
The University cooperates with other universities, public and private entities, research and cultural centres, at national and international level, to develop, disseminate and enhance the results of scientific research.

This webpage lists the names and objectives of all currently active cooperation projects.

Alcide De GasperiManagement of the De Gasperi House Museum in Pieve Tesino (TN) to encourage a reflection on the key principles of Trentino’s autonomy with reference to its political, historical and cultural identity.
Antonio MegalizziThe Foundation aims to promote, coordinate, manage and provide assistance with initiatives and events, at national, European and international level, organized by the founding members and/or by other public or private entities that aim to keep alive the dream and the memory of Antonio Megalizzi.
Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (COSBI)The centre conducts research into innovative technologies in the area of computer science, mathematics and engineering for a variety of sectors including, in an interdisciplinary perspective, life sciences, pharmacology, medicine and nutrition and their integrated applications in traditional computer science.
CUOA - Centro universitario di Organizzazione Aziendale To develop and disseminate management and entrepreneurship knowledge to the benefit of the private and public sector.
EURICSE - Istituto Europeo di Ricerca sull'Impresa Cooperativa e SocialeStudy and research work on the nature and characteristics of cooperatives, social enterprises and other nonprofit organizations.
FICO - Fabbrica Italiana ContadinaPromotion of food education, critical consumerism and sustainable agriculture.
Hub Innovazione Trentino (HIT)To disseminate and enhance the outputs of innovation and research carried out in Trentino in order to facilitate the development of the local economy.
AISA - Associazione Italiana per la promozione della Scienza ApertaTo disseminate a culture of Open Science.
AISAMTo promote the development of Atmospheric sciences and Meteorology.
APRE - Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca EuropeaPrivate research institution aimed at providing information, support and training on the dynamics of participation in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development.
Centro cooperazione internazionaleInformation, education and training on matters of international cooperation, European affairs, peace and human rights.
Centro studi e documentazione sui demani civici e proprietà collettiveTo encourage research on matters of use of communal land and collective properties.
Centro studi Martino MartiniTo develop intercultural relations between Europe and China.
CODAU -  Convegno dei Direttori generali delle Amministrazioni UniversitarieTo provide coordination and guidance in university management.
CSCC - Centro Studi sulla Cina ContemporaneaTo develop interest and knowledge of contemporary China.
ECIU -European Consortium of Innovative UniversitiesA focus on research and innovation, creativity, social impact.
EIT ICT Labs ItalyDevelopment of higher education, research and innovation in ICT at local, national and international level.
EUCEET - European Civil Engineering Education and Training AssociationTo promote cooperation among higher education institutions providing courses and training at European level in the area of civil engineering.
GBC ITALIA - Green Building CouncilTo promote and disseminate a culture of sustainability in the design, construction and management of buildings from an environmental, social, economic and health perspective.
ITALO-TEDESCA di sociologiaTo promote mutual exchange and cooperation between the Italian and German culture in the area of sociology and social sciences.
NETVAL - Network per la valorizzazione della ricerca universitariaTo promote and enhance university research and technology transfer.
ORSI - Osservatorio per la Responsabilità Sociale D'impresaEncourage the creation, dissemination and implementation of pilot projects for business management and self-regulation in the area of social responsibility.
UNISCAPE - Rete europea di università per l'attuazione della Convenzione europea del paesaggioThe network aims to strengthen cooperation among European universities regarding landscape issues in the framework of the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 19 July 2000.
University consortia
Alma LaureaImplementation of the Alma Laurea database.
CINECA - Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Gestione del Centro di calcolo elettronico dell'Italia nord orientaleData management and analysis centre for the North East of Italy.
CINI - Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'InformaticaTo promote cooperation projects in computer science research.
CISIA - Consorzio Interuniversitario Sistemi Integrati per l'AccessoServices and research on guidance to university programmes, advanced education and specialization courses.
CNISM  - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienza Fisiche della MateriaTo promote and coordinate research, scientific work and applications in the area of the Physical Sciences of Matter.
CNIT - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le TelecomunicazioniTo promote and coordinate research projects in telecommunications.
