
You can get to know our University in places and ways you wouldn’t expect. At a concert of the Choir and Orchestra, for example, or through our podcasts and a series of video interviews with those who live the university every day, dedicating themselves to teaching and research. Or maybe through the many organizations of which we are part, to build a network of relationships that extends beyond the university. But you can also find us at large, popular events, that have been taking place for years.


unitrento in large events

logo Festival Economia Trento, Silhouette scoiattolo
lettering Teatro della Meraviglia, Festival di Teatro e Scienza
Teatro della meraviglia
bandiera con logo festivalmeteo e cupola del Mart sullo sfondo
Festival meteorologia
logo il Festival dello sport Trento 2024

the voices of our people

#UniTrentStories illustrazione con gruppo di thought balloon
UniTrento: stories of research

#unitrentostories: We met with some researchers of our Departments and Centres to tell about their day-to-day work, the questions they are trying to answer, their relationship with the production of knowledge (this content is only available in Italian)

Riflessi di Scienza tratto grafico con microfono onde sonore e thought balloon stilizzati
Riflessi di scienza

Hey... hey you! Did you know that researchers often chose their career for very personal reasons? Riflessi di Scienza is the podcast that explores these reasons. Every two weeks, we dive into science with a special guest to explore a world, the world of science, which is often seen as distant and cold (this content is only available in Italian).

ciclo openmike
Open Mike

Scientists as you have never seen them before (this content is only available in Italian).
