Assistance to Civilians under IHL

Prof. Marco Pertile
30 January 2014
Delegate for the ICRC

Seeking Protection in Europe:
Refugees, Human Rights, and Bilateral Agreements Linked to Readmission

Prof. Antonino Alì
8 May 2014
Lecturer in Law,

Department of Law and Criminology, Edge Hill University, UK
Foto del docente
Prof. Andrea Di Nicola
1 April 2014
Associate Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Bologna

Procedural Incentives in Private Damages Actions for Infringement of Competition Law: EU and U.S. perspectives - The EU, Italy, England and Wales, and the U.S -

Prof. Antonino Alì
27 February 2014

Legal Advisor in matters concerning competition law and regulated network industries (Gas and Electricity) with the European Institutions
Prof. Vincent Della Sala
11 April 2013
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Law, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain
South African

New Maps for Africa? Contextualising the 'Chinese' model within Ethiopian and Kenyan paradigms of development

Prof. Peter Wagner
21 February 2013
Assistant Professor of Globalisation and Development Studies,

The University of Maastricht,

the Netherlands

The Legal Status of Roma in Europe: between national  minority and transnational people

Prof. Jens Woelk
19 April 2013
Consultant for the development and management of EU co-funded projects in the area of socio-economic inclusion

Prof. Marco Pertile
16 April 2013     

Regional Senior Legal Counsel and Spokesperson for EMEA Antitrust: 
Prof. Simona Piattoni
8 May 2013
Protection Associate with UNHCR

The State and Transnational Organized Crime: A Case Study Analysis of Criminal Opportunities in the Russian Federation and the United States

Prof. Andrea Di Nicola
7 November 2013
Assistant Professor,

John Jay College of Criminal Justice  New York, United State

Wandering in Twilight? Democracy Promotion by the EU and the USA and Democratization in Armenia

Prof. Sergio Fabbrini
19 March 2012
Senior Researcher within TRANSWORLD project at the Otto-Suhr Institute of Political Science,

Freie Universität Berlin
Betti Andrea

Legitimate and Contested:
How States Respond to International Norms

Prof. Roberto Belloni
16 March 2012
Assistant Professor

Theory of International Relations

Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid

he Legal Recognition of same-sex unions in the EU: can the charter of fundamental rights of the European Union make the difference?

20 April  2012
Prof. Roberto Toniatti
External professor of comparative public law, Department of Political Science, University of Padua, Italy 

Essays on Economic Growth and Development in Post-Socialist Countries

Prof.  Luigi Bonatti  
17 April 2012
Country Economist of the World Bank Office in Belarus

Economic Security for the working poor? Trade-linked labour standards, workers' rights, and the politics of representation of Bangladesh's garment workers 

Prof. Giorgio Fodor
24 April 2012 
Associate Professor, Institute of Bangladesh Studies, University of Rajshahi, and Chairman, Development Synergy Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Prof. Luisa Antoniolli
8 June 2012 
Assistant Professor of Business Law and Human Rights,

University of Connecticut, U.S.A.

Helsinki disentangled (1973-75): West Germany, the Netherlands, the EPC and the principle of the protection of human rights

Prof.  Mark F. Gilbert
13 February 2012
Conference officer, Office of the Secretary-General, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
Prof.  Emanuela Fronza
15 March 2012

The High Representative for the CFSP and EU security culture: from mediation to policy entrepreneurship

Prof.  Sergio Fabbrini 
16 March 2012
Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM),

San Michele all'Adige,

Trento, Italy

Essays on spatial inequalities evidence from Pakistan

Prof. Christopher Gilbert
26 September 2011
Research Economist at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) in Islamabad,

Hegemony, private actors, and international institutions: transnational corporations as the agents of transformation of the trade regime from GATT to the WTO

Prof. Vincent Della Sala
17 May 2011
Program Officer for the General Marshall Fund of the United States, Washington D.C. 

A Genealogy of Government. On Governance, Transparency and Partnership in the European Union

Prof. Vincent Della Sala
8 March 2011
EU Affairs Advisor in EU Policies and Strategies, Directorate of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
21 June 2011
Prof. Richard Pomfret 
Assistant Professor,

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K)

Undertaking the Responsibility: International Community, States, R2P and Humanitarian Intervention

Prof. Michele Nicoletti
27 July 2011
Assistant Professor,

Department of International Relations

 Hacettepe University,

Ankara, Turkey
Quer Giovanni Matte
Prof. Jens Woelk
14 June 2011
Visiting Researcher,

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

The process of harmonisation of the law of international commercial arbitration: drafting and diffusion of uniform norms

2 March 2010
Prof. Luisa Antoniolli
Italian Revenue Agency, Milan, Italy
Prof. Vincent Della Sala
26 February 2010
Assistant Professor in the Department of International Relations,

Çağ University, Turkey

From International to EU-Driven Statebuilding: the Reorganization of Sovereignty in Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Sergio Fabbrini
29 June 2010
Team leader for the rule of law and democracy in the Directorate General for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels

The Role of the United Nations Security Council in the Strengthening of the Withdrawal Clause of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

Prof. Paolo Cotta Ramusino, 
University of Milan
14 April 2010
Director of the Department of Legal Affairs at the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE)




Developments in the international legal regime of protection of migrant workers’ rights: the impact of globalisation

Prof. Alessandro Fodella
8 April 2009

Research Fellow, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London 


The Impact of Social Enterprises onSocio-Economic Development in Transition Countries: The Cases of Poland and Ukraine

Prof. Carlo Borzaga
1 July 2009

Research coordinator,
European Research Institute
on Cooperative and Social Enterprises (Euricse),
Trento, Italy


Transition and Failing States: Albania in the 1990s

Prof. Vincent Della Sala
7 April 2009

Research Fellow,
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Trento


The Fallacy of Democratic Victory: Decision-Making and Arab-Israeli Wars, 1967-2006

Prof.  Sergio Fabbrini
30 April 2009
Ideas and Policy Change
The International Monetary Fund from Orderly to Properly Sequenced Liberalization
Prof. Sergio Fabbrini
20 June 2008
Associate Professor in International Political Economy,
Scuola Normale Superiore,
Pisa, Italy

Possible Patriotisms: Refracting the Political through Multiculturalism, Postnationalism, and Terrorism

Prof. Gianfranco Poggi
11 January 2008
University of the Italian Switzerland