
The Integrated Research Forum (TIR) is an initiative started in 2022 by the Vice-Rector for Research, and supported by the Directorate for Research Services and Valorisation of the university.

It provides a monthly opportunity to share, discuss and report on developments with the Vice-Rector, the Directorate and the bodies of the university (departments and centres) regarding the principle strategies and initiatives related to research and the third mission.

The forum is coordinated by the Research Support Division and, in addition to the Vice-Rector for Research and the manager of the Directorate for Research Services and Development, it includes management staff and the research delegates of each university body.

The forum is held on the first Tuesday of each month, either in person or online (at least three in-person meetings a year).

Topics discussed at the TIR meetings include: the publication of calls which are of particular importance for the university; sharing of data related to the performance of the university in competitive research calls, previews of research support services; in-depth analyses on transversal aspects of research (ethics and integrity, third mission etc).

The forum is coordinated by the Research Support Division and, in addition to the Vice-Rector for Research and the manager of the Directorate for Research Services and Development, it includes the management staff and the research delegates of each university body:

  • Chiara Bassetti, research delegate of the Department of Sociology and Social Research
  • Matteo Benedetti, research delegate of the Department of Industrial Engineering
  • Roberto Bottini, research delegate of the Interdepartmental Center for Mind/Brain Science - CIMEC
  • Roberto Brusa, research delegate of the Department of Physics
  • Bruno Crispo, research delegate of the Department of Information Engineering and Science
  • Andrea Di Nicola, research delegate of the Faculty of Law
  • Elena Franchi, research delegate of the Department of Humanities
  • Alberto Inga, research delegate of the Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrated Biology - CIBIO
  • Graziano Lolli, research delegate of the Interdepartmental Center for Medical Sciences - CISMED
  • Andrea Massa, research delegate of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
  • Emanuele Massetti, research delegate of the School of International Studies - SSI
  • Lorenzo Mazzieri, research delegate of the Department of Mathematics
  • Sandro Montresor, research delegate of the Department of Economics and Management
  • Maria Paola Paladino, research delegate of the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
  • Michele Perazzolli, research delegate of the Agriculture Food Environment Center-C3A
  • Ottavio Piccin, research delegate of the Interdepartmental Center for Medical Sciences - CISMED
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