
In order to strengthen ongoing partnerships and to encourage both incoming and outgoing student mobility, teaching staff who are also double degree coordinators have the opportunity to undertake an institutional visit to a partner university with which there is an active double degree agreement.

Candidates and destinations

Teaching staff with a coordinating role for the double degree agreements, who visit Universities with which there is an active double degree agreement. 

Length of stay

At the discretion of the teaching staff member (for stays of longer than 30 days you will need to have the approval of the council of your department).


Funding is available to cover expenses of up to 1,500 euro per person/mission, independently of the destination and the length of stay, in accordance with mission rules.


Manifestations of interest should be sent to the International Relations Division at [email protected] at least two months before the visit.
The application should include the authorisation of the director of your department or centre and a detailed project showing how it will:

  • strengthen and broaden current partnerships, for example by working in extended teams which include the offices and administrative staff of both universities in order to analyse and overcome difficulties which arise during student mobility;
  • increase the number of both incoming and outgoing exchanges, for example by updating the study plan in order to integrate the paths better, the promotion of the programme among students and teaching staff, and similar initiatives.
Admission to the programme

Requests for exchanges will be accepted on a first come, first served basis up to a maximum of 20 exchanges annually.

This initiative is not compatible with other periods of leave for study or research authorised by your department or centre.

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