
RIT – Raise your international talent in Trento, is a programme that aims to welcome students from all over the world to the University of Trento.

As an applicant, you can take the admission test online in your home country to access an undergraduate degree programme.

The admissions test for the academic year 2025/26 will be held online on 22 and 23 October 2024 in the following schools participating in the RIT programme:

  • Scuola Italiana Vittorio Montiglio, Santiago, Chile;
  • Scuola Italiana Montale, Sao Paulo, Brazil;
  • Scuola Italiana Dante, Sao Paulo, Brazil;
  • Scuola Italiana Alcide De Gasperi, La Serena, Chile;
  • Scuola Italiana di Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

To participate in the project and enrol in the degree you are interested in you are required to pass the admission test and to demonstrate your knowledge of Italian.

Programmes of study

The RIT project gives access to the following courses of the University of Trento.

  • Laurea in Viticoltura ed Enologia
  • Laurea in Scienze e Tecniche Biomolecolari
  • Laurea in Fisica
  • Laurea in Matematica
  • Laurea in Informatica
  • Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica, delle Comunicazioni ed Elettronica
  • Laurea in Ingegneria Industriale
  • Laurea in Ingegneria Civile
  • Laurea in Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio
  • Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Giurisprudenza
  • Laurea in Sociologia
  • Laurea in Studi Internazionali
  • Laurea in Economia e Management
  • Laurea in Gestione Aziendale
  • Laurea in Interfacce e Tecnologie della Comunicazione
  • Laurea in Scienze e Tecniche di Psicologia Cognitiva
  • Laurea in Lingue Moderne
  • Laurea in Filosofia
  • Laurea in Studi Storici e Filologico Letterari
  • Laurea in Beni Culturali

Admission to UniTrento is through an online admission test, the TOLC test.

TOLC tests are offered at national level and are delivered by Consorzio Interuniversitario Sistemi Integrati per l 'Accesso (CISIA), of which the University of Trento is a partner, on an IT platform in TOLC@Casa mode.

Candidates will be able to take up to two TOLC tests to try to access two different courses.

Information on the various types of TOLC tests is available on the CISIA website.

How to apply

To participate in the selection process, fill out the online application form and then click the option "RIT project - Raise your international talent in Trento 2025/2026 - Iscrizione alla prova di ammissione".

Knowledge of Italian

One of the requirements to participate in the programme is to demonstrate knowledge of Italian.

Applicants have the opportunity to take the Italian test delivered by CISIA on 8 October 2024.

Information on the Italian test can be found on the CISIA website.

Exemption from tuition fees and scholarships

Applicants are eligible for exemption from tuition fees and a scholarship based on the admission test score:

  • the student with the highest score and above 90/100 will receive a scholarship for the first year of the course;
  • students with scores above 90/100 will be exempt from paying tuition fees for the first year of the course;
  • students that score below 60/100 will not be admitted.
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