COINFO - Consorzio Interuniversitario per la FormazioneTo promote, design and deliver training, continuous education and research programmes for universities and other public and private institutions.
CUEIM - Consorzio Interuniversitario di Economia Industriale e ManagerTo promote research in the different areas of law, social and economic studies, science and technology.
INBB - Consorzio Interuniversitario Biostrutture e BiosistemiTo promote and coordinate scientific cooperation projects in the field of biostructures and biosystems.
INSTM - Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei MaterialiTo promote and coordinate scientific work in the area of materials science and technology.
RELUIS - Consorzio Interuniversitario Rete dei Laboratori di Ingegneria SismicaTo coordinate and promote research in the area of seismic engineering.
INAS - Consorzio Interuniversitario Istituto Nazionale di Studi su AgrobusinessResearch and higher education in the area of local economics, the food industry, the environment.
Interuniversity centres
Centro interuniversitario di Scienze della Sicurezza e della Criminalità (in collaboration with the University of Verona)The centre conducts applied research with a highly multidisciplinary approach and provides high quality education and training programmes for recent graduates and professionals, in the areas of crime studies, security, safety. The centre focuses on risk identification, analysis, prevention, mitigation, management, communication and perception, for sustainable safety and security.
CISU - Centro Interuniversitario per lo Studio delle UtopiePromotion of studies on utopian theories to explore new policies, innovation and social projects.
CIMAB -Centro Interuniversitario di Matematica Applicata alla BiologiaThe centre coordinates research on mathematics applied to biology, medicine and environmental sciences to stimulate scientific collaboration projects.
CIPAS - Centro Interuniversitario di Politica Argoalimentare AmbietaleTo promote and coordinate research projects on agricultural, food and environmental policies.
CIRM - Centro Interuniversitario per la MetallurgiaTo promote metallurgy research in chemistry, physics, mechanics and technology.
CIRMAP - Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sul Management PubblicoThe centre aims to study the role of public managers in the governance of public organizations and in supporting the decision making process as concerns public policies; it also aims to establish a network of competences to promote the key role of public management as a crucial element in order to achieve a more efficient public administration.
CIRSIL - Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulla Storia degli Insegnamenti LinguisticiTo promote the history of language studies.
CIRST - Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Studi sulla TradizioneTo promote research on historical studies, in particular in classical and late antiquity and ancient Christianity.
CISDI - Centro Interuniversitario per lo Studio della Storia del Diritto e delle Istituzioni Italiane ed EuropeeTo promote the study of the history of law and of Italian and European institutions.
CISUI - Centro Interuniversitario per la Storia delle Università ItalianeTo promote and develop a history of Universities in Italy.
CRIT - Centro Interuniversitario sulla tradizione dei testi letterari e greci antichiResearch and studies of ancient Greek literature.
ECONOMETICA - Centro interuniversitario per l'Etica Economia e la Responsabilità sociale d'impresaTo promote cross-sector research, academic education and training and public debate on economic ethics, ethics of professions and corporate social responsibility.
MATEMATITA -Centro interuniversitario di Ricerca per la comunicazione e l'apprendimento informale della MatematicaInteruniversity research center for the communication and informal learning of mathematics.
CONTAGRAF - Centro Interuniversitario per la Contabilità e Gestione Agraria, Forestale ed ambientaleTo promote, support and coordinate research on management and bookkeeping practices in agriculture, forestry and the environment, to disseminate knowledge on the different specific methodologies from a technical and application perspective with the participation of relevant representatives from each area.
GEO - Centro Interuniversitario per lo studio della condizione giovanile, dell'organizzazione delle istituzioni educative e dell'orientamentoResearch on the general characteristics of youth, of different ages, exploring changes in education from a social and organizational perspective, orientation, and the transition from education to work.
Limited liability consortia
Distretto Tecnologico TrentinoDevelopment of initiatives for the creation, in the Autonomous Province of Trento, of a technology district for sustainability in the construction sector, in renewable energies and in land management.
TSM - Trentino School of ManagementEducational opportunities oriented to the needs of the business environment, public institutions and a range of professions.
Geie (Gruppo Europeo di Interesse Economico)
EEIG - Expertissues European Institute of Excellence for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative MedicineResearch on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

The list does not include organizations that are in the process of being closed or that will stop collaborating with the university.

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