The University of Trento has a long tradition of cooperation with universities worldwide, having established numerous collaboration agreements and initiated international programmes. These efforts enable students, PhD candidates, staff, and faculty to engage in international mobility experiences and exchange best practices.
Mozambique Integrated Urban Development by Actions and Relationships: Empowering Local Governance (MUDAR). Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities- 2021
Funding provided by: EuropeAid
Period: 2022 -2025
Coordinator: Autonomous Province of Trento
Partners: University of Trento and Universidade Zambeze (Co-Applicants), Conselho Municipal da Beira, Instituto de Formação em Administração Pública e Autárquica da Beira
MUDAR is a decentralised cooperation project aiming at promoting an integrated urban development and an empowered local governance in order to improve the living conditions of the population of Beira, Mozambique. MUDAR will foster the delivery of efficient services for citizens in a greener, more resilient Beira, thanks to improved capacities of the Conselho Municipal da Beira to apply urban governance methods and principles (outcome 1), adequate urban planning in most unserved neighbourhoods such as Macuti (outcome 2), and support to the digital transition of the Municipality, which will foster job creation (outcome 3).
Department involved: Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
PRIN 2017
Inventing the Global Environment: Science, Politics, Advocacy and the Environment-Development Nexus in the Cold War and Beyond
Funding provided by: MUR
Period: 2020 -2023
Coordinator: University of Trento
Partners: University of Genova, University of Napoli Federico II, University of Trieste
The project aims to analyze the role of scientists in the development of environmental policies starting from the growing tension between the desire to protect the environment and the need to promote national economic growth. This tension is known as the environment-development nexus.The project investigates how scientists and the so-called “hard sciences” have historically influenced decision making on development projects with a high level of environmental impact in the southern hemisphere. The Trento research unit focuses particularly on the environmental consequences of dam construction in Africa and also analyzes the perception that local communities and NGOs have of scientists involved in development projects and the relationship between local governments and international and local scientific communities.
Department involved: School of International Studies
Saving Water, Growing Crops
Remote-controlled irrigation system to address water scarcity and promote preservation of available freshwater resources (EuropeAid - Demonstration Projects on Efficient Use of Water)
Funding provided by: Europe Aid
Period: 2020-2023
Partners: Istituto Oikos ONG, Al Shouf Cedar Society (ACS), Fondazione Edmund Mach, (FEM), Blue Tentacles (BT), Association for Community and Environment (ACE), Nadir ONG
The project is implemented in Lebanon and addresses the negative consequences of climate change related to the use of water in agriculture through the introduction of a precision drip irrigation system and the rehabilitation of rain water collection systems. The target area is the Shouf Biosphere Reserve. The University of Trento is responsible for the scientific component related to the introduction of an innovative irrigation solution in the Reserve. The project is coordinated by the Oikos Institute in Milan and was presented during the EuropeAid cooperation and development call for proposals.
Departments involved: Center for Agriculture, Food, Environment; Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Sustainable development and the fight against climate change in Alto Huallaga – Peru
Funding provided by: Autonomous Province of Trento
Period: 2020 - 2023
Coordinator: Mandacarù ONLUS
The project is carried out in the Alto Huallaga Valley of Peru, where several international cooperation projects have been implemented since 2014 which focus on the development of sustainable agriculture and the promotion of biodiversity to offer an alternative solution to the illegal trafficking of coca. Mandacarù ONLUS in particular has facilitated the formation and continued development of a network of baby banana producers. The role of UniTrento is to analyze the critical environmental factors that influence local agricultural production: the environmental and atmospheric conditions responsible for the generation of extreme weather events characterized by high intensity winds that cause damage to crops, as well as the morphological dynamics of the Huallaga River which modifies the landscape of cultivated areas through erosion. The results of the study will be used to implement adaptation strategies (warning systems, migration of crops between the floodplain and river islands) for greater socio-economic and environmental sustainability of agricultural production and local development.
Department involved: Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Partnership for Knowledge - PfK
Funding provided by: AICS – Agenzia Italiana Cooperazione e Sviluppo del MAECI
Period: 2019-2022
Coordinator: Politecnico di Milano
Partners: Politecnico di Torino, University of Trento, University of Bologna, University of Padova, University of Napoli and University of Milan
Partnership for Knowledge-PfK is an advanced training initiative of Italian Cooperation, aiming to provide growth and training opportunities to researchers, public officials, social entrepreneurs, and young international leaders. The programme supports improving academic skills, capacity building, expanding networks, and making a difference in their respective contexts. PfK offers various scholarships for Master’s and Doctoral programmes in diverse knowledge fields, grouped into four thematic platforms:
- Rural development and Spatial management
- Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene - W.A.S.H.
