Who can apply?

Applications are welcome from students who:

  • are enrolled in the Bachelor "Weinbau und Oenologie" and have already earned at least 60 credits;
  • have a B1 level in Italian.
What will you study?

The candidates can apply for the Bachelor’s degree course in "Viticoltura ed Enologia" at the Agriculture Food Environment Center - C3A in San Michele all’Adige.

Duration, organisation and tuition fees

The programme runs for 2 semesters.

Participating students usually earn 60 credits based on a study plan that they have jointly agreed with their university coordinators.

The remaining semesters and credits must be taken at HGU.

Students can attend Italian classes for free at the University Language Center - CLA to achieve a B2 level.

Courses are taught in Italian.

Students participating in the double degree programme pay their tuition fees to HGU. Students must also purchase 3 tax stamps of 16 euro each for administrative procedures (available from post offices, banks and tobacconists).

Thesis and qualifications

The thesis shall be co-supervised by professors of both Institutions and may be written and discussed either at UniTrento or at HGU before a joint committee (including in conference mode).

The thesis should be written in English. If it is written in Italian or German, an abstract in English must be provided.

Copies of the thesis must be filed at both institutions in compliance with applicable rules and deadlines.

At the end of the double degree course, students obtain:

  • a Bachelor of Science in Weinbau und Oenologie from HGU, and
  • a Laurea in Viticoltura ed Enologia from UniTrento. 

Titolo contatti