These legal notes illustrate, in accordance with the Guidelines for websites of 2011 issued by the Ministry for Public Administration and Simplification, the general characteristics of the contents of the University of Trento website, the methods for their correct use, related responsibilities, and rules regarding the use of downloadable materials.
The trademark, logo and contents of this site are protected under the laws on copyright, protection of intellectual works, cultural heritage and industrial property.
The software products and information content, unless otherwise specified, may only be downloaded or used for personal or non-commercial use. The source must always be cited.
The documents and related images may be used, copied and distributed for commercial use exclusively with written permission from the University of Trento, unless the content is published under a Creative Commons licence.
Copyright notices, authors and sources must always be cited in the publications, in whatever form they are created or distributed.
The site respects the intellectual property of others. For this reason, appropriate tools are used to ensure that the reproduction of any information or image is done with the full permission of the owner of the intellectual property. Images published, unless otherwise specified, come from the following archives: UniTrento archive,
The University of Trento website provides general information on the university's activities and the services it offers. In order to provide information that is as up-to-date and correct as possible, visitors to the website can report any inaccuracies or malfunctions by sending an email to [email protected].
The University assumes no responsibility for the content, information and data on the site, and does not guarantee their accuracy, up-to-dateness and completeness.
The University of Trento undertakes to reduce malfunctions attributable to any technical problems to a minimum; however, some data and/or information on the site may have been inserted or structured in formats or archives that are not error free. The university, therefore, does not guarantee that the service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems. The University of Trento cannot be held responsible in any way for harm of any nature caused directly or indirectly by accessing the site, by the use of the related services or by the use of the interactive tools.
The University of Trento does not guarantee that the site is error or virus free. The University of Trento is not responsible for harm caused to the user due to any such destructive elements.
So called ‘deep linking’, i.e. the non-transparent use of parts of the site on third-party sites, is forbidden.
The University of Trento reserves the right to inhibit, prohibit or suspend, at any time and without notice, access to this site and its related services.
The existence of a hyperlink to another site does not imply the approval, either in part or indirectly, of the University of Trento regarding the content or use of the external site. The external site is completely independent of the university site, and the university has no control over it, its content, or the quality of completeness of the information published therein.
The University of Trento cannot be held responsible in any way, either directly or indirectly, for the content and services of the programmes presented in the external sites linked to the site of the university.
The University of Trento cannot be held responsible in any way, directly or indirectly, for the contents, services and programmes present on external sites linked to the university site.
All responsibility for the contents and use of external sites falls directly on the relative owners and/or managers.
Regarding the presence of the University of Trento on social media and social networks, please refer to the relevant conditions of use of the service that users are required to know and verify.
The objects, programmes and products (documentation, software, images, etc.) available for download from the site are protected under current legislation on copyright, intellectual property, industrial property and cultural heritage. These may only be downloaded for personal use or non-commercial purposes after checking the conditions of use established by the owner.
The University of Trento urges users to always verify the rights and conditions of use of the programmes and products available via download.
For this reason, the University of Trento considers itself explicitly exempt from any liability in this regard.
For the processing of personal data, please refer to the specific Privacy web page.