
As described in the University’s QA Policy Politiche di Ateneo per la qualità (currently available only in Italian), the University of Trento:

  • ensures the academic and research staff have the right conditions to be able to conduct their own research
  • promotes a critical analysis of the quality and the impact of all research
  • provides a periodic review of research outcomes and impact
  • invites researchers to respond to expectations and requirements of different sectors of society in terms of the research outcomes and knowledge transfer and thus shape their research projects to meet these demands.

Whether through the dissemination of outputs and the fostering of a scientific community  or through knowledge transfer to the broader society, the promotion of the excellence of its research is a fundamental part of the University of Trento’s Mission.

The University’s Quality Assurance Policy is available in the specific section: Documentazione Qualità UniTrento (in Italian)

The Department/Centre Annual Research Report (SUA-RD) is available in the specific section: Documentazione Qualità UniTrento (in Italian)

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