
The Erasmus+ programme offers you the opportunity to take part in short-term exchanges which include learning activities and online cooperation (if you are a doctoral student the online component is optional). 

Where can you go?

At UniTrento, short-term Erasmus+ mobility is promoted under the Blended Intensive Programmes-BIPs, the intensive mixed programmes offered jointly by at least 3 higher education institutes from 3 countries participating in the programme.

At the moment, there are no plans by the departments and centres to participate in new BIPs.

How to participate

To take part in the programme, consult the list of BIP UniTrento participates in, check that the selection procedure for participants is open and contact the programme coordinator.

The basic requirement is to be enrolled in a bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate at UniTrento.

You may not participate in a BIP at the same time as you are taking part in another mobility programme abroad, with the exception of activities which take place in the university where you already are (in this case, no additional financial support will be provided).

Participation in physical and virtual challenges, and micro-modules, must be concluded at least one month before the end of your university career.

Students may take part in more than one Erasmus+ exchange for each study cycle (bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate) up to a maximum of 12 months (24 months for a single-cycle master’s degree).

Duration, organisation and tuition fees

Physical mobility lasts from 5 to 30 days and can be preceded or followed by virtual activities. 

These activities must lead to the acquisition of at least 3 ECTS credits.

Participation in the BIP must end at least one month before the completion of the university programme.

You can participate in multiple Erasmus+ physical mobility periods for each study cycle, up to a maximum of 12 months (24 months for the single-cycle master's degree).

To participate:

  • consult the list of UniTrento BIPs;
  • check the selection opening and contact the referring professor.

In the case of physical mobility, you can receive financial support for travel and accommodation expenses:

  • 70 euros/day for mobility from 1 to 14 days;
  • 50 euros/day for mobility from 15 to 30 days.

Mobility days also include 2 travel days (e.g., 7 days of mobility = 9 days of funding, totaling 630 euros).

If you belong to "disadvantaged" categories, you can receive an additional grant: 100 euros for mobility up to 14 days and 150 euros for mobility lasting more than 15 days.

The grant will be paid at the end of the mobility. Additionally, if you use sustainable transport, you may receive additional days of grant and supplementary contributions. You can find all the information on the Green Travel page.

Timeline of your exchange

Download the document below and follow the step-by-step instructions. 

This document is temporarily available in Italian.