As a students of the University of Trento you will have to upload a photo of yourself in the Esse3 system for identification purposes.
This is a necessary step to register for exams and use, for example, the Student eCard, the digital card of UniTrento students. The photo will then be validated by UniTrento staff.
The photo, in compliance ICAO standards, must:
- be recent, taken not more than one month before;
- taken in front of a white or clear and uniform background;
- frame the face and shoulders in the foreground, with your face taking up to 70-80% of the photo and you looking at the camera. The face must be well-lit, with no hair across the face, no thick-framed glasses, scarves or shadows (do not wear a hat that obscures the face);
- must be in sharp focus and clear;
- be of high quality.
Do not submit a photo of a photo. The image should be a .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .png or .pjpeg file and no more than 60 MB.
Uploading a non-compliant photo or one that makes identification impossible, and making false statements is punishable under articles 482-495 of the Italian Criminal Code, and entails consequences and the loss of any benefits obtained (articles 75 and 76 of Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28/12/2000).
Using of a photo that portrays another person is considered identity theft under article 494 of the Italian Penal Code.
The University will take the measures it deems necessary.
The Esse3 system will prompt you to upload your picture (to Esse3 - Menu - Home - Foto) during the admission or enrolment process or other procedures.
This depends on the programme you are enrolling in and on other aspects, as there are different application, enrolment, tuition fee payment procedures.
After you have uploaded your photo to Esse3, the staff of the University verifies and validates it: this normally occurs when they process your registration, between July until the registration closes.
When your photo is validated, it is visible in:
- the UniTrentoApp in your profile, and the Student eCard menu item is activated;
- Esse3, in your profile at the top right of the menu;
- MyUnitn, in the "Student photos" widget.
If your photo cannot be validated because it does not meet the requirements it will be rejected, and you will receive an email notifying you to upload a new one.
Once the photo has been validated by UniTrento staff, you can no longer edit it.
Without a validated photo, you cannot register to take exams: make sure to submit a photo that can be validated.
Contact the Student Support or the PhD and higher education office to solve any issues.
Your picture will be visible in Esse3, UniTrento App and MyUnitn, as well as in other online systems and services of UniTrento(for example in Moodle's online courses), in compliance with the conditions for access to University services and the provisions on the processing of student data.