
The ANVUR Notice «Research Quality Assessment 2020-2024 (VQR 2020-2024)» was set out by Presidential Decree n. 8 of 31 October 2023, following Ministerial Decree no. 998 of 1 August 2023 «Guidelines for the evaluation of research quality (VQR) 2020-2024».

For Universities

Assessment object and time frame: research outputs, knowledge valorisation, competitive international projects, in the five-year period 2020-2024.

The assessment includes 18 “assessment areas”: 17 disciplinary areas and 1 interdisciplinary area regarding knowledge valorisation.

The assessment exercise will be carried out by 18 Groups of Evaluation Experts (GEV), appointed by ANVUR’s steering committee. As an outcome of the assessment, the groups draft quality profiles.

The University of Trento has joined the CRUI contract to access the Criterium platform, which has been designed to support universities and research institutions in self-assessment and performance measurement activities in research, in order to enable a reasoned selection of research products.

VQR 2020-2024 deadlines:

  1. Check of Departments and Centres, under law 240/2010, to be evaluated and active on November 1st 2024:  November 22, 2024;
  2. Validation of researchers on duty or affiliated on November 1st, 2024: December 20, 2024;
  3. Submission of research outputs, research projects and case studies: February 28, 2025;
  4. Publication of ANVUR report: May 29, 2026;
  5. Publication of the lists of assessed products and case studies: June 30, 2026.
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