- Sustainable energy
- Environment and Industrial innovation; Cultural heritage and Sustainable tourism
LimpaMOS MOzambique: Program to strengthen the Urban Solid Waste Management in the cities of Beira and Nampula
Funding provided by: AICS
Period: 2020 -2023
Coordinator: MLAL
Partners: CAM - Consorzio Associazioni con il Mozambico (TN), CTT-FEM - Centro Trasferimento Tecnologico della Fondazione Edmund Mach, Fondazione Edmund Mach (TN) MLAL Trentino - Movimento Laici America Latina Trentino (TN)
The project aims to strengthen public institutions—both in terms of material and human resources—to enhance the quality and coverage of services provided to citizens. The University of Trento supports CAM (Consortium of Associations Mozambique) alongside the Department of Urban Management and the Planning, Monitoring, and Oversight Office of Beira Municipality in a comprehensive approach to sector activities (regulation, organizational development, collection, transportation, and disposal of solid waste; solid waste recovery; financial sustainability). The project is funded by AICS under its grant programme for initiatives proposed by civil society organizations and non-profit entities.
Department involved: Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Funding provided by: AICS Tirana
Period: Settembre 2020 – Settembre 2022
Coordinators: VIS, CELIM, CESVI CESVI in partnership with NAPA (Albanian National Agency for Protected Areas) and other local institutions
Partners: Tirana Polytechnic University, University of Genova
NaturAlbania is a two-year project whose general goal is to contribute to the sustainable development of Albania's natural heritage by strengthening local institutions' capacity to manage natural protected areas. The country's rapid socio-economic transition in recent decades has led to increased exploitation of natural resources with limited monitoring of environmental impacts, including deforestation, illegal waste dumping, and heavy regulation of watercourses. The project aims to enhance environmental management in collaboration with local authorities, promoting sustainable tourism and local supply chain development in protected natural areas and ecological corridors. The University of Trento contributes through five main activities:
- Management and conservation of the Vjosa river corridor, one of Europe’s last major natural rivers
- Support for forest management analysis
- Assessment of ecosystem services in target protected areas and the development of a national pilot mapping plan
- Support for the definition of coastal management plans in the Porto Palermo area
- Study of the coastal morphodynamics of the Vjosa-Narta protected area to support the development of a management plan
Departments involved: Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering; Center for Agriculture, Food, Environment
MAECI - Call for the Allocation of Grants for Youth Exchange Projects
Big Data Processing and Analysis (BigPro)
Duration: 2018-2019
Coordinator: University of Trento
Partners: German University in Cairo e Ain Shams University (Egypt); Université de Carthage e Université de Sfax (Tunisia); Agence Spatiale Algérienne; Université des Sciences; Technologies Houari Boumediene e Université de Batna (Algeria); Université Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech; Université Chouaib Doukkali d’El Jadida (Maroc).
Breve descrizione: This project involved the mobility of 12 PhD candidates from North African countries. It focused on ICT, offering opportunities for research training and the development of new technologies in big data processing and analysis for applications such as environmental and biomedical monitoring.
Departments involved: Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science; Doctoral School in Computer Science and Telecommunications
Moins de déchets plus d’opportunité: l’économie vert au service de MPME e Ouagadougou (EuropeAid - SwitchAfricaGreen)
Less Waste, More Opportunities: The Green Economy Serving MSMEs and Ouagadougou (EuropeAid - SwitchAfricaGreen)
Funding provided by: European Commission, EuropeAid
Period: 2018-2021
Coordinator: Fondazione ACRA
Partners: Università degli Studi di Trento, Città di Torino, Comune di Milano, Fédération nationale des Industries de l’Agroalimentaire et de transformation du Burkina Faso (FIAB), Mairie de Ouagadougou.
This is an international cooperation project aimed at supporting Burkina Faso in promoting sustainable development by encouraging the transition towards an inclusive green economy capable of generating growth, employment, and poverty reduction.
Department involved: Department of Civil, Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering
Introducing Recent Electrical Engineering Developments into Undergraduate Curriculum - IREEDER
Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building for Higher Education
Period: 2019-2022
Coordinator: Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Giordania)
Partners: Mutah University, Tafila Technical University, Philadelphia University, Alisra for Education and Investment in Jordan, Instituto De Telecomunicacoes (Portugal), UCLAN Cyprus (Cyprus), Universidad De Vigo (Spain), University of Patras (Greece).
The project, in which UniTrento is a partner, is funded under the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building for Higher Education programme, which aims to support the modernisation, accessibility, and internationalisation of higher education in Partner Countries.
The main objective of the IREEDER project is to support Jordanian universities partnering in the project in improving the quality of their teaching by developing new undergraduate courses aligned with the requirements of the Bologna Process. These courses focus on recent technologies in electrical engineering, including the Internet of Things, cybersecurity, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and their various applications.
Involved Department: Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science