Students, PhD students, resident physicians, research grants holders, interns, scholarship holders and similar staff, in teaching, research and other types of laboratories and, in general, when they are included in the risk assessment documents (DVR), are subject to the same health and safety requirements as the University's academic, technical and administrative staff and language expert staff (article 8 of the University Safety Regulations, which transposes the provisions of Ministerial Decree 369/98).
In particular, the following are subject to mandatory safety training:
- undergraduate and graduate students, PhD students, and students coming to UniTrento with international mobility programmes (Erasmus+, Bilateral Agreements, Double Degree, and more) who have access to laboratories with exposure to specific risks, including computer labs;
- students who work for the University on a temporary basis ("studenti 150 ore") or as peer tutors (students employed by Opera Universitaria are not included).
UniTrento has prepared a three training courses based on different needs:
- general safety training;
- specific safety training - Low Risk;
- specific safety training - Medium Risk.
Target audience: this course is essential to carry out work, even temporary, at University facilities.
Mode: online self-study course.
Duration: 4 hours.
Languages: available in Italian and English.
Final assessment: those who pass the final test obtain a certificate and an Open Digital Badge (ODB) that does not expire.
This is a "training credit" that you can use should you be employed by an employer that has this training requirement.
Registration: visit Accesso ai corsi online using your University credentials and choose the course you want to take:
- click the "Corsi online ai quali partecipi" option;
- if the course is not in the list, click "Corsi online ai quali può partecipare".
Target audience: the course is mandatory for all UniTrento students who, in their study plan, have classes in computer laboratories, and for those who will work as part-time collaborators ("150 hours" contracts).
Mode: online self-study course.
Duration: 4 hours.
Languages: available in Italian and English.
Final assessment: those who pass the final test are allowed to participate in the laboratory activities included in their study plan, and obtain a certificate and an Open Digital Badge that is valid for 5 years.
Access requirements: to take the final test, you must have passed the General safety training course.
Registration: visit Accesso ai corsi online using your University credentials and choose the course you want to take:
- click the "Corsi online ai quali partecipi" option;
- if the course is not in the list, click "Corsi online ai quali può partecipare".
Target audience: the course is mandatory for all UniTrento students who, in their study plan, have classes in laboratories where a physical, chemical or biological risk assessment is in place.
Mode: live on Zoom, with classes of max 35 participants.
Duration: 8 hours with at least 90% attendance required.
Languages: available in Italian and English.
Final assessment: those who pass the final test are allowed to participate in the laboratory activities included in their study plan, and obtain a certificate and an Open Digital Badge that is valid for 5 years.
Access requirements: to take the final test, you must have passed the General safety training course, or have provided an equivalent certificate.
- visit Accesso ai corsi online using your University credentials and choose the course you want to take:
- click the "Corsi online ai quali partecipi" option;
- if the course is not in the list, click "Corsi online ai quali può partecipare".
- choose an available date for the course in the calendar; study materials are provided within the online course.
Recognition of certificates for medium risk training
If you already have a safety training certificate (medium-risk) that you obtained from previous education or work outside the University of Trento, you can have it recognised:
- log in with your UniTrento credentials to the Moodle "Consegna certificati Sicurezza - Formazione Specifica - Rischio medio" ;
- upload your certificate in the "Upload" section of the relevant course.
The University of Trento will verify the validity of your certificate and the date of validity for the specific training.
Once the certificate is approved, you are exempt from the mandatory course (Specific Training - Medium Risk) and allowed to carry out laboratory or part-time collaboration activities.
Recognition of the certificate does not allow you to obtain an Open Digital Badge.
UniTrento does not accept certificates for general and low-risk safety training: you must take the courses provided by UniTrento.
The Safety Training section of the UniTrentoApp lists the training courses you have successfully completed and any safety training certificates that have been recognised by UniTrento.
If you can't see this section, update the UniTrentoApp and try to log out and login again.