
The Research Ethics Committee of the University of Trento has the main function of evaluating and expressing opinions on human experimentation protocols presented by individual researchers or research groups belonging to the various departments and centres, or by affiliated bodies and institutions, which imply risks for the psycho-physical well-being of the subjects involved, and which may also possibly limit their right to confidentiality, information and decision-making autonomy. Regardless of the clinical classification or otherwise of the study, if the protocol provides for:

  1. the involvement of patients,
  2. or involves procedures that fall within the direct or agreed healthcare responsibility of the provincial health service,
  3. or sets itself the objectives of producing knowledge that is expected to have direct relevance (diagnostic, therapeutic, healthcare) of a healthcare nature,

the study must be considered as coming under the jurisdiction of the Territorial Ethics Committee of the Autonomous Province of Trento for clinical trials (CET-PAT).

Composition of the Research Ethics Committee


In carrying out its work, the Research Ethics Committee refers, with regard to pluralism of ethical orientations, to national, European and international regulations of a legal, deontological and ethical nature. It is inspired by the principles indicated in the documents of good clinical practice and of experimentation with human beings, and pays particular attention to the current version of the Declaration of Helsinki.

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