Since November 2018, with a view to support students enrolled in doctoral programmes, the University of Trento has increased doctoral scholarships to 16,290.00 euro (gross amount). This income is subject to social security contributions, which are paid by both the employer (the University) and the employee (PhD students).
Please note that the increase in the scholarship amount has an impact on:
- scholarship increases for research activities abroad (up to 50% of the amount of the scholarship);
- the budget allocated to research activities provided for by Ministerial Decree 226/2021.
The increase in the scholarship amount also has a positive impact on unemployment benefits for doctoral students introduced since 1 July 2017.
About 75% of PhD positions come with a scholarship.
For the award of scholarships, applicants are ranked based on academic merit. If there are two candidates of equal merit, the University will consider the financial status of the two pursuant to Prime Ministerial Decree of 9 April 2001.
Scholarships are paid annually and are renewed for every year of the course, provided that the doctoral students have completed the programme of activities planned for each year, with the approval of the Faculty board. This scholarship cannot be combined with research grants, higher education and research contracts or other study grants awarded for any purpose, except for those awarded by national or foreign institutions for integrating the doctoral student's research activity with stays abroad.
Those who have already benefited, even partially, from a scholarship for a research doctorate in Italy, and public employees on extraordinary leave who retain their economic, social security and retirement benefits, are not eligible for a doctoral scholarship.
Scholarships are paid in advance bi-monthly instalments, except for the first two months of the calendar year, which are paid by the end of January to allow the opening operations of the new accounting year.
For students who withdraw from their course, suspend their studies, are excluded from the programe or fail to meet the requirements, scholarships are not disbursed in full, but considering 15-day fractions of attendance.
If you decline a scholarship offer you must fill out the relevant form and submit it to thePhD and higher education office responsible for your PhD programme: you can find the contact details and opening hours below.
The amount of the scholarship is increased by 50% for carrying out research activities abroad, subject to the approval of the programme coordinator or the Faculty board.
For further information visit the page on scholarship increases.