
At the end of the research process of the PhD programme, and at least 10 days before the exam date, candidates must deposit the following documents on the institutional research registry portal (login to IRIS with university credentials):

  • a copy of their thesis in pdf format;
  • a copy of the IRIS deposit disclaimer.

If an embargo is requested, the IRIS deposit disclaimer must also be signed by the tutor. The embargo can have a maximum duration of 24 months and may be requested for the following reasons:

  • the thesis is due to be published by a publisher who will not allow open access before the publication date
  • the thesis has been produced as a project financed by public or private entities who have imposed restrictions on the dissemination of the results
  • the thesis is, or could be, the subject of a patent application and registration and/or subject of protection under the industrial property laws (for more information regarding this, please contact the Research Enhancement and Impact Division).

The entire procedure for loading a thesis into IRIS is described in the dedicated guide.

Legal deposit of PhD theses

Since 2008, the University of Trento has followed the CRUI guidelines by dematerialising doctoral theses and promoting their archiving in the university IRIS repository through which the University is able to fulfill its legal deposit obligation for this type of document. The doctoral theses discussed before 2008 were sent, first in paper form and subsequently in digital form, to the Central National Libraries of Florence and Rome where they are kept in accordance with the law on legal deposit (Law 106/2004).

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