
An international mobility experience can vary depending on the duration of the period and the distance, both geographical and cultural, of the destination.

Here you will find a summary of the opportunities offered by international mobility programmes.

Short-term mobility in Erasmus+ countries

Short-term programmes ECIU: from 2 to 30 days at partner universities of ECIU, with physical mobility combined with a virtual mobility component.

Blended Intensive Programme Erasmus+: mobility from 5 to 30 days at one of the project's partner institutions, with physical mobility combined with a virtual mobility component.

Summer School EIT Digital: an intensive training programme of 2 weeks.

Short-term mobility worldwide

Internship abroad: from 2 to 6 months – with a maximum funding of 3 months if the internship is post-graduation and 4 months if the internship takes place during studies – at universities, organizations, or companies in any country worldwide.

Thesis research abroad: a fixed duration of 3 months at universities, organizations, or companies in any country worldwide.

Medium-term mobility worldwide

Erasmus+: mobility from one to two semesters at partner universities in countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme.

Bilateral Agreements: mobility for one semester at partner universities in the rest of the world.

Long-term mobility worldwide

Double Degree: mobility from 1 to 2 academic years at partner universities worldwide.

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