
If you want to spend an exchange period at UniTrento, start by checking the map to find out if your university is among our partners and contact your International Mobility Office to see if you are eligible. In order to participate, you must be selected and nominated by your home university, by the deadlines below, before starting the pre-arrival procedure (link alla sezione con le procedure).


  • 15 May, for the fall or winter semester and full year exchanges;
  • 15 October, for the spring or summer semester exchanges.

You will receive the link to the nomination tool from your International Office.

If you are looking for a chance to visit UniTrento, please find below all the exchange opportunities.

If you have already been nominated, visit the “Selected exchange students”. 


Erasmus+ Europa

Nominated exchange students

If you have already been selected to spend some time at UniTrento visit the dedicated page and follow the intructions.  

Titolo contatti