
The regulation regarding start-ups at the University of Trento (issued with D.R.n899 of 2nd December 2020) identifies three types of entrepreneurial initiatives:

  • start-up: any entrepreneurial initiative aimed at the development, production and commercialisation of innovative goods and services derived from the results of university research to which the proposer has contributed and in which the university can participate as a partner;
  • research start-up: any entrepreneurial initiative aimed at the pre-competitive development of innovative products and services derived from the results of university research to which the proposer has contributed and in which the university can participate as a partner;
  • student start-up: any entrepreneurial initiative that arises while students are following a degree or PhD course and whose business strategy is based on innovative goods and services designed and developed using knowledge and skills acquired in the university environment.

Documentation relative to the proposal can be found on the dedicated Service Desk page, where it is possible to request the necessary forms. 

The accreditation procedure for start-ups, research start-ups and student start-ups can be broken down into implementation phases:

1. Technology disclosure

In this phrase, initial contact between the people proposing the start-up and the Research, Development and Impact Division (VIR) takes place, the entrepreneurial idea and technologies involved are explained to the members of the division in order to verify the type of results obtained from university research that would be transferred to the entrepreneurial project, the method of transfer and the identification of possible forms of development. This phase concludes with the completion and signing by the proposers of the “Technology disclosure for start-up proposal” form.

At the conclusion of this phrase, the VIR Division is available to assist with the negotiation of any possible ‘patent/s and/or know-how licencing agreement’ and, if necessary, instructs the proposers to request the support of the Trentino Innovation Hub (HIT) for the drafting of a business plan.


  • VIR division
  • Proposers:
    • for start-ups: the proposal may come from the university, i.e. from one or more members of the teaching staff, or from one or more members of the technical-administrative staff (see article 4 (1)(f) of the start-up regulation);
    • for research start-ups: the proposal may come from the university, i.e. from one or more members of the teaching staff; one or more members of the technical-administrative staff; holders of research grants; graduates of specialist and masters degrees who completed their qualification less than one year ago; doctoral and PhD students who completed their qualification less than one year ago; other collaborators who in the last three years on the basis of a contract with the university have carried out research activity for at least two years connected to the subject of the start-up. A proposal from any of these subjects, excluding teaching and technical and administrative staff, must be accompanied by a declaration of support from at least one member of the university teaching staff (see article 4 (1)(g) of the start-up regulation);
    • for student start-ups: the proposal may come from the university, i.e. from one or more students of a degree course or research doctorate programme of the university (see article 4 (1)(h) of the start-up regulation).

Documentation required: 

  • Technology disclosure for start-up proposal.
2. Department or Interdepartmental Research Centre Council

In this phrase, the principal actor is the Council of the department or interdepartmental research centre which the proposers belong to or work with. The deliberation of each Council regards:

  1. recognition of the absence of competition or conflicts of interest with the activities of the department or centre and identification of eventual synergies with the business activity proposed;
  2. compatibility of the yearly time commitment envisaged by the proposers for the start-up or research start-up with their regular research and teaching activities;
  3. if requested, preliminary agreement by the department or centre to provide services and resources.


  • Proposing partners
  • Department or Interdepartmental Research Centre Council

Documentation required 

  • data of the proposers and individual curriculums;
  • data regarding the company;
  • business plan;
  • proposal of convention for use of university spaces and/or equipment (if relevant).

The proposing partners present the project at a meeting with the Department or Interdepartmental Research Centre Council. The phase concludes with the opinion of the Department or Interdepartmental Research Centre Council.

3. Start-up Commission

In this phase, the leading role is played by the Start-up Commission - a body dedicated to evaluating proposals for accreditation of start-ups, research start-ups and student start-ups.

In particular, the Commission expresses its opinion regarding the request for accreditation of the start-up, research start-up or student start-up; verifies the absence of conflicts of interest between the institutional role of the university and the business activity, considering also the opinion of the department or centre council; expresses its opinion regarding the revocation of start-up, research start-up or student start-up status; sets up and implements, with the support of the VIR Division, initiatives for monitoring the progress of accredited start-ups.


  • Start-up Commission
  • VIR Division
  • proposing partners

The proposing partners present the business project at a meeting with the Start-up Commission. This phase concludes with the opinion of the Start-up Commission.

Documentation required: 

  • Technology disclosure for start-up proposal;
  • Application (“Introductory letter”) - the start-up, research start-up or student start-up accreditation proposal signed by the proposing partners - plus relevant attachments:
    • data regarding the proposers and their individual curriculums;
    • data regarding the company;
    • business plan;
    • proposal of convention for use of university spaces and/or equipment;
  • extract of the minutes of the Department or Interdepartmental Research Centre Council;
  • draft statute and parasocial agreements (only for start-ups, research start-ups or student start-ups in which the university is a partner);
  • draft of the licensing contract to use the university logo (if relevant);
  • Division report from the VIR Division.

The proposing partners present the business project, with the support of slides and documentation at a meeting with the Start-up Commission during which the accreditation proposal will be examined. This phase concludes with the opinion of the Start-up Commission.

4. Academic Senate

The Academic Senate, as established by the University Statute, is the scientific and didactic governing body of the university. Among its tasks is that of expressing an opinion on the proposal for accreditation of start-ups on which the Start-up Commission has deliberated favorably.


  • Academic Senate
  • VIR Division

This phase concludes with the opinion of the Academic Senate.

5. The Governing Board

The Governing Board is the university's general planning and steering body. In this phase, the VIR Division sends to the Governing Board the Division report summarizing the entire process to date and the opinions collected. It has the task of deliberating on the start-up accreditation proposal at the conclusion of the process described above. The start-up accreditation takes effect from the day of the resolution of the Governing Board if the company has already been incorporated, or from the day of its incorporation if this occurs subsequently.


  • Governing Board
  • VIR Division

This phase concludes with the deliberation of the Governing Board.

6. Company incorporation (only for companies with a university partnership)

In instances of incorporation of start-ups, research start-ups or student start-ups partnered with the university, the VIR Division supports the process of formation of the company, which is formalised with the payment by the university of its share of the company capital and the appointment of the councillor to the board on the instructions of the rector.

7. Insertion in the register of start-ups accredited by UniTrento

The procedure continues with the insertion of the new company in the list of Start-ups at UniTrento published on the official website of the university.


  • VIR Division
8. Monitoring

On behalf of the Start-up Commission, the VIR Division carries out annual monitoring of the activities of accredited start-ups by requesting the completion of a form for statistical purposes and to update the indexes relating to the transfer of knowledge and industrial partnerships of the university.


  • VIR Division
  • Accredited start-ups. 
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