
This programme allows you to spend a period of at least 3 months abroad to undertake research for your thesis or final exam.

How to participate

When you apply for the programme you must fulfil the following requirements:

  • be enrolled on a course of study at UniTrento and plan to start your period abroad before 31 July of the year after the normal duration of your degree course (i.e. of the first supplementary year);
  • have at least a B1 level in the language used at the host organisation (this can be self-certified using the module online); NB: the B1 English test taken as part of the admission test for the bachelor’s programme is not valid certification for this;
  • have earned at least 144 ECTS (academic credits) if you are enrolled on a bachelor’s degree, 240 ECTS if you are enrolled on a single-cycle master’s course, 70 ECTS if you are enrolled in a master’s programme, at least 60 ECTS if you are enrolled on the Physics master’s programme.

You will also have to submit:

  • your research project (an outline of the main arguments of your thesis and how you plan to develop the work abroad, in Italian and English);
  • a letter of support from your thesis supervisor at UniTrento;
  • a letter of acceptance from the host organisation abroad.

The online application must be completed by the last day of each month at 12:00 PM (Italian time).

At lease 30 days must pass between the end of the month in which you submitted your application and your departure.

Where can you go?

You can choose from destinations all over the world.

The mobility can be organised with various types of institutions including laboratories, research centres, companies and professional studios. The host organisation is selected autonomously in agreement with your thesis supervisor at UniTrento

For security reasons, mobility to Ukraine, Russia and Israel has been temporarily suspended.

Special cases

The Double Degree programme; the city where you are based for your thesis research  or final exam must be different from that of the double degree, and mobility for thesis research may take place only once exams for the double degree programme have been completed, subject to agreement with your UniTrento supervisor and with the supervisor at the partner university.

If you are enrolled on the joint European Master in Business Studies (EMBS) you can apply for mobility for thesis research or an internship abroad, also for destinations in the countries participating in the programme.

If you are enrolled in the Double Degree EIT Digital programme as an outgoing student (i.e. in the 2nd year) you may not apply for the programme.


The scholarship is intended as a contribution to travel and accommodation expenses while you are abroad and will be paid only when there is a physical transfer in a single payment within two months following your departure. The amount of the scholarships, listed below, are subject to taxation and vary according to the destination country and the results of your ISEE (income assessment).

If you are a non-EU student who has been admitted to the University of Trento under the quotas reserved for non-EU residents abroad, you do not have to provide an income assessment (ISEE) but you will automatically receive the highest possible amount for the scholarship.

The amount shown is the total contribution for a minimum period of mobility of at least 3 months. This sum remains unvaried, even for longer periods abroad.

27 countries of the European Union and EFTA/EEA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland)

Lump sum (3 months)

  • 900 euros with ISEE assessment of more than 25,000 euros;
  • 1,650 euros with ISEE assessment of less than or equal to 25,000 euros.

Outside Europe

Lump sum (3 months)

  • 2,100 euros with ISEE assessment of more than 25,000 euros;
  • 2,850 euros with ISEE assessment of less than or equal to 25,000 euros.

If you have already carried out all or part of your research thesis abroad as part of the same course of study under another programme (for example, Erasmus), you may not obtain funding through this programme. 

Moreover, funding through this programme may not overlap with other funding for the same destination and period.


The call is always open: you can submit your application at the end of each month.

Mobility timeline

Download the document below and follow the step-by-step instructions to follow before, during, and after the mobility.

This document is temporarily available in Italian.

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