Why IST?

Técnico is the largest school of Architecture, Enginnering, Science and Technology in Portugal, involving a community of over 10.000 people.
Técnico ranks among the Top 50 engineering schools in the world and ULisboa is among the 129 best universities worldwide in Engineering & Technology.  
It boasts a strong links with society and with industry and for over a century IST graduates have contributed to the development of Portuguese industry and have played very important roles, having reached top positions in the most relevant Portuguese companies. 

86% of IST graduates find employment within 6 months of graduating. Técnico works tirelessly to strengthen the network of alumni based on three principle areas: lifelong learning, updating of knowledge and a strong community focused on scientific and technological progress.

Who can apply?

Applications are welcome from UniTrento students enrolled in the first year of the Master’s in

  • Civil Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Mechatronics Engineering
  • Materials Engineering


  • have earned all the credits for the first year of the master’s;
  • have a B2 level of English;
  • have a weighted grade average of at least 25/30.

Always check the correctness of the information and any updates on the UniTrento call and on the partner's website.

Duration, organisation and tuition fees

The programme's duration is 4 semesters (120 credits) from September. The length of the master’s programme for those doing a double degree is 3 years (180 credits).

For your study plan, you can choose any academic activity from the Mestrados.

Each Mestrado has its own academic offer under the “Curriculum” section.

The courses taught under the following Mestrados may not be chosen: Structural Engineering, Construction and Rehabilitation, Transport Infrastructure, Engineering, Engineering and Water Management, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Biomedical Technologies, Geographic Information Systems, Complex Transport Infrastructure Systems (with MIT), Energy Engineering and Management, Information Security and Cyberspace Law, Information and Enterprise Systems.

The courses of the Mestrado are taught in English while those of the first three years are taught in Portuguese.

Students taking part in the double degree programme continue to pay their tuition fees to UniTrento.

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Useful documents
Thesis and qualifications

The thesis (30 ECTS), in English, must be supervised by academics from both institutions and discussed at IST, unless otherwise agreed.

At the end of the double degree course students will be awarded two separate qualifications:

  • a Laurea Magistrale in Engineering from UniTrento, and
  • a Mestrado from IST.

Testimonial by DICAM student Dario Mirossi


Testimonianza di Anna Galotta - Testimonial DII

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