Alex Pellacani has been the Director General of the Trento University since January 2016.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Director General - Article 19 of the Statute
- Within the framework of the policies approved by the Governing Board, the Director General is responsible for the overall management and organisation of the offices and services of the University, for its technicians and administrative staff and for its material resources.
- The Director General:
- within the limits of his or her powers, assists the Rector and the University bodies in carrying out their roles and supervises, to the extent to which he or she has responsibility, the implementation of the relative directives and decisions;
- in agreement with the Rector, proposes to the Governing Board the organisational framework of management and lines of development, and the incentivisation of excellence among the technicians and administrative staff, defining its implemental plan and taking responsibility for its achievement;
- in agreement with the Rector, assigns managerial posts for the running of the technical and administrative departments according to the provisions of the specific regulations;
- taking into account the strategic plan of the University, proposes to the Governing Board a multi-year plan of development and improvement of the quality of services and gives an annual report into the state of its implementation;
adopts the measures necessary to carry out adequate checks to ensure that the accounts are being kept correctly and the balance sheets are drawn up correctly in accordance with the procedures established by the University’s Regulation for Finance and Accounting.
- The post of Director General is assigned by the Governing Board, acting on the proposal of the Rector and in agreement with the President, to a highly qualified person with proven experience of managerial roles over many years. The Director General is selected in accordance with the procedures established by the General Regulation of the University.
- The post lasts no longer than five years and is renewable. The Director General can be suspended or dismissed for serious reasons before the end of his or her mandate on the basis of an order, with grounds, passed by the Governing Board, acting on the proposal of the Rector in agreement with the President.
- The Director General takes part in the meetings of the Governing Board, the Academic Senate and the University Council without the right to vote, with the role of secretary responsible for writing the minutes.
- The Director General designates his or her deputy who stands in for him or her in the event of absence or impediment.