
UniTrento also encourages student mobility outside the European Union through agreements with non-European institutions.

This type of long-term mobility programme allows students enrolled in bachelor’s and master’s degrees at UniTrento to spend a semester at a non-European university with which it has an agreement. At partner universities, students can attend university courses and take the course exams.

UniTrento guarantees the recognition of qualifications certified by the host university which have been agreed in advance in the Learning Agreement through the Transcript of Records (ToR).

How to participate

Access to the Bilateral Agreement programme is through a selection procedure. To participate, read the relevant call and check that you meet the requirements.

Consult the Bilateral Agreement call to participate in the programme for the following academic year.

The call indicates:

  • the qualifications required to participate: specific academic requirements (for example your weighted grade average, your year of enrolment) and the level of the foreign language required by the partner university you wish to apply to;
  • the criteria considered for selection purposes: your study plan, curriculum and evaluation of your academic and personal motivations. Each criterion is given a score which is then used to calculate your position in a ranked list of eligible candidates. 
Where can you go?

Destination options may vary from year to year: the list of available destinations is attached to the annual call. 


If you pass the selection procedure for the long-term Erasmus+ programme, you will continue to pay your tuition fees to UniTrento: you will not need to pay anything to the partner university during the exchange period.

You are entitled to receive a scholarship of between 250 to 350 euro a month depending on your destination. In addition, you may receive a supplementary sum of a further 250 euro a month if you qualify as a ‘student with fewer opportunities’ based principally on your income.

You will receive 70% of the scholarship at the beginning of the exchange period and the rest when you return.

We invite you to use sustainable means of transport to reach the partner university to limit the impact of your exchange on the environment: you may be eligible for additional funds for your journey and a lump sum contribution. All the information is available on the Green Travel page.

You will have to pay back your scholarship if you do not take part in the exchange, if you curtail your stay during the first two months or if you fail to earn sufficient ECTS (academic credits) at the partner university.